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e would have enjoyed it another time; and she told him so; adding; 〃But I will help you a little; if you have no money。 Give him something; Nana; to help him on his way to Ghealdan。〃 The last thing she wanted was him 〃spreading her fame;〃 but helping the poor and those in distress was a duty she would not slight when she had the means; even in a foreign land。
       Grumbling; Nynaeve dug a purse out of her belt pouch and dipped into it。 She leaned out of the coach enough to press Luca's hand around what she gave him。 He looked startled as she said; 〃If you took a decent job of work; you would not have to beg。 Drive on; Thom!〃
       Thom's whip cracked; and Elayne was thrown back into her seat。 〃You did not have to be rude;〃 she said。 〃Or so abrupt。 What did you give him?〃
       〃A silver penny;〃 Nynaeve replied calmly; putting the purse back into her pouch。 〃And more than he deserved。〃
       〃Nynaeve;〃 Elayne groaned。 〃The man probably thinks we were making sport of him。〃
       Nynaeve sniffed。 〃With those shoulders; a good day's work would not kill him。〃
       Elayne kept silent; though she did not agree。 Not exactly。 Certainly work would not harm the man; but she did not think there was much available。 Not that I think Master Luca would accept work that didn't allow him to wear that cape。 If she brought it up; though; Nynaeve would probably argue … when she gently pointed out things that Nynaeve did not know; the woman was quite capable of accusing her of having an arrogant manner; or of lecturing … and Valan Luca was hardly worth another altercation so soon after smoothing over the last。
       The shadows were lengthening by the time they reached Sienda; a sizable village of stone and thatch with two inns。 The first; The King's Lancer; had a gaping hole where the front door had been; and a crowd was watching workmen make repairs。 Perhaps Master Luca's 〃boar…horse〃 had not liked the sign; propped up beside the hole now; a charging soldier with lance lowered。 It seemed to have been ripped down somehow。
       Surprisingly; there were even more Whitecloaks in the crowded dirt streets than back in Mardecin; far more; and other soldiers besides; men in mail and conical steel caps whose blue cloaks bore the Star and Thistle of Amadicia。 There must be garrisons nearby。 The King's men and the Whitecloaks did not seem to like each other at all。 They either brushed by as if the man wearing the wrong color did not exist; or else with challenging stares little short of drawn swords。 Some of the white…cloaked men had red shepherd's crooks behind the sunbursts on their cloaks。 The Hand of the Light; those named themselves; the Hand that seeks out truth; but everyone else called them Questioners。 Even the other Whitecloaks kept clear of them。
       All in all; it was enough to make Elayne's stomach clench。 But there was no more than another hour's sunlight left; if that; and that was taking into account the late…summer sunsets。 Even driving half the night again would not guarantee another inn ahead; and driving on this late might call attention。 Besides; they had reason to halt early today。
       She exchanged looks with Nynaeve; and after a moment the other woman nodded and said; 〃We have to stop。〃
       When the coach drew up in front of The Light of Truth; Juilin hopped down to open the door; and Nynaeve waited with a deferential look on her face for him to hand Elayne down。 She did flash Elayne a smile; though; she would not slide back into sulks。 The leather scrip she slung from her shoulder appeared a bit incongruous; but not too much so; Elayne hoped。 Now that Nynaeve had acquired a stock of herbs and ointments again; she did not mean to let them out of her sight。
       From her first sight of the inn's sign … a flaring golden sun like that the Children wore on their cloaks … she wished the 〃boar…horse〃 had taken exception to this place instead of the other。 At least there was no shepherd's crook behind it。 Half the men filling the mon room wore snowy white cloaks; their helmets set on the tables in front of them。 She took a deep breath and a firm hold on herself not to spin on her heel and leave。
       Aside from the soldiers; it was a pleasant inn; with high…beamed ceilings and dark polished paneling。 Cut green branches decorated the cold hearths of two large fireplaces; and good cooking smells wafted from the kitchens。 The white…aproned serving maids all seemed cheerful as they scurried among the tables with trays of wine and ale and food。
       The arrival of a lady created little stir; this close to the capital。 Or perhaps it was because of that lord's manor。 A few men looked at her; more eyed her 〃maid〃 with interest; though Nynaeve's stern frown; when she realized they were staring at her; quickly turned them back to their wine。 Nynaeve seemed to think a man looking was a crime; even if he said nothing and did not leer。 Given that; sometimes Elayne wondered why she did not wear less being clothes。 She had had to work very hard to make sure that simple gray dress fit the other woman properly。 Nynaeve was hopeless with a needle when it came to fine work。
       The innkeeper; Mistress Jharen; was a plump woman with long gray curls; a warm smile; and searching dark eyes。 Elayne suspected she could spot a worn hem or a flat purse at ten paces。 They obviously passed muster; for she made a deep curtsy; spreading her gray skirts wide; and made effusive wele; inquiring whether the Lady was on her way to or from Amador。
       〃From;〃 Elayne replied with a languid hauteur。 〃The city's balls were most enjoyable; and King Ailron is quite as handsome as they say; which is not always so for kings; but I must return to my estates。 I require a room for myself and Nana; and something for my footman and driver。〃 Thinking of Nynaeve and the trundle; she added; 〃I must have two full beds。 I need Nana close; and if she has only a trundle; she will keep me awake with her snoring。〃 Nynaeve's respectful face slipped … just a fraction; thankfully … but it was quite true。 She had snored terribly。
       〃Of course; my Lady;〃 the plump innkeeper said。 〃I have just the thing。 But your men will have to bed down in the stable; in the hayloft。 I am quite crowded; as you can see。 A troupe of vagabonds brought some horrible great animals into the village yesterday and one of them quite destroyed The King's Lancer。 Poor Sim has lost half his custom or more; and they've all e here。〃 Mistress Jharen's smile was more satisfaction than miseration。 〃I do have one room left; however。〃
       〃I am sure it will do very well。 If you will send up a light repast and some wash water; I think I shall retire early。〃 There was still sunlight showing in the windows; but she put a hand delicately over her mouth as if stifling a yawn。
       〃Of course; my Lady。 As you wish。 This way。〃
       Mistress Jharen seemed to think she had to keep Elayne entertained as she showed them to the second floor。 She went on the whole way about the crowding at the inn and how it was a miracle that she had a room left; about the vagrants with their animals and how they had been chased out of town and good riddance to rubbish; about all the nobles who had stayed 
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