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 from the crying; which was like no crying Henry had ever heard before; why would you want to be so mean?
    'Let me fix that; man;' Beaver says。
    'Fit wha?' the kid asks; so ically perplexed that Henry; Jonesy; and Pete all burst out laughing again。 Henry knows you're not supposed to laugh at retards; but he can't help it。 The kid just has a naturally funny face; like a cartoon character。
    Beaver only smiles。 'Your sneaker; man。'
    'Fit neek?'
    'Yeah; you can't put it on that way; fuckin imposseeblo; se?or。' Beaver takes the sneaker from him and the kid watches with close interest as the Beav slips his foot into it; draws the laces firmly against the tongue; and then ties the ends in a bow。 When he's done; the kid looks at the bow for a moment longer; then at Beaver。 Then he puts his arms around Beaver's neck and plants a big loud smack on Beaver's cheek。
    'If you guys tell anybody he did that…' Beaver begins; but he's smiling; clearly pleased。    
    'Yeah; yeah; you'll never chum with us again; ya fuckin wank;' Jonesy says; grinning。 He has held onto the lunchbox and now squats in front of the kid; holding it out。 'This yours; guy?'
    The kid grins with the delight of someone encountering an old friend and snatches it。 'Ooby…Ooby…Doo; where…are…oo?' he sings。 'We gah…sum urk oo…do…now!'
    'That's right;' Jonesy agrees。 'Got some work to do now。 Gotta get you the fuck home is what we got to do。 Douglas Cavell; that's your name; right?'
    The boy is holding his lunchbox to his chest in both of his dirty hands。 Now he gives it a loud smack; just like the one he put on Beaver's check。 'I Duddits!' he cries。
    'Good;' Henry says。 He takes one of the boy's hands; Jonesy takes the other; and they help him to his feet。 Maple Lane is only three blocks away and they can be there in ten minutes; always assuming that Richie and his friends aren't hanging around and hoping to ambush them。 'Let's get you home; Duddits。 Bet your Mom's worried about you。'
    But first Henry sends Pete to the corner of the building to look up the driveway。 When Pete es back and reports the coast clear; Henry lets them go that far。 Once they are on the sidewalk; where people can see them; they'll be safe。 Until then; he will take no chances。 He sends Pete out a second time; tells him to scout all the way to the street; then whistle if everything is cool。
    'Dey gone;' Duddits says。
    'Maybe;' Henry says; 'but I'll feel better if Pete takes a look。' Duddits stands serenely among them; looking at the pictures on his lunchbox; while Pete goes out to look around。 Henry feels okay about sending him。 He hasn't exaggerated Pete's speed; if Richie and his friends try to jump him; Pete will turn on the jets and leave them in the dust。
    'You like this show; man?' Beaver says; taking the lunchbox。 He speaks quietly。 Henry watches with some interest; curious to see if the retarded boy will cry for his lunchbox。 He doesn't。
    'Ey Ooby…Doos!' the retarded kid says。 His hair is golden; curly。 Henry still can't tell what age he is。
    'I know they're Scooby…Doos;' the Beav says patiently; 'but they never change their clothes。 Pete's right about that。 I mean; fuck me Freddy; right?'
    'Ite!' He holds out his hands for the lunchbox and Beaver gives it back。 The retarded boy hugs it; then smiles at them。 It is a beautiful smile; Henry thinks; smiling himself。 It makes him think of how you are cold when you have been swimming in the ocean for awhile; but when you e out; you wrap a towel around your bony shoulders and goosepimply back and you're warm again。
    Jonesy is also smiling。 'Duddits;' he says; 'which one is the dog?'
    The retarded boy looks at him; still smiling; but puzzled now; too。
    'The dog;' Henry says。 'Which one's the dog?'
    Now the boy looks at Henry; his puzzlement deepening。
    'Which one's Scooby; Duddits?' Beaver asks; and Duddits's face clears。 He points。
    'Ooby! Ooby…Ooby…Doo! Eee a dog!'
    They all burst out laughing; Duddits is laughing too; and then Pete whistles。 They start moving and have gone about a quarter of the way up the driveway when Jonesy says; 'Wait! Wait!'
    He runs to one of the dirty office windows and peers in; cupping his hands to the sides of his face to cut the glare; and Henry suddenly remembers why they came。 Tina Jean What's…Her…Face's pussy。 All that seems about a thousand years ago。
    After about ten seconds; Jonesy calls; 'Henry! Beav! e here! Leave the kid there!'
    Beaver runs to Jonesy's side。 Henry turns to the retarded boy and says; 'Stand right there; Duddits。 Right there with your lunchbox; okay?'
    Duddits looks up at him; green eyes shining; lunchbox held to his chest。 After a moment he nods; and Henry runs to join his friends at the window。 They have to squeeze together; and Beaver grumbles that someone is steppin on his fuckin feet; but they manage。 After a minute or so; puzzled by their failure to show up on the sidewalk; Pete joins them; poking his face in between Henry's and Jonesy's shoulders。 Here are four boys at a dirty office window; three with their hands cupped to the sides of their faces to cut the glare; and a fifth boy standing behind them in the weedy driveway; holding his lunchbox against his narrow chest and looking up at the white sky; where the sun is trying to break through。 Beyond the dirty glass (where they will leave clean crescents to mark the places where their foreheads rested) is an empty room。 Scattered across the dusty floor are a number of deflated white tadpoles that Henry recognizes as jizzbags。 On one wall; the one directly across from the window; is a bulletin board。 Tacked to it is a map of northern New England and a Polaroid photograph of a woman holding her skirt up。 You can't see her pussy; though; just some white panties。 And she's no high…school girl。 She's old。 She must be at least thirty。
    'Holy God;' Pete says at last; giving Jonesy a disgusted look。 'We came all the way down here for that?'
    For a moment Jonesy looks defensive; then grins and jerks his thumb back over his shoulder。 'No;' he says。 'We came for him。'


Henry was pulled from recall by an amazing and totally unexpected realization: he was terrified; had been terrified for some time。 Some new thing had been hovering just below the threshold of his consciousness; held down by the vivid memory of meeting Duddits。 Now it had burst forward with a frightened yell; insisting on recognition。
    He skidded to a stop in the middle of the road; flailing his arms to keep from falling down in the snow again; and then simply stood there panting; eyes wide。 What now? He was only two and a half miles from Hole in the Wall; almost there; so what the Christ now?
    There's a cloud; he thought。 Some kind of cloud; that's what。 I can't tell what it is but I can't tell it … I never felt anything so clearly in my life。 My adult life; anyway。 I have to get off the road。 I have to get away from it。 Get away from the movie。 There's a movie in the cloud。 The kind Jonesy likes。 A scary one。
    'That's stupid;' he muttered; knowing it wasn't。
    He could hear the approaching wasp…whine of an engine。 It was ing from the direction of
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