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 around hem and swooping neckline。
       Nynaeve sat there staring at her。 What would she have done as Wisdom if she found two women rolling around in the dirt that way? If anything; the answer kept her anger at a simmer。 Siuan still did not seem to realize that there was no need to brush away dust with your hands in Tel'aran'rhiod。 Snatching away fingers that had been repairing her braid; Nynaeve got up quickly; before she was on her feet again; her braid hung perfect over her shoulder and her good Two Rivers woolens might have just been laundered。
       〃I agree;〃 she said。 She would have made any two women she caught like that sorry they had been born even before she hauled them before the Women's Circle。 What was she doing lashing out with her fists like some fool man? First Cerandin … she did not want to think about that episode; but there it was … then Latelle; and now this。 Was she going to get around her block by being angry all the time? Unfortunately … or perhaps fortunately … that thought did nothing for her temper。 〃If we have disagreements; we can。。。 discuss them。〃
       〃Which I suppose means we'll shout at one another;〃 Siuan said dryly。 〃Well; better that than the other。〃
       〃We would not have to shout if you …!〃 Drawing a deep breath; Nynaeve jerked her eyes away; this was no way to begin anew。 That breath caught in her throat; and she turned her head back to Siuan so quickly it seemed she had been shaking it。 She hoped it did。 Just for an instant; there had been a face in 。a window across the Street。 And there was a flutter in her belly; a bubble of fear; a burn of anger at being afraid。 〃I think we should go back now;〃 she said quietly。
       〃Go back! You said that vile concoction would put me to sleep for a good two hours; and we haven't been here much more than half that。〃
       〃Time works differently here。〃 Had it been Moghedien? The face had vanished so quickly it could have been someone dreaming herself here for an instant。 If it was Moghedien; they must not … must not on any account … let her know she had been seen。 They had to get away。 Bubble of fear; burn of anger。 〃I told you。 A day in Tel'aran'rhiod can be an hour in the waking world; or the other way round。 We …〃
       〃I've dipped better out of the bilge in a bucket; girl。 You needn't think you can get away with shortchanging me。 You'll teach me everything you teach the others; as agreed。 We can go when I wake up。〃
       There was no time。 If it had been Moghedien。 Siuan's dress was green silk now; and the Amyrlin's stole and her Great Serpent ring were back; but for a wonder the neckline was almost as low as anything she had worn before。 The ring ter'angreal hung above her breasts; somehow part of a necklace of square emeralds。
       Nynaeve moved without thinking。 Her hand lashed out; snatched the necklace so hard it tore free from Siuan's neck。 Siuan's eyes widened; but as soon as the clasp broke; she vanished; and necklace and ring melted from Nynaeve's hand。 For an instant she stared at her empty fingers。 What happened to someone sent out of Tel'aran'rhiod like that? Had she sent Siuan back to her sleeping body? Or to somewhere else? To nowhere?
       Panic seized her。 She was just standing there。 Quick as thought she fled; the World of Dreams seeming to change around her。
       She stood on a dirt street in a small village of wooden houses; none more than a single story。 The White Lion of Andor waved from a tall staff; and a single stone dock stuck out into a broad river where a flock of long…billed birds flapped south low over the water。 It all looked vaguely familiar; but it took her a moment to know where she was。 Jurene。 In Cairhien。 And that river was the Erinin。 It had been here that she and Egwene and Elayne had boarded the Darter; as badly misnamed as the Riverserpent; to continue their journey to Tear。 That time seemed like something read in a book long ago。
       Why had she jumped to Jurene? That was simple; and answered as soon as she thought of it。 Jurene was the one place she knew well enough to leap to in Tel'aran'rhiod that she could be sure Moghedien did not know。 They had been there for an hour; before Moghedien knew she existed; and she was sure neither she nor Elayne had ever mentioned it again; in Tel'aran'rhiod or awake。
       But that left another question。 The same one; in a way。 Why Jurene? Why not step out of the Dream; wake up in her own bed; such as it was; if washing dishes and scrubbing floors on top of everything had not left her so weary she slept right on? I can still step out。 Moghedien had seen her in Salidar; if that had been Moghedien。 Moghedien knew Salidar now。 I can tell Sheriam。 How? Admit she was teaching Siuan? She was not supposed to have her hands on those ter'angreal except with Sheriam and the other Aes Sedai。 How Siuan got hold of them when she wanted; Nynaeve did not know。 No; she was not afraid of more hours up to her elbows in hot water。 She was afraid of Moghedien。 Anger burned in her belly fiercely。 She wished she had some goosemint out of her scrip of herbs。 I am so。。。 so bloody tired of being afraid。
       There was a bench in front of one of the houses; overlooking dock and river。 She sat down and considered her situation from every angle。 It was ridiculous。 The True Source was a pale thing。 She channeled a flame dancing in air above her hand。 She might look solid … to herself; anyway … but she could see the river through that scrap of fire。 She tied it off; and it faded away like mist as soon as the knot was done。 How could she face Moghedien when the weakest novice in Salidar could match or better her strength? That was why she had fled here instead of leaving Tel'aran'rhiod。 Afraid and angry at being afraid; too angry to think straight; to consider her own weakness。
       She would step out of the Dream。 Whatever Siuan's scheme had been; it was done; she would have to take her chances right along with Nynaeve。 The thought of more hours scrubbing floors tightened her hand on her braid。 Days more likely; and maybe Sheriam's switch besides。 They might never let her near one of the dream ter'angreal again; or any ter'angreal。 They would set Faolain over her instead of Theodrin。 A finish to studying Siuan and Leane; much less Logain; maybe a finish to studying Healing。
       In a fury she channeled another flame。 If it was a whit stronger; she could not see it。 So much for trying to crank her anger in hope it would help。 〃There's nothing for it but to just tell them I saw Moghedien;〃 she muttered; yanking her braid hard enough to hurt。 〃Light; they will give me to Faolain。 I'd almost rather die!〃
       〃But you seem to enjoy running little errands for her。〃
       That mocking voice pulled Nynaeve up off the bench like hands on her shoulders。 Moghedien stood in the street all in black; shaking her head at what she saw。 With all her strength Nynaeve wove a shield of Spirit and hurled it between the other woman and saidar。 Tried to hurl it between; it was like chopping at a tree with a paper hatchet。 Moghedien actually smiled before she bothered to slice Nynaeve's weave; and that as casually as brushing a biteme away from her face。 Nynaeve stared at her
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