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that you are the Dragon Reborn。 They know the Prophecies; they know what you were born to do。 Once they are convinced of who and what you are; they will accept you because they must。 The Last Battle is ing; and you are their only hope; humankind's only hope。〃
       Rand laughed out loud。 It was a bitter laugh。 Sticking his pipe between his teeth; he hoisted himself to sit cross…legged atop the table; staring at them。 〃So you and Siuan Sanche still think you know everything there is to know。〃 The Light willing; they did not know near everything about him; and would never find out。 〃You're both fools。〃
       〃Show some respect!〃 Egwene growled; but Rand went on over her words。
       〃The Tairen High Lords know the Prophecies; too; and they knew me; once they saw the Sword That Cannot Be Touched clutched in my fist。 Half of them expect me to bring them power or glory or both。 The other half would as soon slip a knife in my back and try to forget the Dragon Reborn was ever in Tear。 That is how the nations will greet the Dragon Reborn。 Unless I quell them first; the same way I did the Tairens。 Do you know why I left Callandor in Tear? To remind them of me。 Every day they know it is there; driven into the Heart of the Stone; and they know I'll e back for it。 That is what holds them to me。〃 That was one reason he had left the Sword That Is Not a Sword behind。 He did not like even to think of the other。
       〃Be very careful;〃 Moiraine said after a moment。 Just that; in a voice all frozen calm。 He heard stark warning in the words。 Once he had heard her say in much the same tone that she would see him dead before letting the Shadow have him。 A hard woman。
       For a long moment she gazed at him; her eyes dark pools that threatened to swallow him。 Then she made a perfect curtsy。 〃By your leave; my Lord Dragon; I will see to letting Master Kadere know where I expect him to work tomorrow。〃
       No one could have seen or heard the faintest mockery in action or words; but Rand felt it。 Anything that might put him off balance; make him more biddable by guilt or shame or uncertainty or whatever; she would try。 He stared after her until the clicking beads in the doorway obscured her。。。
       〃There is no need you scowling like that; Rand al'Thor。〃 Egwene's voice was low; her eyes irate; she held on to her shawl as if she wanted to strangle him with it。 〃Lord Dragon; indeed! Whatever you are; you're a rude; ill…mannered lout。 You deserve more than you got。 It would not kill you to be civil!〃
       〃So it was you;〃 he snapped; but to his surprise she half…shook her head before catching herself。 It had been Moiraine after all。 If the Aes Sedai was showing that much temper; something must be wearing at her terribly。 Him; no doubt。 Perhaps he should apologize。 I suppose it wouldn't hurt to be civil。 Though he could not see why he was supposed to be mannerly to the Aes Sedai while she tried to lead him on a leash。
       But if he was thinking of trying to be polite; Egwene was not。 If glowing coals were dark brown; they would have been exactly like her eyes。 〃You are a wool…headed fool; Rand al'Thor; and I should never have told Elayne you were good enough for her。 You aren't good enough for a weasel! Bring your nose down。 I remember you sweating; trying to talk your way out of some trouble Mat had gotten you into。 I can remember Nynaeve switching you till you howled; and you needing a cushion to sit on the rest of the day。 Not that many years gone; either。 I ought to tell Elayne to forget you。 If she knew half what you've turned into。。。〃
       He gaped at her as the tirade went on; with her more furious than at any time since first ing through the bead curtain。 Then it hit him。 That little near shake of her head that she had not meant to give; letting him know it had been Moiraine who struck him with the Power。 Egwene worked very hard at doing what she was about in proper fashion。 Studying with the Wise Ones; she wore Aiel clothes; she might even be trying to adopt Aiel customs; for all he knew。 It would be like her。 But she worked hard at being a proper Aes Sedai all the time; even if she was only one of the Accepted。 Aes Sedai usually kept a rein on their tempers; but they never ever gave anything away that they wanted to hide。
       Ilyena never flashed her temper at me when she was angry with herself。 When she gave me the rough side of her tongue; it was because she。。。 His mind froze for an instant。 He had never met a woman named Ilyena in his life。 But he could summon up a face for the name; dimly; a pretty face; skin like cream; golden hair exactly the shade of Elayne's。 This had to be the madness。 Remembering an imaginary woman。 Perhaps one day he would find himself having conversations with people who were not there。
       Egwene's harangue shut off with a concerned look。 〃Are you all right; Rand?〃 The anger was gone from her voice as if it had never been。 〃Is something wrong? Should I fetch Moiraine back to …〃
       〃No!〃 he said; and just as quickly softened his own tone。 〃She can't Heal。。。〃 Even an Aes Sedai could not Heal madness; none of them could Heal any of what ailed him。 〃Is Elayne well?〃
       〃She is well。〃 Despite what Egwene had said; there was a hint of sympathy in her voice。 That was all he really expected。 Beyond what he had known when Elayne left Tear; what she was up to was an Aes Sedai concern and none of his; so Egwene had told him more than once; and Moiraine echoed her。 The three Wise Ones who could dreamwalk; those Egwene was studying with; had been even less informative; they had their own reasons not to be pleased with him。
       〃I had best go; too;〃 Egwene went on; settling her shawl over her arms。 〃You are tired。〃 Frowning slightly; she said; 〃Rand; what does it mean to be buried in the Can Breat?〃
       He started to ask what under the Light she was talking about。 Then he remembered using that phrase。 〃Just something I heard once;〃 he lied。 He had no more idea what it meant than where it had e from。
       〃You rest; Rand;〃 she said; sounding twenty years older rather than two younger。 〃Promise me you will。 You need it。〃 He nodded。 She studied his face for a moment as though searching for the truth; then started for the door。
       Rand's silver goblet of wine floated up from the carpet and drifted to him。 He hastily snatched it out of the air just before Egwene looked back over her shoulder。
       〃Perhaps I shouldn't tell you this;〃 she said。 〃Elayne didn't give it to me as a message for you; but。。。 She said she loves you。 Perhaps you know already; but if you don't; you should think about it。〃 With that she was gone; the beads clicking together behind her。
       Leaping from the table; Rand hurled the goblet away; splashing wine across the floor tiles as he rounded on Jasin Natael in a fury。

Chapter 3
Pale Shadows

       Seizing saidin; Rand channeled; wove flows of Air that snatched Natael up from the cushions; the gilded harp tumbled to the dark red tiles as the man was pinned against the wall; immobile from neck to ankles and his feet half a pace above the floor。 〃I've warned you! Never channel when anyone else is around。 Never!〃
       Natael tilted 
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