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Kings; in Andor; and she had vanished … but a vast amount of news and rumor passed through Lugard with the merchants' wagon trains。 There might be eyes…and…ears for other Ajahs here; it would be well to remember that。 Caution gets the boat home; she reminded herself。
       This woman fit the description of Duranda Tharne perfectly; and surely no other inn could have a name so vile; but why had she responded as she did when Siuan identified herself as another agent of the Blue? She had to risk it; Min and Leane; in their own fashion; were growing as impatient as Logain。 Caution got the boat home; but sometimes boldness brought back a full hold。 At the worst; she could knock the woman over the head with something and escape out the back。 Eyeing the woman's width and height; and the firmness of her thick arms; she hoped that she could。
       A plain door in the corridor that led to the kitchens opened into a sparsely furnished room; a desk and one chair on a scrap of blue carpet; a large mirror on one wall; and surprisingly; a short shelf with a few books。 As soon as the door was shut behind them; diminishing if not cutting off the noise of the mon room; the big woman rounded on Siuan; fists planted on ample hips。 〃Now; then。 What do you want with me? Don't bother giving me a name; I don't want to know; whether it's yours or not。〃
       A little of the tension oozed out of Siuan。 Not the anger; though。 〃You had no right to treat me in that manner out there! What did you mean forcing me to …!〃
       〃I had every right;〃 Mistress Tharne snapped; 〃and every necessity。 If you'd e at opening or closing; as you're supposed to; I could have hustled you in here and none the wiser。 Do you think some of those men wouldn't be wondering if I escorted you back here like a long…lost friend? I can't afford to have anyone wondering about me。 You're lucky I didn't make you take Susu's place on the table for a song or two。 And you watch your manner with me。〃 She raised a wide; hard hand threateningly。 〃I've married daughters older than you; and when I visit them; they step right and talk proper。 You e Mistress Snip with me; and you'll be learning why。 Nobody out there will even hear you yelp; and if they did; they wouldn't interfere。〃 With a sharp nod; as if that were settled; she put fists on hips again。 〃Now; what do you want?〃
       Several times during the onslaught Siuan had tried to speak; but the woman rolled over her like a tidal wave。 That was not something she was accustomed to。 By the time Mistress Tharne was done; she quivered with anger; both hands held her skirts in a white…knuckled grip。 She held on to her temper every bit as hard。 I am supposed to be just another agent; she reminded herself firmly。 Not the Amyrlin anymore; just another agent。 Besides; she suspected that the woman might carry out her threat。 This was something else still new to her; having to be wary of someone under her eye just because they were larger and stronger。
       〃I was given a message to deliver to a gathering of those we serve。〃 She hoped Mistress Tharne took the strain in her voice for being cowed; the woman might be more helpful if she thought Siuan properly intimidated。 〃They were not where I was told to find them。 I can only hope you know something to help me find them。〃
       Folding her arms under a massive bosom; Mistress Tharne studied her。 〃Know how to hold your temper when it suits; eh? Good。 What's happened in the Tower? And don't try denying you e from there; my fine haughty wench。 Your message has courier writ large all over it; and you never got that snooty manner in a village。〃
       Siuan drew a deep breath before answering。 〃Siuan Sanche has been stilled。〃 Her voice did not even tremble; she was proud of that。 〃Elaida a'Roihan is the new Amyrlin。〃 She could not keep a hint of bite out of that; however。
       Mistress Tharne's face showed no reaction。 〃Well; that explains some of the orders I've gotten。 Some of them; maybe。 Stilled her; did they? I thought she'd be Amyrlin forever。 I saw her once; a few years ago in Caemlyn。 At a distance。 She looked like she could chew harness straps for breakfast。〃 Those impossible scarlet curls swung as she shook her head。 〃Well; done's done。 The Ajahs have split; haven't they? Only thing that fits; my orders; and the old buzzard stilled。 The Tower's broken; and the Blues are running。〃
       Siuan ground her teeth。 She tried telling herself the woman was loyal to the Blue Ajah; not to her personally; but it did not help。 Old buzzard? She's old enough to be my mother。 And if she was; I'd drown myself。 With an effort; she made her voice meek。 〃My message is important。 I must be on my way as soon as possible。 Can you help me?〃
       〃Important; is it? Well; I'm doubting it。 Trouble is; I can give you something; but it's up to you to cipher it out。 Do you want it?〃 The woman refused to make this any easier。
       〃Yes; please。〃
       〃Sallie Daera。 I don't know who she is or was; but I was told to give her name to any Blue who came around looking lost; so to speak。 You may not be one of the sisters; but you carry your nose high enough for one; so there it is。 Sallie Daera。 Make of it what you will。〃
       Siuan suppressed a thrill of excitement and made her face dejected。 〃I never heard of her; either。 I'll just have to go on looking。〃
       〃If you find them; you tell Aeldene Sedai I'm still loyal; whatever's happened。 I've worked for the Blues so long; I wouldn't know what to do with myself else。〃
       〃I will tell her;〃 Siuan said。 She had not known that Aeldene was her replacement controlling the Blues' eyes…and…ears; the Amyrlin; whatever Ajah she came from; was of all but part of none。 〃I suppose you need some reason for not hiring me。 I really cannot sing; that should do。〃
       〃As if it mattered to that lot out there。〃 The big woman quirked an eyebrow and grinned in a way Siuan did not like。 〃I'll think of something; wench。 And I'll give you a bit of advice。 If you don't climb down a rung or two; some Aes Sedai will take you down the whole ladder。 I'm surprised it hasn't been done already。 Now; go on。 Get out of here。〃
       Hateful woman; Siuan growled in her head。 If there was a way to manage it; I'd have her doing penance till her eyes popped。 The woman thought she deserved more respect; did she? 〃Thank you for your help;〃 she said coolly; making a curtsy that would have graced any court。 〃You have been too kind。〃
       She was three steps into the mon room when Mistress Tharne appeared behind her; raising her voice in a laughing shout that cut through the noise。 〃A shy maiden; that one! Legs white; and slender enough to set you all drooling and she bawled like a baby when I told her she'd have to show them to you! Just sat right down on the floor and cried! Hips round enough for any taste; and she。。。〃
       Siuan stumbled as the tide of laughter rose; never quite drowning out the woman's recitation。 She managed another three steps; face red as a beet; then fled at a run。
       In the street; she paused to get her breath back and let her heart stop pounding。 That horrible old harridan! I should。。。 ! It did not matter what she should do; that disgusting wo
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