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e said。 And then; as if to himself; he repeated; 'Yeah; there's the mystery。' Once more Halloran was checking through the house; prowling the corridors; ensuring that no outside door or window had been left unlocked。 Even in daytime he wanted Neath shut tight。 It was when he was passing along the first…floor hallway overlooking the inner courtyard that he paused。 A door was opening on the other side of the decayed fountain。
  He waited by the window and watched; curious; as Khayed came through。 The Arab was carrying a round metal container with handles on either side and by the way Khayed's body leaned backwards the burden had some weight。 He scuttled across the yard; calling out to someone behind。 Youssef Daoud appeared at the same doorway and he; too; dressed in the robes of his country as was his panion; carried a similar metal container。 Both men were laughing and apparently joking as they went through another door leading to the front of the house。
  On impulse; Halloran hurried downstairs and went out into the courtyard。 He quickly crossed over and went through the door the two Arabs had emerged from。 He was in the short passageway he had entered the night before; at one end the stairway; at the other the sturdy closed door。 He walked to the latter and tested the handle。 It was still locked。 Or; if the two men had brought the containers from there; locked again。
  Halloran stooped to examine the lock and immediately felt cold dank air from the keyhole on his cheek。 He touched the stone floor at the door's base and the chill draught was even more noticeable。 It had to lead to a cellar of some kind; perhaps where Kline kept his best wines。
  Noises outside。 The Arabs returning。 Halloran straightened; taking one last look at the lock as he did so。 Old and strong; large keyhole needing a long key。 Shouldn't prove too difficult to open。 But he wondered at his own curiosity。 And why not ask Kline or Cora what was down there? He also wondered why the was reluctant to do just that。
  The voices outside were louder; approaching。
  He quickly went down the short length of the passage and stepped through the open doorway。 The two Arabs stopped when they saw him。 The one called Khayed was the quickest to regain his posure; his friend's look of hostility dissolving a fraction later。
  Khayed gave a small bow and regarded Halloran questioningly。 'Assayed?'
  'I found it open;' Halloran said; indicating the doorway behind。
  'Ah;' said Khayed; then spoke to his panion in their own language。 'Sadi koona hashoor。' Daoud smiled at Halloran; who offered no more explanation than he'd already given。
  A smell of spices drifted towards him from the two men。 They waited there and he guessed they'd stay all day without saying another word until he went on his way。 It was in his mind to ask them again what was beyond the locked door; but he doubted he'd receive a reply。 He noticed Khayed held a long key by his side。
  Halloran waved them through; but they remained where they were; politely indicating that he should pass them。 'Min fadlak; assayed;' said Khayed。
  With a shrug; he cut back across the yard; this time making for the corridor leading to the main hall and the front of the house。
  Coolness and gloom after the brightness of the yard struck him as soon as he entered and his footsteps were hollow on the stone flooring。 He frowned when he saw that the doubledoors of the entrance were open wide and guessed that Khayed and Daoud were the culprits。 He went to the door and passed through into the porch area。
  Outside he saw that the Rover's tail was up; and inside were the two metal containers。 He walked over to examine them more closely; tapping them both at first; the sound heavy; indicating they were full。 The tops were tightly sealed。
  He was prising at one with his fingertips when he heard the crunch of gravel behind him。 Now there was no quick disguising of the alarm in Khayed's expression。 He was alone; obviously having followed Halloran out while his panion went nn about his business。
  'Kala; assayed;' the Arab said; recovering welt enough to smile。
  Halloran raised his eyebrows。 He indicated the containers。 'What's in them?' he asked。
  'Nothing to concern the good sir;' came the reply。
  'I'd like to take a look。'
  'Oh no; sir; there is nothing of interest for you in them。 It is food; you see。'
  'I said it is food inside the bins。' His panion appeared on the porch and he was holding vet another container。 He halted to look at both men; then hurried over to the back of the car; politely edging past Halloran to place his load inside with the other two。 He straightened and grinned at Halloran; his eyes full of amusement。
  'For the dogs。' he said。 〃Akel Ilkaleb They will cat well tonight。' …His snigger became laughter。 Khayed joined in that laughter。
  Dusk was aided by a clouded sky; the fine day having changed its mind mid…afternoon; being overcast and broody; yet shedding no rain; as if sulking without tantrum; leaving the air warm and muggy。 Halloran took off his jacket as he strolled away from Neath's front gate; no longer having to worry about exposing his waist…holster now he was away from the public road。
  He had just pleted briefing the two sets of Shield operatives; keeping them no more than ten minutes so that the roads around the estate would not be left unpatrolled for longer than was necessary (he realised even double the number of observer cars would still be inadequate; because it would be easy enough for intruders to enter the grounds during surveillance 'gaps'; nevertheless; even two cars could usually spot potential trouble parked vehicles; loiterers; anything out of place or suspicious and two were better than one; one better than none)。 Halloran wasn't happy with the situation; but knew that only a small army would really be adequate in the circumstances and at least the operatives were now discreetly armed; he could only hope that Kline's faith in his guard dogs was justified。
  It had been an odd day (no reason it shouldn't have been; Halloran told himself; considering the whole affair was odd); beginning with his hallucination on the lake that morning。 But that had amounted to no more than Kline flexing his psychic muscles; showing Halloran his psyche's strength; a mild 'frightener' to let him know he was dealing with a man who had a genuine ability; one that could be used in any direction Kline chose。 Fine。 The experience had been unnerving; but at least had given his client some satisfaction; and that in turn might make him more amenable to following Halloran's strictures on security。
  Kline's outburst at breakfast had left the operative unperturbed: he already knew the man was an ego…maniac; as well as being somewhat eccentric; so it wasn't surprising that he was concerned solely for his own safety。 How Cora tolerated her employer's boorishness Halloran couldn't understand at all。 The question had been in his mind most of the day: why was she so dependent on Kline?
  Halloran had wanted to talk with her alone; but she had avoided his pany; disappearing to her room immediat
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