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e…doesn't gamble。 That's about it。'
  'What?' said Snaith incredulously。 'There must be more。' Stuhr reached for a file lying beneath Cora Redmile's。 He opened it and indicated the single sheet of paper inside。 'I told you there wasn't much to read。'
  'It must give his birth date; where he was educated; his employment before Magma。 Isn't there anything about his social activities? It's essential that we at least have some idea of what those are。'
  'He doesn't appear to have any if this document is anything to go by。'
  'Charles?' Snaith appealed。
  Mather waved a hand。 'That's the situation I'm afraid。 Even in conversation the chairman gave nothing away。 Naturally I probed; but got nowhere。 As I said; they seem to know little about the man themselves; and I think that's of Kline's choosing; perhaps part of his own terms of employment was his plete privacy on all personal matters。 If he'd already demonstrated how good his abilities were; I don't suppose the board objected too much。'
  'All right。 I'm not happy; but let's accept the situation for what of is。' Then Snaith asked hopefully; 'I suppose his salary isn't in there somewhere?' Stuhr grinned and shook his head。 'Not even a hint。'
  'We could find out from other sources; but let's not waste our tome。 In fact; there's a lot more information we could uncover if we tool the trouble; but we'll take the assignment at face value。 Our contract will be signed later today…we're moving fast on this one… Loam; you'll be Kline's constant panion as of eight o'clock tomorrow morning。 Dieter; I want a report from you on terrorist and kidnap activities during the last year。 Obviously anything relevant to Magma or its subsidiary panies is what we're after。' Stuhr made a note。 After the meeting he would spend some tome at the data processing machine; using a special access code to link up with another pany which specialised in maintaining and updating the activities and whereabouts of known worldwide terrorist groups on puter。
  'I'll do some checks on Magma's rivals; also;' the German said; 'see if there are any areas where petition has bee over…fierce。'
  'Good。 We're looking for enemies; business or otherwise。 But if Kline is as neurotic as Liam says; this whole affair could well be a waste of time and effort。 The man might be suffering from a severe case of paranoia。' The Controller managed a grim smile。 'Still; that's his and Magma's problem Achilles' Shield gets paid either way。 What do you have for us; Charles?' Mather stopped rubbing at his knee。 'It's all fairly straightforward。 For the time being we'll allocate four operatives to work with Liam; our inside man。 Two to a team; working six…hour shifts around the clock。 We'll also keep a back…up here on alert。 Any preference as to whom you want; Liam?' Halloran shook his head。
  'Very well。 As requested by Magma; our teams will keep at a distance。 They'll maintain a constant patrol around the Surrey estate's boundaries…as usual; we'll inform the local police to save them from getting into a tizz。'
  'Will our people be armed?' enquired Stuhr。
  There was a pause。 Snaith preferred his operatives to be 'lotted' against 'severe hostility'; but it was illegal for private bodyguards to carry weapons in England (a law which was constantly abused; particularly by foreign visitors to the country)。 The Controller came to a decision。 'Liam will take with him to the estate whatever hardware he feels is necessary。 I'm reluctant to sanction anything that will harm our special relationship with the police and Home Office; so our patrols will be unarmed for the time being。 However; should there be any definite moves against our client; then the situation will be reconsidered。 Although we'll have to rely on Liam and Kline's own bodyguards to take care of internal surveillance; we'll need a detailed report on the security system of this place 。 。 。' Stuhr made another note。
  ' 。 。 and the Magma building itself。 The latter worries me considerably。 Too many people in and out all day。 However; we can plant an extra couple of our men in the lobbies of the ground and twelfth floors; naturally Magma's own security people will have to know they're there。 We'll have a surveillance team outside at night; front and back; when Kline's in residence。'
  'The building worries me; too;' said Halloran; and all eyes turned towards him。 'It's a glass and metal fortress; but it's vulnerable。'
  'Then let's hope nobody tries to get at the target before we're operational;' mented Mather。 'Now that would be amusing。' Snaith didn't find that prospect amusing at all。 Not one bit。
  Ah good; at last he is approaching the boy。
  The boy is nervous but he speaks with bravado。 He is pale; the boy; and looks unwashed; no doubt the rumpled plastic bag he carries contains all his worldly goods。 He is perhaps sixteen; perhaps seventeen。 The English believe that is too young to be without family; without a home; would that they knew of the orphans who freely roam the streets and marketplaces of Damascus; boys who wander alone; others who prowl in packs; stealing; begging; and joining lost causes because they will supply them with guns。 Pah! The self…important British knew nothing of such things。
  The boy is smiling。 An unsure; nervous smile。 He is lost in this huge railway station with its throngs of blank…eyed strangers。 He would be even more lost in the city itself should he step outside。 Now he assumes he has found a friend。 If only he realised。 Hah; yes; if only the boy understood。
  Ajel; be quick; Youssef; do not linger on this plain of shuffling travellers and vagrants。 Policemen patrol; they search for runaways such as this one。
  Now he is hesitant。 The boy is uncertain。 Perhaps it is the dark skin he does not trust。 The English nurture such intolerances; instil them in their young。
  Talk smoothly; Youssef; my friend。 He looks around; the movement casual; nothing mare than a glance at arrival and departure times; a constantly changing pattern high on the station wall: but Youssef really looks to see if he and the boy are being observed。 You are not; my friend; I; Asil; have already looked for you。 I am the only one who is interested。 Besides; a man talking to a shab is familiar cares Life is too personal to these surroundings。 Nobody really He places a reassuring hand on the runaway's shoulder and the boy does not flinch away。 Perhaps money is mentioned。 Ah; I see the boy nods。 He has all the boldness and the stupidity of the unworldly。
  My friend turns away and the boy follows。 They walk side by side。 Not close; not like lovers; but like associates in sin。 I see it in your eyes; Youssef; the gleam that shines from your dark soul; even though outwardly you are calm。 And the boy swaggers; but this is a self…conscious posturing; an arrogant affectation。
  I must quickly go to the car。 I must be ready in the darkness of the backseat。 The boy will hardly feel the needle's sting; he will only sense my presence when it is too late。
  Then; for him; sleep。 A long; deep sleep。
  And when he wakes…our pleasure and the master's sustenance。
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