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with its multi…coloured; lumpy quilt; looked fortable enough; bedposts at each corner rose inches above the head… and foot…boards; the wood itself of dark oak。
  He had unpacked his suitcase before exploring the rest of the building; and placed the black case he'd also brought with him on a shelf inside the wardrobe。
  His inspection had taken him to every section of the house save where the locked doors had hindered him…even out onto the various turrets from where he had surveyed the surrounding slopes with considerable unease。 The frontage; with its lawns and placid lake; provided the only point of clear view; the rear and side aspects were defence uncertainties。 And worse: there was no alarm system installed at Neath。 It was difficult to understand why a man who was evidently in fear for his own safety hadn't had his home wired against intrusion; particularly when his penthouse in the Magma building was a place of high; albeit flawed; security。 Well at least conditions here could soon be rectified。 Halloran had wandered on through the house; examining window and door locks; eventually being satisfied that entry would prove difficult for the uninvited。
  Another surprise was that Neath had been built around a central courtyard with a disused fountain; its stone lichen…coated and decaying; the focal point。
  Halloran walked along the first…floor corridor overlooking the courtyard and made his way downstairs; quickly finding a door that led outside。 The house was quiet and he realised he hadn't seen Cora nor any of the others for over an hour。 He stepped out into the courtyard; the flagstones; protected on all sides from any cooling breeze; shimmered with stored warmth。 Brown water stains streaked the lifeless fountain; fungus crusting much of the deteriorated stonework; the structure appeared fossilised; as if it were the aged and deposed remains of something that had once breathed; something that had once moved in slow and tortuous fashion; had perhaps grown from the soil beneath the flagstones。 He walked out into the middle of the courtyard; circling the centre…piece; but his interest no longer on it。 Instead he peered around at the upper windows。
  He had felt eyes watching him an instinctive sensing he had e to rely on as much as seeing or hearing。 From which window? No way of telling; for now they were all empty; as if the watcher had stepped back from view。
  Halloran lowered his gaze。 There were one or two doors at ground level other than the one he had just used。 No risk these; though; for there was no direct entry into the courtyard from outside the house。
  He crossed to the other side of the enclosure and tried a door there。 It opened into a kitchen area; a large; tiled room he had e upon earlier。 Closing the door again; he moved on to the next; looking into windows as he passed。 The house might well have been empty for all the activity he saw in there。 The second door opened into another corridor…Neatly he'd discovered; was a labyrinth of such…which was closed at one end by yet another door。
  This was a passageway he hadn't discovered on his exploration of the interior and; curious; he stepped inside。 To his left was a staircase leading upwards; yet he could not recall finding it when he had circuited the first floor。 Probably a staircase to one of the rooms he'd been unable to enter。 He decided to investigate that possibility after he'd tried the door at the other end。
  He walked down the passage; noting that the door looked somewhat more formidable than any others inside the house。 The lock was of sturdy black iron and there was no key inserted。 He reached for the handle。
  And turned quickly; when he heard a creak on the stairway behind。
  One of Kline's Arabs was smiling at him。 But just before the smile; Halloran had glimpsed something else in the robed man's expression。
  There had been anger there。 And apprehension。
  He walked along the pavement blank…faced; his eyes meeting no others; a plainly dressed man; suit as inconspicuous as his features。 His hair was thin on top; several long loose strands tapering behind indicating the slipstream of his passage。 One hand was tucked into his trouser pocket; while the other held a rolled newspaper。
  Occasionally he would glance into a doorway as he went by; no more than a fleeting look as though having care not to bump into anyone on their way out。 Not once did he have to slow his already leisurely pace though; his journey along the street unimpeded。 On he strolled; perhaps a clerk returning home after the day's work and; judging by his appearance; someone who lived in one of the older houses that hadn't yet succumbed to developers' mania for wharfside properties。
  After he had passed one particular doorway he casually tucked the newspaper under his left arm; his pace even; still unhurried。
  He walked on and some way behind him two men in a parked car looked briefly at each other; one of them giving a sharp nod。 The driver started the engine and gently steered the vehicle away from the kerbside。 It came to rest again after only a hundred yards or so further down the street。
  The two men settled back to watch and wait。
  Dinner was obviously of little interest to Kline later that evening。 To Halloran he seemed drained; listless; his sallow skin tight over his cheekbones; hollowed beneath them。 His dark eyes had lost much of their lustre; and his usual banter was less sharp; as though his thoughts were elsewhere。 His youthfulness had unaccountably vanished; or so it appeared to Halloran; the man before him looking at least ten years older than the one he had first been introduced to at Magma。
  Maybe the incident earlier in the day had taken more out of Kline than Halloran had realised。 He'd witnessed delayed reaction many times in the past; had even suffered it himself…the abrupt recognition of what might have been; the leadening of spirit; the swift evaporation of energy followed inevitably by a further apathy。 True; his client was unpredictable; but Halloran was surprised at the abrupt change。
  Only three had sat for dinner; Cora; Kline and himself; the two Jordanians serving; Monk off somewhere keeping watch or; more probably; reading his ic…books。 Kline load barely touched his food; which was solid English fare and not the exotic dishes Halloran had half…expected the Arabs to prepare (Khayed and Daoud ran the kitchen as well as the rest of the estate for their employer; with Monk and the Polish bodyguard; Palusinski; sharing the task of maintenance; both inside and outside Neath itself; with apparently no outsiders at all allowed within the boundaries)。
  Opposite him at the long and rough oak table that could easily have seated two dozen; Cora tried dutifully to engage both Halloran and Kline in conversation。 But more than once she averted her eyes when Halloran spoke directly to her。 He found her demeanour perplexing; yet so were many other aspects of this operation。
  'You still haven't explained why there's no alarm system inside the house;' he said to Kline; putting thoughts of Cora aside for the moment。 'It's 
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