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There was no barn; no corral; no paddock; and instead Of OUT…OF…STATE LICS the sign in the window showed a photograph of the Quabbin Reservoir over the legend BEST BAIT; WHY WAIT?; but otherwise the little store could have been Gosselin's all over again: same ratty siding; same mud…brown shingles; same crooked chimney dribbling smoke into the rainy sky; same rusty gas…pump out front。 Another sign leaned against the pump; this one reading NO GAS BLAME THE RAGHEADS。
    On that early afternoon in November the store was empty save for the proprietor; a gentleman named Deke McCaskell。 Like most other folks; he had spent the morning glued to the TV。 All the coverage (repetitive stuff; for the most part; and with that part of the North Woods cordoned off; no good pictures of anything but Army; Navy; and Air Force hardware) had led up to the President's speech。 Deke called the President Okeefenokee; on account of the fucked…up way he'd been elected … couldn't anybody down there fucking count? Although he had not exercised his own option to vote since the Gipper (now there had been a President); Deke hated President Okeefenokee; thought he was an oily; untrustworthy motherfucker with big teeth (good…looking wife; though); and he thought the President's eleven o'clock speech had been the usual blah…dee…blah。 Deke didn't believe a word old Okeefenokee said。 In his view; the whole thing was probably a hoax; scare tactics calculated to make the American taxpayer more willing to hike defense spending and thus taxes。 There was nobody out there in space; science had proved it。 The only aliens in America (except for President Okeefenokee himself; that was) were the beaners who swam across the border from Mexico。 But people were scared; sitting home and watching TV。 A few would be in later for beer or bottles of wine; but for now the place was as dead as a cat run over in the highway。
    Deke had turned off the TV half an hour ago … enough was enough; by the Christ … and when the bell over his door jangled at quarter past one; he was studying a magazine from the rack at the back of the store; where a sign proclaimed B 21 OR B GONE。 This particular periodical was titled Lasses in Glasses; a fair title since all the lasses within were wearing spectacles。 Nothing else; but glasses; sí。
    He looked up at the newer; started to say something like 'How ya doin' or 'Roads gettin slippery yet;' and then didn't。 He felt a bolt of unease; followed by a sudden certainty that he was going to be robbed 。 。 。 and if robbery was all; he'd be off lucky。 He never had been robbed; not in the twelve years he'd owned the place … if a fellow wanted to risk prison for a handful of cash; there were places in the area where bigger handfuls could be had。 A guy would have to be 。 。 。
    Deke swallowed。 A guy would have to be crazy; he'd been thinking; and maybe this guy was; maybe he was one of those maniacs who'd just offed his whole family and then decided to ramble around a bit; kill a few more folks before turning one of his guns on himself。
    Deke wasn't paranoid by nature (he was lumpish by nature; his ex…wife would have told you); but that didn't change the fact that he felt suddenly menaced by the afternoon's first customer。 He didn't care very much for the fellows who sometimes turned up and loafed around the store; talking about the patriots or the Red Sox or telling stories about the whoppers they'd caught up to the Reservoir; but he wished for a few of them now。 A whole gang of them; actually。
    The man just stood there inside the door at first; and yeah; there was something wrong with him。 He was wearing an orange hunting coat and deer season hadn't started yet in Massachusetts; but that could have been nothing。 What Deke didn't like were the scratches on the man's face; as if he had spent at least some of the last couple of days going cross…country through the woods; and the haunted; drawn quality of the features themselves。 His mouth was moving; as though he was talking to himself。 Something else; too。 The gray afternoon light slanting in through the dusty front window glinted oddly on his lips and chin。
    That sonofabitch is drooling; Deke thought。 Be goddamned if he ain't。
    The newer's head snapped around in quick little tics while his body remained perfectly still; reminding Deke of the way an owl remains perfectly still on its branch as it looks for prey。 Deke thought briefly of sliding out of his chair and hiding under the counter; but before he could do more than begin to consider the pros and cons of such a move (not a particularly quick thinker; his ex…wife would have told you that; as well); the guy's head did another of those quick flicks and was pointing right at him。
    The rational part of Deke's mind had been harboring the hope (it was not quite an articulated idea) that he was imagining the whole thing; just suffering the whimwhams from all the weird news and weirder rumors; each dutifully reported by the press; ing out of northern Maine。 Maybe this was just a guy who wanted smokes or a six…pack or maybe a bottle of coffee brandy and a stroke…book; something to get him through a long; sleety night in a motel outside of Ware or Belchertown。
    That hope died when the man's eyes met his。
    It wasn't the gaze of a family…murdering maniac off on his own private cruise to nowhere; it almost would have been better if that had been the case。 The newer's eyes; far from empty; were too full。 A million thoughts and ideas seemed to be crossing them; like one of those big…city tickertapes being run at super speed。 They seemed almost to be hopping in their sockets。       
    And they were the hungriest eyes Deke McCaskell had seen in his entire life。
    'We're closed;' Deke said。 The words came out in a croak that didn't sound like his voice at all。 'Me and my partner … he's in the back … we closed for the day。 On account of the goings…on up north。 I … we; I mean … just forgot to flip over the sign。 We…'
    He might have run on for hours … days; even … but the man in the hunting coat interrupted him。 'Bacon;' he said。 'Where is it?'
    Deke knew; suddenly and absolutely; that if he didn't have bacon; this man would kill him。 He might kill him anyway; but without bacon 。 。 。 yes; certainly。 He did have bacon。 Thank God; thank Christ; thank Okeefenokee and all the hopping ragheads; he did have bacon。
    'Cooler in back;' he said in his new; strange voice。 The hand lying on top of his magazine felt as cold as a block of ice。 In his head; he heard whispering voices that didn't seem to be his own。 Red thoughts and black thoughts。 Hungry thoughts。
    An inhuman voice asked; What's a cooler? A tired voice; very human; responded: Go on up the aisle; handsome。 You'll see it。
    Hearing voices; Deke thought。 Aw; Jesus; no。 That's what happens to people just before they flip out。
    The man moved past Deke and up the center aisle。 He walked with a heavy limp。    
    There was a phone by the cash…register。 Deke looked at it; then looked away。 It was within reach; and he had 911 on the speed…dialer; but it might as well have been on the moon。 Even if he was able to summon enough strength to reach for the phone…
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