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  And still those myriad eyes stared; never closing; never wavering。
  'I need pany;' she said simply。 'I get 。 。 。 frightened when I'm alone in this house。' Halloran had opened the door wider and she'd hurried by him; glancing back over her shoulder as if someone had been stalking her along the corridor。 He looked out to make sure there really was no one there。
  He turned and she was putting the bottle and glasses she'd brought with her on the bedside cabinet。
  'I remembered you liked Scotch;' Cora told him; and there was no confidence in her voice。
  He shook his head。 'I'm on watch again in 。 。 。' he checked his wristwatch '。 。 。 a couple of hours。 You go ahead if you want。' She did。 Cora poured herself a stiff measure; turning slightly away from him to avoid his eyes; and he wasn't sure if she felt guilty at ing to him in the middle of the night or because she needed a drink。 He closed the door。
  Cora wore a white bathrobe against the night chill。 'You must think me silly。 Or 。 。 。' She let the sentence trail away。
  Halloran walked towards her; lifting the big automatic from its holster and laying it beside the bottle and empty glass。 'We all have fears;' he had said。
  Halloran began to move into her; taking care; even though she dug her fingers into his naked back; urging him on。 Her teeth nipped his neck; his shoulder; as she squirmed beneath him; thrusting herself upwards。 Cora still wore the bathrobe and he pushed it open so that he could caress her breasts。 She moaned and there was a desperation to the sound。 He lifted himself so that he could see her flesh; could kiss her breasts。 He bent to a raised nipple and softly drew on it with his lips; moistening the tip with his tongue。 She caught her breath; then let it escape in an unsteady sigh。 He pulled the robe from her and tossed it over a chair; then turned back to her weling naked body。
  He let his fingertips trail away; touching her side; her hip; his hand moving inwards so that it was between them; his palm smoothing her stomach; fingers reaching down into her hair。 Her thighs rose around him and he was inside her; pushing inwards; meeting only slight resistance。 Cora's hands were low on his back and they pulled him tight so that he lost control of the movement。 He was drawn into her sharply; causing her to give a little cry of pain。
  Every part of her seemed stretched; her muscles stiffened as if she had been pierced rather than entered。 Halloran's demand now matched hers as he felt the familiar floating sensation; the incredible tensing of his own muscles; the swift rise towards the breaking of that tension。 He gasped air and the low moan came from him this time。
  But it changed。 Her clutching altered in intensity; became fraught rather than encouraging; her cries became those of frustration rather than passion。 Halloran slowed his rhythm; aware that he was losing her。
  Cora's legs straightened and her motion subsided; then became still。 She turned her face away from him。 Perplexed; Halloran raised himself and looked down on her。 A tear gathered in the corner of her eye; welling there and finally spilling。
  'Please; Liam。 Help me。' He frowned。
  Her eyes closed。 'In my robe;' she said so softly he scarcely heard。
  When Halloran left the bed and found the thin coils of leather inside the bathrobe's pockets; he began to understand 。 。
  They had watched the man with the strange scar that looked like the continuation of a smile leave the building and the observer in the passenger seat of the car nodded his head in affirmation。 The man who had earlier ambled down that same street carrying a rolled…up newspaper leaned forward from the back; resting an arm on the top of the driver's seat; his face keen with interest。
  The balding figure had turned in the other direction to where their vehicle was parked and they allowed him to get some distance away before the backseat passenger reached for the doorhandle。
  The man in front stopped him with a motion of his hand。 Their quarry was unlocking a car parked by the roadside。
  The driver switched on the ignition and waited for the other car to pull out。 When it did so; they followed。
  They came for him before dawn; easily and quietly forcing the lock on the door to his basement apartment without causing damage。 He awoke only when they were at his bedside; his cry of 'Wer ist da?' quickly stifled by his own bedclothes。 Several blows were dealt to his head; the first two stunning him (the second breaking his nose in the process) but the third; delivered with impatient strength; rendered him unconscious。 The fourth blow was just for the satisfaction。
  His limp body was removed from the bed and dressed; wallet placed in an inside pocket; watch strapped to his wrist。 The bloodied sheet was then stripped from the bed and folded into a neat square。 It would be taken with them。 The bed was remade and; first checking that everything was in order; they carried Stuhr into the hallway; then up the short concrete stairway to the street where a car was waiting。 The last man carefully closed the front door behind him。 There was no wife; no lover; no one at all to witness the German's abduction。
  Morning had brought with it a low…lying mist; the night's dampness evaporating as the earth slowly warmed again。 Trees in the distance appeared suspended in the air; low bushes nearby were like spectral animals crouching in the whiteness; waiting for prey。
  Halloran scanned the slopes above the mist as he walked through the neglected gardens; looking for any sign of movement on them; studying one spot for a while; going back to it seconds later to see if anything had altered。 He also kept an eye out for the dogs that apparently roamed the estate; even though Cora had told him they never came near the house itself… he had little faith in that particular notion; wondering just how they could be trained to keep away。 He thought of her as he walked; confused by the ambivalence of his feelings towards her。 The bondage and the harshness of their lovemaking had helped satisfy Cora; but his own pleasure had been limited。 True; his arousal had been enhanced to begin with; but the satisfaction afterwards had not been so plete。 Prudish guilt; Halloran? Was the Catholicism of his youth still intrinsic to his attitudes? With all he had been through; all he had done; he doubted it。 Maybe he'd been mildly disappointed in her; and yet her inclination; her weakness had made Cora more vulnerable to him。 After; when she had risen from the bed to find her robe; he had noticed marks across her back and buttocks。 He made no ment; aware that they could only be faded whipmarks。 But he couldn't help wondering what else there was to discover about her。
  lie rounded the corner of the house and saw the mist shrouding the lake; slowly rolling across its surface; shifted by a mild breeze。 His feet crunched gravel as he approached the dew stippled Mercedes。 Halloran dropped fiat to inspect the underneath of the car; searching with a pen…torch for any object that could have been attached d
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