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       〃How did you get here?〃 Nynaeve asked。 〃I am grateful; you understand; but。。。 how?〃
       Birgitte gave Moghedien a final stony stare; then opened her coat to fish in the neck of her blouse; pulling up the twisted stone ring on a leather thong。 〃Siuan woke up。 Just for a moment; and not all the way。 Long enough to grumble about you snatching this from her。 When you didn't wake right behind her; I knew something must be wrong; so I took the ring and the last of what you mixed for Siuan。〃
       〃There was hardly any left。 Only the dregs。〃
       〃Enough to put me to sleep。 It tastes horrible; by the way。 After that; it was as easy as finding feather…dancers in Shiota。 In some ways this is almost as if I were still …〃 Birgitte cut off with another glare for Moghedien。 The silver bow reappeared in her hand; and a quiver of silver arrows at her hip; yet after one moment they vanished again。 〃Past is past; and the future is ahead;〃 she said firmly。 〃I was not truly surprised to realize there were two of you who knew they were in Tel'aran'rhiod。 I knew the other must be her; and when I arrived and saw the pair of you。。。 It seemed as if she had already captured you; but I hoped that if I distracted her; you might e up with something。〃
       Nynaeve felt a stab of shame。 She had considered abandoning Birgitte。 That was what she had almost e up with。 The thought had only been there for a moment; rejected as soon as it came; but it had e。 What a coward she was。 Surely Birgitte never had even moments when fear almost took control of her。 〃I。。。〃 A faint taste of boiled catfern and powdered mavinsleaf。 〃I almost ran away;〃 she said faintly。 〃I was so frightened my tongue stuck to the roof of my mouth。 I almost ran away and left you。〃
       〃Oh?〃 Nynaeve writhed inside as Birgitte considered her。 〃But you did not; did you? I should have loosed before I called out; but I've never felt fortable shooting anyone from behind。 Even her。 Still; it all worked out。 But what do we do with her now?〃
       Moghedien certainly seemed to have overe her fear。 Ignoring the silver collar around her throat; she watched Nynaeve and Birgitte as though they were the prisoners; not she; and she was deliberating what to do with them。 Except for an occasional twitch of her hands; as if she wanted to scratch where her skin held the memory of nettles; she appeared black…clad serenity。 Only the a'dam let Nynaeve know there was fear in the woman; almost a gibbering; but pushed down to a muted buzz。 She wished the thing let her know what Moghedien was thinking as well as feeling。 Then again; she was just as glad not to be inside the mind behind those cold dark eyes。
       〃Before you consider anything。。。 drastic;〃 Moghedien said; 〃remember that I know much that would be useful to you。 I have observed the other Chosen; peeked into their schemes。 Is that not worth something?〃
       〃Tell me; and I will consider whether it's worth anything;〃 Nynaeve said。 What could she do with the woman?
       〃Lanfear; Graendal; Rahvin and Sammael are plotting together。〃
       Nynaeve gave the leash a short tug; staggering her。 〃I know that。 Tell me something new。〃 The woman was captive here; but the a'dam only existed so long as they were in Tel'aran'rhiod
       〃Do you know they are drawing Rand al'Thor to attack Sammael? But when he does; he will find the others as well; waiting to trap him between them。 At least; he will find Graendal and Rahvin。 I think Lanfear plays another game; one the others know nothing about。〃
       Nynaeve exchanged worried glances with Birgitte。 Rand must learn of this。 He would; as soon as she and Elayne could speak to Egwene tonight。 If they could manage to put their hands on the ter'angreal long enough。
       〃That is;〃 Moghedien murmured; 〃if he lives long enough to find them。〃
       Nynaeve took hold of the silvery leash where it joined the collar and pulled the Forsaken's face close to hers。 Dark eyes met her gaze flatly; but she could feel anger through the a'dam; and fear wriggling up and being stamped down。 〃You listen to me。 Do you think I don't know why you are pretending to be so cooperative? You think if you keep talking long enough; I will make some slip; and you can escape。 You think the longer we talk; the harder I'll find it to kill you。〃 That much was true enough。 To kill somebody in cold blood; even one of the Forsaken; would be hard; maybe harder than she could manage。 What was she going to do with the woman? 〃But you understand this。 I won't allow hinting at things。 If you try keeping anything back from me; I will do to you everything you ever thought of doing to me。〃 Dread; creeping through the leash; like bone…chilling shrieks deep in Moghedien's mind。 Maybe she did not know as much about a'dam as Nynaeve thought。 Maybe she believed Nynaeve could read her thoughts if she tried。 〃Now if you know of some threat to Rand; something ahead of Sammael and the others; you tell me。 Now!〃
       Words spilled from Moghedien's mouth; and her tongue flickered out to wet her lips continually。 〃Al'Thor means to go after Rahvin。 Today。 This morning。 Because he thinks Rahvin killed Morgase。 I don't know whether he did or not; but al'Thor believes it。 But Rahvin never trusted Lanfear。 He never trusted any of them。 Why should he? He thought it all might be some trap set for him; so he has laid a trap of his own。 He has set Wards through Caemlyn so if a man channels a spark he will know。 Al'Thor will walk right into it。 He almost certainly already has。 I think he meant to leave Cairhien right after sunrise。 I had no part of it。 It was none of it my doing。 I …〃
       Nynaeve wanted to shut her up; the fear sweat glistening on the woman's face made her sick; but if she had to listen to that pleading voice; too。。。 She started to channel; wondering whether she would be strong enough to hold Moghedien's tongue; then smiled。 She was linked to Moghedien; and in control。 Moghedien's eyes bulged as she wove flows to stop her own mouth and tied them。 Nynaeve added plugs for her ears too; before turning to Birgitte。 〃What do you think?〃
       〃Elayne's heart will break。 She loves her mother。〃
       〃I know that!〃 Nynaeve took a breath。 〃I will cry with her and mean every tear; but right now I must worry about Rand。 I think she was telling the truth。 I could almost feel it。〃 She caught the silver leash just below her bracelet and shook it。 〃Maybe it's this; and maybe it was imagination。 What do you believe?〃
       〃That it's the truth。 She was never very brave unless she clearly had the upper hand; or thought she could get it。 And you certainly put the fear of the Light into her。〃
       Nynaeve grimaced。 Birgitte's every word put another bubble of anger in her belly。 She was never very brave except when she clearly had the upper hand。 That could describe herself。 She had put the fear of the Light into Moghedien。 She had; and she had meant every word when she said it。 Boxing somebody's ears when they needed it was one thing; threatening torture; wanting to torture; even Moghedien; was something else again。 And here she was trying to avoid what she knew she had to do。 Never very brave except when she clearly had the upper hand。
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