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    Mr Gray stepped down on the gas; and although he did it gently; as Jonesy's file concerning winter driving suggested; all four of the pickup's wheels spun; and the truck began to jitter sideways; digging itself in。
    Go on! Jonesy cheered from his position at the office window。 Go on; stick it! Stick it right up to the rocker…panels! Because when you're stuck in a four…wheel drive; you're really stuck!
    Then the wheels caught … first the front ones; where the weight of the motor gave the Ram a little more traction … then the back ones。 The Ram trundled across Route 9 and toward the sign marked ENTRANCE。 Beyond it was another: WELE TO THE BEST TRUCK STOP IN NEW ENGLAND。 Then the truck's headlights picked out a third; snowcaked but readable: HELL; WELE TO THE BEST TRUCK STOP ON EARTH。
    Is this the best truck stop on earth? Mr Gray asked。
    Of course; Jonesy said。 And then … he couldn't help it … he burst out laughing。
    Why do you do that? Why do you make that sound?
    Jonesy realized an amazing thing; both touching and terrifying: Mr Gray was smiling with Jonesy's mouth。 Not much; just a little; but it was a smile。 He doesn't really know what laughter is; Jonesy thought。 Of course he hadn't known what anger was; either; but he had proved to be a remarkably fast learner; he could now tantrum with the best of them。
    What you said struck me funny。
    What exactly is funny?
    Jonesy had no idea how to answer the question。 He wanted Mr Gray to experience the entire gamut of human emotions; suspecting that humanizing his usurper might ultimately be his only chance of survival … we have met the enemy and he is us; Pogo had once said。 But how did you explain funny to a collection of spores from another world? And what was funny about Dysart's proclaiming itself the best truck stop on earth?
    Now they were passing yet another sign; one with arrows pointing left and right。 BIGUNS it said beneath the left arrow。 And LITTLEUNS under the right。
    Which are we? Mr Gray asked; stopping at the sign。
    Jonesy could have made him retrieve the information; but what would have been the point? We're a littleun; he said; and Mr Gray turned the Ram to the right。 The tires spun a little and the truck lurched。 Lad raised his head; let fly another long and fragrant fart; then whined。 His lower midsection had swelled and distended; anyone who didn't know better would no doubt have mistaken him for a bitch about to give birth to a good…sized litter。
    There were perhaps two dozen cars and pickups parked in the littleuns' lot; the ones most deeply buried in snow belonging to the help … mechanics (always one or two on duty); waitresses; short…order cooks。 The cleanest vehicle there; Jonesy saw with sharp interest; was a powder…blue State Police car with packed snow around the roof…lights。 Being arrested would certainly put a spike in Mr Gray's plans; on the other hand; Jonesy had already been present at three murder…sites; if you counted the cab of the pickup。 No witnesses at the first two crime scenes; and probably no Gary Jones fingerprints; either; but here? Sure。 Plenty of them。 He could see himself standing in a courtroom somewhere and saying; But Judge; it was the alien inside me who mitted those murders。 It was Mr Gray。 Another joke that Mr Gray wouldn't get。
    That worthy; meanwhile; had been rummaging again。 Dry Farts; he said。 Why do you call this place Dry Farts when the sign says Dysart's?
    It's what Lamar used to call it; Jonesy said; remembering long; hilarious breakfasts here; usually going or ing back from Hole in the Wall。 And this fit night into the tradition; didn't it? My Dad called it that; too。
    Is it funny?
    Moderately; I guess。 It's a pun based on similar sounds。 Puns are what we call the lowest form of humor。
    Mr Gray parked in the rank closest to the lighted island of the restaurant; but all the way down from the State Police cruiser。 Jonesy had no idea if Mr Gray understood the significance of the lightbars on top or not。 He reached for the Ram's headlight knob and pushed it in。 He reached for the ignition; then stopped and issued several hard barks of laughter: 'Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha!'
    How'd that feel? Jonesy asked; more than a little curious。 A little apprehensive; too。
    'Like nothing;' Mr Gray said flatly; and turned off the ignition。 But then; sitting there in the dark with the wind howling around the cab of the truck; he did it again; and with a little more conviction: 'Ha! Ha; ha; ha!' In his office refuge; Jonesy shivered。 It was a creepy sound; like a ghost trying to remember how to be human。
    Lad didn't like it either。 He whined again; looking uneasily at the man behind the steering wheel of his master's truck。


Owen was shaking Henry awake; and Henry responded reluctantly。 He felt as if he had gone to sleep only seconds ago。 His limbs all seemed to have been dipped in cement。
    'I'm here。' Left leg itching。 Mouth itching even worse; the  goddam byrus was growing on his lips now; too。 He rubbed it off with his forefinger; surprised at how easily it broke free。 Like a crust。
    'Listen up。 And look。 Can you look?'
    Henry looked up the road; which was now dim and snow…ghostly … Owen had pulled the Sno…Cat over and turned off the lights。 Farther along; there were mental voices in the dark; the auditory equivalent of a campfire。 Henry went to them。 There were four of them; young men with no seniority in 。 。 。 in 。 。 。
    Blue Group; Owen whispered。 This time we're Blue Group。
    Four young men with no seniority in Blue Group; trying not to be scared 。 。 。 trying to be tough 。 。 。 voices in the dark 。 。 。 a little campfire of voices in the dark 。 。 。
    By its light; Henry discovered he could see dimly: snow; of course; and a few flashing yellow lights illuminating a turnpike entrance ramp。 There was also the lid of a pizza carton seen in the light of an instrument panel。 It had been turned into a tray。 On it were Saltines; several blocks of cheese; and a Swiss Army knife。 The Swiss Army knife belonged to the one named Smitty; and they were all using it to cut the cheese。 The longer Henry looked; the better he saw。 It was like having your eyes adjust to the dark; but it was more than that too: what he saw had a creepy…giddy depth; as if all at once the physical world consisted not of three dimensions but of four or five。 It was easy enough to understand why: he was seeing through four sets of eyes; all at the same time。 They were huddled together in the
    Humvee; Owen said; delighted。 It's a fucking Humvee; Henry! Custom…equipped for snow; too! Bet you anything it is!
    The young men were sitting close together; yes; but still in four different places; looking at the world from four different points of view; and with four different qualities of eyesight; ranging from eagle…eye sharp (Dana from Maybrook; New York) to the merely adequate。 Yet somehow Henry's brain was processing them; just as it turned multiple still images on a reel of film into a moving picture。 This wasn't like a movie; though; nor like some tricky 3…D image。 It was an entirely new way of seeing; the kind that could produce a whole new way of thinkin
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