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there; he might finally join her? What would he do if she was there? What could he do? 〃They can e;〃 he said through clenched teeth。 〃Now will you go?〃
       〃As you mand;〃 Moiraine said; but they were in no hurry about it。 Aviendha and Egwene took ostentatious care in rearranging their shawls before they started for the door。 Lords and ladies might dart at his word; but never them。
       〃You did not try to talk me out of it;〃 he said abruptly。
       He meant it for Moiraine; but Egwene spoke first; though to Aviendha; and with a smile。 〃Stopping a man from what he wants to do is like taking a sweet from a child。 Sometimes you have to do it; but sometimes it just isn't worth the trouble。〃 Aviendha nodded。
       〃The Wheel weaves as the Wheel wills;〃 was Moiraine's reply。 She stood in the doorway looking more Aes Sedai than he ever remembered her; ageless; with dark eyes that seemed ready to swallow him; slight and slender yet so regal she could have manded a roomful of queens if she could not channel a spark。 That blue stone on her forehead was catching the light again。 〃You will do well; Rand。〃
       He stared at the door long after it closed behind them。
       It was a scuff of boots that recalled him to Mat's presence。 Mat was trying to slide toward the door; moving slowly so as not to be seen。
       〃I need to talk to you; Mat。〃
       Mat grimaced。 Touching the foxhead like a talisman; he spun to face Rand。 〃If you think I'm going to put my head on the block just because those fool women did; you can forget it now。 I'm no bloody hero; and I don't want to be one。 Morgase was a pretty woman … I even liked her; as much as you can like a queen … but Rahvin is Rahvin; burn you; and I …〃
       〃Shut up and listen。 You have to stop running。〃
       〃Burn me if I will! This is no game I chose; and I won't …〃
       〃I said; shut up!〃 Rand drove the foxhead against Mat's chest with a hard finger。 〃I know where you got this。 I was there; remember? I cut the rope you were hanging from。 I don't know exactly what got shoved into your head; but whatever it is; I need it。 The clan chiefs know war; but somehow you know it too; and maybe better。 I need that! So this is what you're going to do; you and the Band of the Red Hand。。。 〃
       〃Be careful tomorrow;〃 Moiraine said。
       Egwene paused at the door to her room。 〃Of course we'll be careful。〃 Her stomach was turning backflips; but she kept her voice steady。 〃We know how dangerous facing one of the Forsaken will be。〃 By Aviendha's expression; they might have been talking about what was for supper。 But then; she was never afraid of anything。
       〃Do you; now;〃 Moiraine murmured。 〃Be very careful anyway; whether you think one of the Forsaken is near or not。 Rand will need both of you in the days to e。 You handle his temper well … though I may say your methods are unusual。 He will need people who cannot be driven away or quelled by his rages; who will tell him what he must hear instead of what they think he wants to。〃
       〃You do that; Moiraine;〃 Egwene told her。
       〃Of course。 But he will still need you。 Rest well。 Tomorrow will be。。。 difficult for us all。〃 She glided away down the corridor; passing from dimness to pool of lamplight to dimness。 Night was already ing to these shadowed halls; and oil was in short supply。
       〃Will you stay with me awhile; Aviendha?〃 Egwene asked。 〃I feel more like talking than eating。〃
       〃I must tell Amys what I have promised to do tomorrow。 And I must be in Rand al'Thor's sleeping chamber when he es。〃
       〃Elayne can never plain that you haven't watched Rand closely for her。 Did you really drag the Lady Berwyn down the hall by her hair?〃
       Aviendha's cheeks colored faintly。 〃Do you think these Aes Sedai in … Salidar? … will help him?〃
       〃Be careful of that name; Aviendha。 Rand cannot be allowed to find them without preparation。〃 The way he was now; they would be more likely to gentle him; or at least send thirteen sisters of their own; than help him。 She would have to stand between them in Tel'aran'rhiod; she and Nynaeve and Elayne; and hope those Aes Sedai had mitted themselves too far to back out before they discovered how near the brink he was。
       〃I will be careful。 Rest well。 And eat well tonight。 In the morning; eat nothing。 It is not good to dance the spears with a full stomach。〃
       Egwene watched her stride away before pressing her hands to her stomach。 She did not think she would eat tonight or in the morning。 Rahvin。 And maybe Lanfear; or one of the others。 Nynaeve had faced Moghedien and won。 But Nynaeve was stronger than she or Aviendha; when she could channel at all。 There might not be another。 Rand said the Forsaken did not trust one another。 She could almost wish he was wrong; or at least that he was not so certain。 It was frightening when she thought she saw another man looking through his eyes; heard another man's words e out of his mouth。 It should not be so; everyone was reborn as the Wheel turned。 But everyone was not the Dragon Reborn。 Moiraine would not talk of it。 What would Rand do if Lanfear was there? Lanfear had loved Lews Therin Telamon; but what had the Dragon felt for her? How much of Rand was still Rand?
       〃You will work yourself into a tizzy this way;〃 she said firmly。 〃You're not a child。 Act like a woman。〃
       When a serving woman brought her supper of snapbeans and potatoes and fresh baked bread; she made herself eat。 It tasted like ashes。
       Mat strode through the dimly lit corridors of the palace and flung open the door of the rooms that had been set aside for the young hero of the battle against the Shaido。 Not that he had spent much time there; hardly any。 Servants had lit two of the stand…lamps。 Hero! He was no hero! What did a hero get? An Aes Sedai patting you on the head before she sent you out like a hound to do it again。 A noblewoman condescending to favor you with a kiss; or laying a flower on your grave。 He stalked back and forth in his anteroom; for once not pricing the flowered Illianer carpet or the chairs and chests and tables gilded and inlaid with ivory。
       The stormy meeting with Rand had gone on till the sun set; him dodging; refusing; Rand following as doggedly as Hawkwing after the rout at Cole Pass。 What was he to do? If he rode out again; Talmanes and Nalesean would surely follow with as many men as they could put in the saddle; expecting him to find another battle。 And he probably would; that was what really put a chill on it。 Much as he hated to admit it; the Aes Sedai was right。 He was drawn to battle or it to him。 Nobody could have tried harder to avoid one on the other side of the Alguenya。 Even Talmanes had mented on it。 Until the second time his careful creeping away from one lot of Andorans took them where there was no choice but to fight another。 And every time he could feel the dice rolling in his head; it was almost like a warning that a fight was just over the next hill; now。
       There was always a ship; or might be; down at the docks beside the grain barges。 Hard to find yourself in a battle on a ship in the middle of a river。 Except the Andorans held one bank of the Algueny
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