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。 Again。 Light; I hate being afraid! Again。 I hate her! Again。 I hate her! Again。
       Abruptly she realized Moghedien was jerking frantically in her bonds; nodding her head so violently it seemed about to e off。 For a moment; Nynaeve gaped at the other woman's tear…streaked face; then stopped what she was doing and hurriedly unraveled the flows of Air。 Light; what had she done? She was not Moghedien。 〃I take it you won't give me any more trouble?〃
       〃They will kill us;〃 the other woman mumbled faintly; and nearly unintelligibly through her sobs; but at the same time she nodded a hurried acquiescence。
       Deliberately; Nynaeve hardened herself。 Moghedien deserved everything she had gotten and much; much more。 In the Tower; one of the Forsaken would have been stilled and executed as soon as the trial could be concluded; and little evidence needed beside who she was。 〃Good。 Now we …〃
       Thunder shook the entire palace; or something very much like thunder; except that the walls rattled and dust rose off the floor。 Nynaeve half fell into Moghedien; and they danced trying to keep their feet。 Before the upheaval had faded pletely; it was replaced by a roar like some monstrous fire racing up a chimney the size of a mountain。 That lasted only a moment。 The silence after seemed deeper than before。 No。 There were boots。 A man running。 The sound echoed down the hallway。 From the north。
       Nynaeve pushed the other woman away。 〃e on。〃
       Moghedien whimpered; but did not resist being pulled down the hall。 Her eyes were huge; though; and her breath came too fast。 Nynaeve thought it was a good thing she had Moghedien along; and not just for access to the One Power。 After all her years hiding in shadows; the Spider was such a coward she almost made Nynaeve feel brave by parison。 Almost。 It was only anger at her own fear that made her able to hold on to that one flow of Spirit that kept her in Tel'aran'rhiod; now。 Moghedien was stark terror to her bones。
       Pulling Moghedien behind her by the gleaming leash; Nynaeve quickened her step。 Chasing the fading sound of those other steps。
       Rand stepped into the round courtyard warily。 Half of the white…paved circle cut into the structure rising three stories behind him; the other half was bounded by a stone semicircle atop pale columns five paces high; sticking out into yet another garden; shaded gravel walks beneath low spreading trees。 Marble benches surrounded a pool with lily…pads。 And fish; gold and white and red。
       Suddenly the benches shifted; flowed; changed into faceless man…shapes; still as white and hard…looking as the stone。 He had already learned the difficulty of changing something that Rahvin had altered。 Lightning danced from his fingertips; shattering stone men to shards。
       The air became water。 Choking; Rand struggled to swim toward the columns; he could see the garden beyond。 There must be some kind of barrier to stop all the water pouring out。 Before he could channel; gold and red and white shapes were darting around him; larger than the fish in the pool had been。 And with teeth。 They ripped at him; blood curled up in red mist。 Instinctively he flailed at the fish with his hands; but the cold part of him; deep in the Void; channeled。 Balefire flared; at the barrier if there was one; at any place Rahvin might be to see this courtyard。 The water roiled; throwing him around violently; as it rushed in to fill the empty tunnels carved by balefire。 Flickers of gold and white and red darted at him; adding new threads of crimson to the water。 Tossed about; he could not see to aim his wild bolts; they flashed in every direction。 No breath left。 He tried to think of air; or the water being air。
       Suddenly it was。 He dropped hard to the paving stones among small fish flopping about; rolled over and pushed himself up。 It was all air again; even his clothes were dry。 The stone ring flickered between standing untouched and lying in ruins with half the columns down。 Some of the trees lay tangled atop their own stumps; then stood whole; then were fallen again。 The palace behind him had holes punched in white walls; even one through a high gilded dome above; and gashes slashed across windows; some with pierce…work stone screens。 The damage all flickered; vanishing and reappearing。 Not the slow; sometime shifts of before; but constant。 Damage; then none; then some; then none; then all again。
       Wincing; he pressed his hand to his side; to the old; half…healed wound。 It stung as if his exertions had nearly torn it open。 He stung all over; from a dozen or more bleeding bites。 That had not changed。 The bloody rips in his coat and breeches were still there! Had he managed to change the water back to air? Or had one of his frenzied bolts of balefire driven Rahvin off; or even killed him? It did not matter; unless it was the last。
       Wiping blood out of his eyes; he studied the windows and balconies around the garden; the colonnade high on the far side。 Or rather; he started to; but something else caught his eye。 Below the colonnade; he could just make out the fading remnants of a weave。 From there he could tell it was a gateway; but to see what kind and where it led; he had to be closer。 Leaping over a jumble of worked stone that vanished while he was above it; he darted across the garden; dodging around trees fallen on the walkway。 That residue was almost gone; he had to get close enough before it vanished pletely。
       Abruptly he fell; gravel scraping his palms as he caught himself。 He could not see anything that might have tripped him。 He felt woozy; almost as if he had been hit on the head。 He tried to scramble to his feet; to reach that residue。 And realized his body was writhing。 Long hair covered his hands; his fingers seemed to be shrinking; drawing back into his hands。 They were almost paws。 A trap。 Rahvin had not fled。 The gateway had been a trap; and he had walked into it。
       Desperation clung to the Void as he struggled to cling to himself。 His hands。 They were hands。 Almost hands。 He forced himself up。 His legs seemed to bend wrong。 The True Source receded; the Void shrank。 Streaks of panic flared beyond the emotionless emptiness。 Whatever Rahvin was trying to change him to; it could not channel。 Saidin slipping away; thinning; thin even pulled through the angreal。 The surrounding balconies stared down at him; empty; and the colonnade。 Rahvin had to be at one of those stone…screened windows; but which? He had no strength for a hundred lightning bolts this time。 One burst。 He could manage that。 If he did it quickly。 Which window? He fought to be himself; fought to draw saidin into him; weled every stain of the taint as evidence that he still held the Power。 Staggering in a crooked circle; searching vainly; he roared Rahvin's name。 It sounded like a beast's roar。
       Pulling Moghedien behind her; Nynaeve rounded the corner。 Ahead of her; a man vanished around the next turning; the sound of his boots echoing behind。 She did not know how long she had been following those boots。 Sometimes they had gone silent; and she had had to wait for them to start again to gain a direction。 Sometimes when they stopp
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