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; either。 Aviendha's dream had been too painful to watch for long。 Naked but for that ivory bracelet; and that seeming to drag at her as if it weighed a hundred pounds; Aviendha had been running as hard as she could across a cracked clay flat。 And behind her; Rand came; a giant twice the size of an Ogier on a huge Jeade'en; slowly but inexorably catching up。
       But you could not simply tell a friend that she was lying。 Egwene's face reddened slightly。 Especially not when you would have to tell her how you knew。 She would box my ears; then。 I won't do it again。 Go rummaging about in people's dreams。 Not in Aviendha's dreams; anyway。 It was not right to spy on a friend's dreams。 Not that it was spying; exactly; but still。。。
       The crowd around Rand was beginning to break up。 He swung into his saddle easily; imitated promptly by Natael。 One of the traders; a broad…faced; flame…haired woman wearing a small fortune in worked gold; cut gems and carved ivory; lingered; though。 〃Car'a'carn; do you mean to leave the Three…fold Land forever? You have spoken as if you will never return。〃
       The others stopped at that and turned back。 Silence spread on an expanding ripple of murmurs telling what had been asked。
       For a moment Rand was silent as well; looking around at the faces turned to him。 At last he said; 〃I hope to return; but who can say what will happen? The Wheel weaves as the Wheel wills。〃 He hesitated; with every eye on him。 〃But I will leave you something to remember me by;〃 he added; sticking a hand in his coat pocket。
       Abruptly a fountain near the Roof burst to life; water gushing from the mouths of incongruous porpoises standing on their tails。 Beyond that; a statue of a young man with a horn raised to the sky suddenly was putting up a spreading fan; and then two stone women farther on were casting sprays of water from their hands。 In stunned stillness the Aiel watched as all the fountains of Rhuidean flowed once more。
       〃I should have done that long since。〃 Rand's mutter was no doubt meant for himself; but in the hush Egwene could hear him quite clearly。 The splash of hundreds of fountains was the only other sound。 Natael shrugged as if he had expected no less。
       It was at Rand that Egwene stared; not the fountains。 A man who could channel。 Rand。 He's still Rand; despite everything。 But each time she saw him do it was like learning that he could all over again。 Growing up; she had been taught that only the Dark One was more to be feared than a man who could channel。 Maybe Aviendha's right to be afraid of him。
       But when she looked down at Aviendha; open wonder shone on her face; so much water delighted the Aiel woman as the finest silk dress might have Egwene; or a garden full of flowers。
       〃It is time to march;〃 Rand announced; reining the dapple westward。 〃Anyone who isn't ready will have to catch up。〃 Natael followed close behind on the mule。 Why did Rand let such a bootlicker stay near him?
       The clan chiefs immediately began passing orders; and the bustle increased tenfold。 Maidens and Water Seekers darted ahead; and more Far Dareis Mai closed around Rand as a guard of honor; incidentally enclosing Natael。 Aviendha strode beside Jeade'en; right at Rand's stirrup; easily matching the stallion stride for stride even in her bulky skirts。
       Falling in beside Mat; behind Rand and his escort; Egwene frowned。 Her friend wore that look of grim determination again; as if she had to put her arm into a viper den。 I have to do something to help her。 Egwene did not give up on a problem once she had her teeth into it。

       Settling herself in her saddle; Moiraine patted Aldieb's arched neck with a gloved hand; but she did not immediately follow Rand; Hadnan Kadere was bringing his wagons up the street; driving the lead wagon himself。 She should have made him tear that wagon down to carry cargo as she had the other like it; the man was frightened enough of her; of Aes Sedai; to have done it。 The doorframe ter'angreal was lashed firmly in the wagon behind Kadere; canvas tied over it tightly so no one could fall through by accident again。 A long line of Aiel … Seia Doon; Black Eyes … strode along on either side of the wagon train。
       Kadere bowed to her from the driver's seat; but her gaze swept on down to the line of wagons; all the way to the great square surrounding the forest of slim glass columns; already sparkling in the morning light。 She would have taken everything in the plaza if she could; rather than the small fraction that would fit into the wagons。 Some were too large。 Like the three dull gray metal rings; each more than two paces across; standing on edge and joined at the middle。 A braided leather rope had been strung around that one; to warn all from entering without the Wise Ones' permission。 Not that anyone was likely to; of course。 Only the clan chiefs and the Wise Ones entered that square with any sense of ease; only the Wise Ones touched anything; and they with something approaching proper reticence。
       For countless years the second test faced by an Aiel woman who wanted to be a Wise One had been to enter the array of glittering glass columns; seeing exactly what the men saw。 More women survived it than men … Bair said it was because women were tougher; Amys that those too weak to survive were winnowed out before reaching that point … but it was not a certainty。 Those who did survive were not marked。 The Wise Ones claimed that only men needed visible signs; for a woman; to be alive was enough。
       The first test; the first winnowing; before any training even; was to step through one of those three rings。 Which one did not matter; or perhaps the choice was a matter of fate。 That step seemingly took her through her life again and again; her future spread out before her; all of the possible futures based on every decision she might make for the rest of her life。 Death was possible in those; too; some women could not face the future any more than others could face the past。 All possible futures were too many for a mind to retain; of course。 They jumbled together and faded away for the most part; but a woman gained a sense of things that would happen in her life; that must happen; that might happen。 Usually even that was hidden until the moment was on her。 Not always; though。 Moiraine had been through those rings。
       A spoonful of hope and a cup of despair; she thought。
       〃I do not like seeing you like this;〃 Lan said。 From Mandarb's back and his own height; he looked down on her; disquiet creasing the corners of his eyes。 For him that was near tears of frustration from another man。
       Aiel streamed by on both sides of their horses; and gai'shain with pack animals。 Moiraine was startled to realize that Kadere's water wagons had already gone by; she had not realized she had been staring at the plaza for so long。
       〃Like what?〃 she asked; turning her mare to join the throng。 Rand and his escort were already out of the city。
       〃Worried;〃 he said bluntly; no readable expression on that stone…carved face now。 〃Afraid。 I've never seen you afraid; not when we had Trollocs and Myrddraal swarming over us; not even when y
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