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nd a few never bothered because they did not leave the Tower or simply did not replace a Warder who died。 The Greens were the only Ajah to allow bonding with more than one Warder。 Elayne wanted to be a Green。 Not for that reason; of course; but because the Greens called themselves the Battle Ajah。 Where Browns searched for lost knowledge and Blues involved themselves in causes; Green sisters held themselves ready for the Last Battle; when they would go forth; as they had in the Trolloc Wars; to face new Dreadlords。
       The two men stared at one another in open amazement。 They had surely been ready for the usual rough side of Nynaeve's tongue。 Elayne was almost as shocked。 Nynaeve liked having to be helped as much as she liked being wrong; either made her as prickly as a briar; though of course she always claimed to be a picture of sweet reason and sense。
       〃A Wisdom。〃 Nynaeve took a pinch of powder from one of the canisters and sniffed it; touched it to the tip of her tongue。 〃Or whatever they call it here。〃
       〃They don't have a name for it here;〃 Thom said。 〃Not many women follow your old craft in Amadicia。 Too dangerous。 For most of those it's only a sideline。〃
       Pulling a leather scrip from the bottom of the cupboard; Nynaeve began making up small bundles from some of the containers。 〃And who do they go to when they're ill? A hedge…doctor?〃
       〃Yes;〃 Elayne said。 It always pleased her to show Thom that she knew things about the world; too。 〃In Amadicia; it is men who study herbs。〃
       Nynaeve frowned scornfully。 〃What could a man ever know about curing anything? I'd as soon ask a farmer to make a dress。〃
       Abruptly Elayne realized that she had been thinking of anything and everything except what Mistress Macura had said。 Not thinking about a thorn doesn't make it hurt your foot less。 One of Lini's favorites。 〃Nynaeve; what do you think that message means? All sisters are wele to return to the Tower? It makes no sense。〃 That was not what she wanted to say; but at least she was closing in on it。
       〃The Tower has its own rules;〃 Thom said。 〃What Aes Sedai do; they do for reasons of their own; and often not for those they give。 If they give reasons at all。〃 He and Juilin knew they were only Accepted; of course; that was at least part of why neither man did as he was told nearly as well as he might。
       The struggle was plain on Nynaeve's face。 She did not like being interrupted; or people answering for her。 There was quite a list of things Nynaeve did not like。 But it was only a moment since she had thanked Thom; it could not be easy to call down a man who had just saved you from being hauled off like a cabbage。 〃Very little in the Tower makes sense most of the time;〃 she said sourly。 Elayne suspected that the tartness was as much for Thom as the Tower。
       〃Do you believe what she said?〃 Elayne took a deep breath。 〃About the Amyrlin saying I was to be brought back by any means。〃
       The brief look Nynaeve gave her was touched with sympathy。 〃I don't know; Elayne。〃
       〃She was telling the truth。〃 Juilin turned one of the chairs around and straddled it; leaning his staff against the back。 〃I've questioned enough thieves and murderers to know truth when I hear it。 Part of the time she was too frightened to lie; and the rest too angry。〃
       〃The pair of you …〃 Taking a deep breath; Nynaeve tossed the scrip onto the table and folded her arms as if to trap her hands away from her braid。 〃I am afraid Juilin is probably right; Elayne。〃
       〃But the Amyrlin knows what we are doing。 She sent us out of the Tower in the first place。〃
       Nynaeve sniffed loudly。 〃I can believe anything of Siuan Sanche。 I would like to have her for one hour where she could not channel。 We would see how tough she is then。〃
       Elayne did not think that would make any difference。 Remembering that manding blue gaze; she suspected Nynaeve would earn a fine lot of bruises in the unlikely event that she ever got her wish。 〃But what are we going to do about it? The Ajahs have eyes…and…ears everywhere; it seems。 And the Amyrlin herself。 We could have women trying to slip things into our food all the way to Tar Valon。〃
       〃Not if we do not look like what they expect。〃 Lifting a yellow jug out of the cupboard; Nynaeve set it on the table beside the teapot。 〃This is white henpepper。 It will soothe a toothache; but it will also turn your hair black as night。〃 Elayne put a hand to her red…gold tresses … her hair; not Nynaeve's; she would wager! … but as much as she hated the idea; it was a good one。 〃A little needlework on some of those dresses in the front; and we are not merchants anymore; but two ladies traveling with their servants。〃
       〃Riding on a wagonload of dye?〃 Juilin said。
       Her level look said gratitude for saving her extended only so far。 〃There is a coach in a stableyard on the other side of the bridge。 I think the owner will sell it。 If you go back to the wagon before somebody steals it … I do not know what got into you two; just leaving it for whoever came along! … if it is still there; you can take one of the purses。。。〃

       A few people goggled when Noy Torvald's coach pulled up in front of Ronde Macura's shop; drawn by a team of four; with chests strapped to the roof and a saddled horse tied on behind。 Noy had lost everything when the trade with Tarabon collapsed; he was scraping a living doing odd jobs for Widow Teran; now。 No one in the street had ever seen the coachman before; a tall leathery fellow with long white mustaches and cold; imperious eyes; or the dark; hard…faced footman in a Taraboner hat who jumped down nimbly to open the coach door。 The goggling turned to murmurs when two women swept out of the shop with bundles in their arms; one wore a green silk gown; the other plain blue wool; but each had a scarf wrapped around her head so that not so much as a hint of her hair was visible。 They all but leaped into the coach。
       Two of the Children began sauntering over to inquire who the strangers were; but while the footman was still scrambling up to the driver's seat; the coachman cracked his long whip; shouting something about making way for a lady。 Her name was lost as the Children threw themselves out of the way; tumbling in the dusty street; and the coach rumbled away at a gallop toward the Amador Road。
       The onlookers walked away talking among themselves; a mysterious lady; obviously; with her maid; making purchases from Ronde Macura and rushing away from the Children。 Little enough happened in Mardecin of late; and this would provide days of conversation。 The Children of the Light brushed themselves off furiously; but finally decided that reporting the incident would make them look foolish。 Besides; their captain did not like nobles; he would probably send them to bring the coach back; a long ride in the heat for no more than an arrogant young sprig of one House or another。 If no charges could be brought … always tricky with the nobility … it would not be the captain who took the blame。 Hoping that word of their humiliation did not spread; they certainly never thought of questioning Ronde Macura。
       A short time later; Therin 
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