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the target on a close basis。'
  'Good Lord;' said Mather; while Stuhr muttered under his breath; 'Verflucht!'
  'That's impossible;' Snaith quickly asserted。
  'Please understand that the condition only applies to internal security;' said Quinn…Reece anxiously。 'Whatever outside arrangements you care to make are entirely up to you。 You see; we're dealing with a matter of utmost secrecy here…the nature of our man's role within the Corporation…and the less people who know of it the better as far as Magma is concerned。'
  'I can assure you of absolute confidentiality;' Snaith insisted。
  'I've no doubts on that score。 But this person is one of the prime reasons for the Corporation's success throughout the world。 Our secret weapon if you like。 We have no wish for that secret nor even the fact that we have a secret…to be exposed beyond key executives within the organisation itself。 If you are to take on this job; your man must be governed by that same secrecy。'
  'You mean even we in this room are to be excluded from this knowledge?' a surprised Stuhr asked。
  'That is the case。'
  'It's highly irregular;' huffed the German。
  Quinn…Reece was no longer ill at ease。 He actually enjoyed laying down this last condition; because it reminded him of his position and how strong was his Corporation: imposing Magma terms was part of normal business negotiations and home…ground to him。 He began to feel less intimidated by these three Shield people; more bullish。 Besides; he was a shrewd judge of atmosphere and knew they were already hooked。 Perhaps the talk of secrecy' was close to their own clandestine hearts。 And obviously; the financial inducement was irresistible; for Achilles' Shield fees would be in direct ratio to the premium paid。
  'Irregular。' he admitted; 'but as far as the Chairman and myself are concerned; fundamental。' A silence followed in which the Controller; Planner; and Organiser considered the implications of such a condition。
  'For what period of time is the insurance cover?' Mather finally enquired。
  'No more than a few weeks at the most;' Buchanan promptly answered。
  'Reason?' asked Snaith。
  Buchanan turned to Quinn…Reece; who replied: 'Our man feels there will be no risk after that。'
  'He's somewhat remarkable;' said Snaith。
  'Yes; that's quite true。 Are you interested in the assignment; gentlemen?' Quinn…Reece searched each face。
  'You'd be making our task very difficult;' Snaith told him。 'But yes; it sounds like an interesting job。 Finding the right operative might be tricky; though…our people are used to working as a team。'
  'Oh no;' said Mather mildly。 'I don't think there's any problem at all in that respect; Gerald。 I think we have exactly the right chap; don't you?' Snaith stared blankly at his Planner for a moment。 Then understanding dawned in his eyes。 He opened his mouth; but before he could speak; the other man nodded his head。
  'Yes;' Mather said。 'Yes; I think he'd be ideal。' A shade reluctantly; Snaith had to agree。
   3 MAGMA
  Halloran stopped for a moment to gaze up at the twenty…four storey building。 Impressive; he thought; and impressive it was; rearing up between staid; grey City blocks like a massive glass and bronze sculpture; tinted windows impenetrably black; its metal structure reflecting the morning sun so that multi…faceted surfaces glowed a deep gold。 Exterior elevators slid up and down the smooth walls; pale faces staring out from the capsules; watching the human patterns moving below。 All corners …and there were many …were gracefully curved; the outermost buttresses adding a fort…like strength to the architecture; an image abetted by the different levels of the main building; some recessed; others outcropping。
  Magma's headquarters was not a place to be easily stormed; Halloran mused。 Yet for all its stunning grandeur; emphasised by the mostly uninspiring drabness of London's financial sector; there was something 。 。 。 something brooding about this edifice。 Its surfaces dazzled a metallic lustre which seemed almost overpowering; too forceful for the surroundings。
  He stood there a while longer; studying the Magma building; oblivious to the office workers scurrying around him; before crossing the road and going inside; to leave the crisp coldness of the early…spring air for the sterile coolness of the air…conditioned foyer。
  Mather was already waiting for him; seated in the middle of a row of beige lounge chairs and facing a huge circular reception desk。 Men in light…blue; epauletted shirts roamed inside the circle; banks of television monitors behind them; monochrome offices and corridors displayed on the screens。 Other screens were imbedded in square pillars around the vast concourse; these providing a variety of information for anyone passing through: foreign exchange rates; the general market report; pany news; active shares; leading shares; traded options; USM; new issues index and even BBC news headlines。
  The area bustled with life。 Escalators carried visitors and staff up to and down from the floor above; while lifts around the glass walls took passengers to the heights。 Digital payphones were mounted on low tables set before the rows of lounge chairs; therefor the convenience of waiting businessmen。 Lush palms and plants together with kinetic sculptures constructed from the same material as the outside walls; strove to de…formalise the concourse; succeeding only in part。 Long glass display cases contained examples of rock strata; while others held samples of ore and minerals; crystals; even semi…precious stones; all exhibits of the earth's contribution towards the Magma empire。
  Halloran noticed several informal meetings taking place around the floor; discussions conducted sotto voce; the undertones adding to the plex's general buzz。 Who'd need an office with a set…up like this? he wondered。 Maybe the roving security guards who were very much in evidence were also there to discourage non…pany personnel from such practices。
  A marble…cladded wall; the large rectangular slabs needing no other decoration than their own subtle…hued textures; brought the wide reception area to an end; several doors and a central lift system (obviously provided for those whose vertigo somewhat reduced the joy of viewing the City panorama while rising above it) spaced themselves along the wall。
  Mather had spotted him and was rising from his seat; one hand pushing against his cane for support。 Halloran went forward to meet him。
  'Rather splendid; isn't it?' said Mather as they drew near。
  'Even better than Changi airport;' Halloran replied〃 shaking the Planner's hand。
  'Good to see you; Liam。 Sorry about the Irish operation。' Halloran nodded; said nothing。
  'Let's check in and get our instructions;' suggested Mather; turning away and limping towards the circular reception desk。 Halloran followed; still taking in the scene around him。
  A receptionist watched their approach and; when they reached him; said with no curiosity at all: 'Can I help you?'
  'Mather and Halloran to see Sir Victor Penlock。 Ten o'clock appointment。' If the uniformed receptionist was impressed that th
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