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used in nearly three hundred years。 Elayne; only a few women in each Ajah actually know who the Ajah's eyes…and…ears are; but a bunch of yellow flowers tied and hung like that tells any Yellow sister that here one is; and with a message urgent enough to risk uncovering herself。〃
       〃How are we going to find out what it is?〃
       Nynaeve liked that。 Not 〃What are we going to do?〃 The girl had backbone。
       〃Follow my lead;〃 she said; gripping the basket tighter as she straightened。 She hoped she remembered everything Shemerin had told her。 She hoped Shemerin had told her everything。 The plump Yellow could be fluttery for an Aes Sedai。
       The interior of the shop was not large; and every scrap of wall was taken up by shelves holding bolts of silk or finely woven wool; spools of piping and binding; and ribbon and lace of every width and description。 Dressmaker's dummies stood about the floor wearing garments ranging from half…made to plete; from something suitable for a dance in embroidered green wool to a pearly gray silk gown that could have done very well at court。 At first glance the shop had a look of prosperity and activity; but Nynaeve's sharp eye caught a hint of dust in one high neck of frothy Solinde lace; and on a large black velvet bow at the waist of another gown。
       There were two dark…haired women in the shop。 One; young and thin and trying to wipe her nose surreptitiously with the back of her hand; held a bolt of pale red silk clutched anxiously to her bosom。 Her hair was a mass of long curls to her shoulders; in the Amadician fashion; but it seemed a tangle beside the other woman's neat array。 The other; handsome and in her middle years; was assuredly the seamstress; as proclaimed by the large bristling pincushion fastened to her wrist。 Her dress was of a good green wool; well cut and well made to show her skill; but only lightly worked with white flowers around the high neck so as not to overshadow her patrons。
       When Nynaeve and Elayne walked in; both women gaped as if none had entered in a year。 The seamstress recovered first; regarding them with careful dignity as she made a slight curtsy。 〃May I serve you? I am Ronde Macura。 My shop is yours。〃
       〃I want a dress embroidered with yellow roses on the bodice;〃 Nynaeve told her。 〃But no thorns; mind;〃 she added with a laugh。 〃I don't heal very fast。〃 What she said did not matter; so long as she included 〃yellow〃 and 〃heal〃 in it。 Now; if only that bunch of flowers was not happenstance。 If that was the case; she would have to find some reason not to buy a dress with roses。 And a way to keep Elayne from recounting the whole miserable experience to Thom and Juilin。
       Mistress Macura stared at her for a moment with dark eyes; then turned to the thin girl; pushing her toward the back of the shop。 〃Go on to the kitchen; Luci; and make a pot of tea for these good ladies。 From the blue canister。 The water's hot; thank the Light。 Go on; girl。 Put that down and stop gawking。 Quickly; quickly。 The blue canister; mind。 My best tea;〃 she said; turning back to Nynaeve as the girl vanished through a door at the rear。 〃I live over the shop; you see; and my kitchen is in the back。〃 She was smoothing her skirts nervously; thumb and forefinger of her right hand forming a circle。 For the Great Serpent ring。 There would be no need for an excuse about the dress; it seemed。
       Nynaeve repeated the sign; and after a moment Elayne did; too。 〃I am Nynaeve; and this is Elayne。 We saw your signal。〃
       The woman fluttered as if she might fly away。 〃The signal? Ah。 Yes。 Of course。〃
       〃Well?〃 Nynaeve said。 〃What is the urgent message?〃
       〃We should not talk about that out here。。。 uh。。。 Mistress Nynaeve。 Anyone might walk in。〃 Nynaeve doubted that。 〃I will tell you over a nice cup of tea。 My best tea; did I say?〃
       Nynaeve exchanged looks with Elayne。 If Mistress Macura was this reluctant to speak her news; it must be appalling indeed。
       〃If we may just step into the back;〃 Elayne said; 〃no one will hear but us。〃 Her regal tone made the seamstress stare。 For a moment; Nynaeve thought it might cut through her nervousness; but the next instant the fool woman was babbling again。
       〃The tea will be ready in a moment。 The water's already hot。 We used to get Taraboner tea through here。 That is why I am here; I suppose。 Not the tea; of course。 All the trade that used to be; and all the news that came both ways with the wagons。 They … you are mainly interested in outbreaks of disease; or a new kind of illness; but I find that interesting myself。 I dabble a little with …〃 She coughed and rushed on; if she smoothed her dress any harder; she would wear a hole in it。 〃Some about the Children; of course; but they … you … are not much interested in them; really。〃
       〃The kitchen; Mistress Macura;〃 Nynaeve said firmly as soon as the other woman paused for breath。 If 。the woman's news made her this afraid; Nynaeve would brook no more delay in hearing it。
       The door at the back opened enough to admit Luci's anxious head。 〃It's ready; Mistress;〃 she announced breathlessly。
       〃This way; Mistress Nynaeve;〃 the seamstress said; still rubbing the front of her dress。 〃Mistress Elayne。〃
       A short hallway led past narrow stairs to a snug; beam…ceilinged kitchen; with a steaming kettle sitting on the hearth and tall cupboards everywhere。 Copper pots hung between the back door and a window that looked out into a small yard with a high wooden fence。 The small table in the middle of the floor held a brilliant yellow teapot; a green honey jar; three mismatched cups in as many colors; and a squat blue pottery canister with the lid beside it。 Mistress Macura snatched the canister; lidded it; and hastily put it into a cupboard that held more in two dozen shades and hues。
       〃Sit; please;〃 she said; filling the cups。 〃Please。〃
       Nynaeve took a ladder…back chair next to Elayne; and the seamstress set cups in front of them; flitting to one of the cupboards for pewter spoons。
       〃The message?〃 Nynaeve said as the woman sat down across from them。 Mistress Macura was too nervous to touch her own teacup; so Nynaeve stirred a little honey into hers and took a sip; it was hot; but had a cool; minty aftertaste。 Hot tea might settle the woman's nerves; if she could be made to drink。
       〃A pleasant taste;〃 Elayne murmured over the edge of her cup。 〃What sort of tea is it?〃
       Good girl; Nynaeve thought。
       But the seamstress' hands only fluttered beside her cup。 〃A Taraboner tea。 From near the Shadow Coast。〃
       Sighing; Nynaeve took another swallow to settle her own stomach。 〃The message;〃 she said insistently。 〃You did not hang that signal to invite us for tea。 What is your urgent news?〃
       〃Ah。 Yes。〃 Mistress Macura licked her lips; eyed them both; then said slowly; 〃It came near a month ago; with orders that any sister passing through heard it at all costs。〃 She wet her lips again。 〃All sisters are wele to return to the White Tower。 The Tower must be whole and strong。〃
       Nynaeve waited for the rest; but the other woman fell silent。 This was the dire message? She looked at Elayne; but the heat
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