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       〃I have something else important to tell you;〃 she went on after a moment。 〃I think the Forsaken are planning something。〃 It was not the same as telling them about Birgitte。 She made it seem that she herself had seen Lanfear and the others。 In truth; Moghedien was the only one she could recognize at sight; and maybe Asmodean; though she had only seen him once; and at a distance。 She hoped neither of them thought to ask how she knew who was who; or why she thought Moghedien might be skulking about。 In actuality; the problem did not arise from that at all。
       〃Have you been wandering the World of Dreams?〃 Melaine's eyes were green ice。
       Nynaeve met her level stare for level stare; despite Egwene's rueful head…shaking。 〃I could hardly see Rahvin and the rest without it; now could I?〃
       〃Aes Sedai; you know little; and you try too much。 You should not have been taught the few pieces that you have。 For myself; I sometimes regret that we agreed even to these meetings。 Unschooled women should not be allowed in Tel'aran'rhiod。〃
       〃I have schooled myself in more than you ever taught me。〃 Nynaeve kept her voice cool with an effort。 〃I learned to channel on my own; and I do not see why Tel'aran'rhiod should be any different。〃 It was only stubborn anger that made her say that。 She had taught herself to channel; true; but without knowing what it was that she was doing and only after a fashion。 Before the White Tower; she had Healed sometimes; but unaware; until Moiraine proved it to her。 Her teachers in the Tower had said that was why she needed to be angry in order to channel; she had hidden her ability from herself; afraid of it; and only fury could break through that long…buried fear。
       〃So you are one of those the Aes Sedai call wilders。〃 There was a hint of something in the last word; but whether scorn or pity; Nynaeve did not like it。 The term was seldom plimentary; in; the Tower。 Of course; there were no wilders among the Aiel。 The Wise Ones who could channel found every last girl with the spark born in her; those who would develop the ability to channel sooner or later even if they did not try to learn。 They claimed also to find every girl without the spark who could learn if instructed。 No Aiel girl died trying to learn by herself。 〃You know the dangers of learning the Power without guidance; Aes Sedai。 Do not think the dangers of the dream are less。 They are just as great; perhaps more for those who venture without knowledge。〃
       〃I am careful;〃 Nynaeve said in a tight voice。 She had not e to be lectured by this sun…haired vixen of an Aiel。 〃I know what I am doing; Melaine。〃
       〃You know nothing。 You are as headstrong as this one was when she came to us。〃 The Wise One gave Egwene a smile that actually seemed affectionate。 〃We tamed her excessive exuberance; and now she learns swiftly。 Though she does have many faults; still。〃 Egwene's pleased grin faded; Nynaeve suspected that grin was why Melaine had added the last。 〃If you wish to wander the dream;〃 the Aiel woman went on; 〃e to us。 We will tame your zeal; as well; and teach you。〃
       〃I do not need taming; thank you very much;〃 Nynaeve said with a polite smile。
       〃Aan'allein will die on the day he learns that you are dead。〃
       Ice stabbed into Nynaeve's heart。 Aan'allein was what the Aiel called Lan。 One Man; it meant in the Old Tongue; or Man Alone; or the Man Who Is an Entire People; exact translations from the Old Tongue were often difficult。 The Aiel had a great deal of respect for Lan; the man who would not give up his war with the Shadow; the enemy that had destroyed his nation。 〃You are a dirty fighter;〃 she muttered。
       Melaine quirked an eyebrow。 〃Do we fight? If we do; then know that in battle there is only winning and losing。 Rules against hurting are for games。 I want your promise that you will do nothing in the dream without first asking one of us。 I know Aes Sedai cannot lie; so I would hear you say it。
       Nynaeve gritted her teeth。 The words would be easy to say。 She did not have to hold to them; she was not bound by the Three Oaths。 But it would be admitting that Melaine was right。 She did not believe it; and she would not say it。
       〃She'll not promise; Melaine;〃 Egwene said finally。 〃When she gets that muley look; she wouldn't e out of the house if you showed her the roof on fire。〃
       Nynaeve spared a piece of glare for her。 Muley; indeed! When all she did was refuse to be pushed about like a rag doll。
       After a long moment; Melaine sighed。 〃Very well。 But it would be well to remember; Aes Sedai; that you are but a child in Tel'aran'rhiod。 e; Egwene。 We must go。〃 An amused wince crossed Egwene's face as the two faded away。
       Abruptly Nynaeve realized that her clothes had changed。 Had been changed; the Wise Ones knew enough of Tel'aran'rhiod to alter things about others as well as themselves。 She wore a white blouse and a dark skirt; but unlike those of the women who had just gone; this stopped well short of her knees。 Her shoes and stockings were gone; and her hair was divided into two braids; one over each ear; woven with yellow ribbons。 A rag doll with a carved and painted face sat beside her bare feet。 She could hear her teeth grinding。 This had happened once before; and she had pried out of Egwene that this was how the Aiel dressed little girls。
       In a fury she switched back to the yellow Taraboner silk … this time it adhered even more closely … and kicked the doll。 It sailed away; vanishing in midair。 That Melaine probably had her eye on Lan; the Aiel all seemed to think he was some sort of hero。 The high neck became a tall lace collar; and the deep narrow neckline showed her cleavage。 If that woman so much as smiled at him。。。! If he。。。! Suddenly she became aware of her fast…sinking; rapidly widening neckline and hastily brought it back up; not all the way; but enough that she did not have to blush。 The dress had grown so tight that she could not move; she took care of that; too。
       So she was supposed to ask permission; was she? Go begging the Wise Ones before doing anything? Had she not defeated Moghedien? They had been properly impressed at the time; but they seemed to have forgotten。
       If she could not use Birgitte to find out what was going on in the Tower; perhaps there was a way she could do it herself。

Chapter 15
(Flame of Tar Valon)
What Can Be Learned in Dreams

       Carefully Nynaeve formed an image in her mind of the Amyrlin's study; just as she had envisioned the Heart of the Stone on going to sleep。 Nothing happened; and she frowned。 She should have been taken to the White Tower; to the room she had visualized。 Trying again; she imagined a room there that she had visited much more often; if more unhappily。
       The Heart of the Stone became the study of the Mistress of Novices; a pact; dark…paneled room full of plain; sturdy furnishings that had been used by generations of women who had held that office。 When a novice's transgressions were such that extra hours of scrubbing floors or raking paths would not atone; it was here that she was sent。 For an Accepted to receive that summons took a greater transgression; but stil
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