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       Moghedien took the cup slowly。 〃So I cannot follow you? I will not argue。〃 She tipped back her head and swallowed until the cup was empty。
       Nynaeve watched her。 That much should put her down quickly。 Yet a cruel streak made her speak。 She knew it was cruel and did not care。 Moghedien should not have any quiet rest at all。 〃You knew Birgitte was not dead。〃 Moghedien's gaze narrowed slightly。 〃You knew who Faolain is。〃 The other woman's eyes tried to widen; but she was already drowsy。 Nynaeve could feel the forkroot's effects spreading。 She concentrated on Moghedien; held there in Tel'aran'rhiod。 No easy sleep for one of the Forsaken。 〃And you knew who Siuan is; that she used to be the Amyrlin Seat。 I've never mentioned that in Tel'aran'rhiod。 Never。 I'll see you very shortly。 In Salidar。〃
       Moghedien's eyes rolled up her head。 Nynaeve was not sure whether it was the forkroot or a faint; but it did not matter。 She released the other woman; and Moghedien winked out。 The silver collar rang as it hit the floortiles。 Elayne would be happy about that; at least。
       Nynaeve stepped out of the Dream。
       Rand trotted along the corridors of the palace。 There seemed to be less damage than he remembered; but he did not really look。 He strode out into the great courtyard at the front of the palace。 Blasts of Air knocked the tall gates half off their hinges。 Beyond lay a huge oval plaza; and what he had been searching for。 Trollocs and Myrddraal。 Rahvin was dead; and the other Forsaken were elsewhere; but there were Trollocs and Myrddraal to kill in Caemlyn。
       They were fighting; a milling mass of hundreds; perhaps thousands; surrounding something he could not see through their black…mailed numbers; as tall as a Myrddraal on its horse。 Just barely he could make out his crimson banner deep in their midst。 Some swung round to face the palace as the gates were hurled asunder。
       Yet Rand stopped dead。 Balls of fire rolled through the packed black…mailed mass; and burning Trollocs lay everywhere。 It could not be。
       Not daring to hope or think; he channeled。 Shafts of balefire leaped from his hands as fast as he could weave them; narrower than his little finger; precise and cut off as soon as they struck。 They; were much less powerful than the one he had used against Rahvin at the end; than any he had used against Rahvin; but he could not risk one slicing through to those trapped in the center of all those Trollocs。 It made little difference。 The first…struck Myrddraal seemed to reverse colors; bee a white…clad black shape; then it was drifting motes that vanished as its horse fled madly。 Trollocs; Myrddraal; every one that turned toward him went the same; and then he began carving into the backs of those still facing the other way; so a continuous haze of sparkling dust seemed to fill the air; renewed as it evaporated。
       They could not stand against that。 Bestial cries of rage turned to howls of fear; and they fled in every direction except toward him。 He saw one Myrddraal try to turn them and be trampled under; rider and horse; but the rest spurred their animals away。
       Rand let them go。 He was busy staring at the veiled Aiel bursting out of their encirclement with spears and heavy…bladed knives。 It was one of them carrying the banner; Aiel did not carry banners; but this one; a bit of red headband showing beneath his shoufa; did。 There were battles going on down some of the streets leading from the plaza; too。 Aiel against Trollocs。 Townsfolk against Trollocs。 Even armored men in the uniform of the Queen's Guards against Trollocs。 Apparently some who were willing to kill a queen could not stomach Trollocs。 Rand only barely noticed; though。 He was searching through the Aiel。
       There。 A woman in a white blouse; one hand holding up her bulky skirts as she slashed at a fleeing Trolloc with a short knife; an instant later flames enveloped the bear…snouted figure。
       〃Aviendha!〃 Rand did not know he was running until he shouted。 〃Aviendha!〃
       And there was Mat; coat torn and blood on his sword…blade spearpoint; leaning on the black shaft watching the Trollocs flee; content to let someone else do the fighting now that that was possible。 And Asmodean; sword held awkwardly and trying to look every way at once in case any Trolloc decided to turn back。 Rand could sense saidin in him; though weakly; he did not think much of Asmodean's fighting had been with that blade。
       Balefire。 Balefire that burned a thread out of the Pattern。 The stronger that balefire was; the further back that burning went。 And whatever that person had done no longer had happened。 He did not care if his blast at Rahvin had unraveled half the Pattern。 Not if this was the result。
       He became aware of tears on his cheeks; and let saidin and the Void go。 He wanted to feel this。 〃Aviendha!〃 Snatching her up; he whirled her around; with her staring down at him as if he had gone mad。 He did not want to put her down; but he did。 So he could hug Mat。 Or try to。
       Mat fended him off。 〃What's the matter with you? You'd think you thought we were dead。 Not that we weren't; almost。 Being a general has to be safer than this!〃
       〃You're alive。〃 Rand laughed。 He brushed back Aviendha's hair; she had lost her headscarf; and it hung loose around her neck。 〃I'm happy you're alive。 That's all。〃
       He took in the plaza again; and his joy faded。 Nothing could extinguish it; but the bodies lying in heaps where the Aiel had made their stand lessened it。 Too many of them were not big enough to be men。 There was Lamelle; veil gone and half her throat as well; she would never make him soup again。 Pevin; both hands clutching the wrist…thick shaft of the Trolloc spear through his chest and the first expression on his face Rand had ever seen。 Surprise。 Balefire had cheated death for his friends; but not for others。 Too many。 Too many Maidens。
       Take what you can have。 Rejoice in what you can save; and do not mourn your losses too long。 It was not his thought; but he took it。 It seemed a good way to avoid going mad before the taint on saidin drove him to it。
       〃Where did you go?〃 Aviendha demanded。 Not angrily。 If anything; she looked relieved。 〃One second you were there; the next you were gone。〃
       〃I had to kill Rahvin;〃 he said quietly。 She opened her mouth; but he put his fingers over it to silence her; then gently pushed her away。 Take what you can have。 〃Leave it at that。 He's dead。〃
       Bael came limping up; shoufa still around his head but veil hanging down his chest。 There was blood on his thigh; and on the point of his one remaining spear as well。 〃The Nightrunners and Shadowtwisted are running; Car'a'carn。 Some of the wetlanders have joined the dance against them。 Even some of the armored men; though they danced against us at first。〃 Sulin was behind him; unveiled; a nasty red gash across her cheek。
       〃Hunt them down however long it takes;〃 Rand said。 He began walking; not sure where as long as it was away from Aviendha。 〃I don't want them loose on the countryside。 Keep an eye on the Guards。 I'll find out later which of them were Rahvin's men and which。。。〃 He walk
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