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       〃A good thing you gave your oath;〃 he said。 〃The way you used to be; keeping everything back; I might have been ready to suspect you by now。 A good thing you're more open now。〃 She did not react。 〃What do you make of it?〃
       〃She must have heard about your swelled head;〃 Egwene said softly。 He did not think he had been meant to hear。 Shaking her head; she said more loudly; 〃This doesn't sound like Alviarin at all。〃
       〃It is her hand;〃 Moiraine said。 〃What do you make of it; Rand?〃
       〃I think there's a rift in the Tower; whether Elaida knows it or not。 I assume an Aes Sedai can't write a lie more easily than she can speak one?〃 He did not wait for her nod。 〃If Alviarin had been less flowery; I might have thought they were working together to pull me in。 I can't see Elaida even thinking half of what Alviarin wrote; and I can't see her having a Keeper who could write it; not if she knew。〃
       〃You are not going to do this thing;〃 Aviendha said; Elaida's letter crumpled in her hand。 It was not a question。
       〃I am not a fool。〃
       〃Sometimes you are not;〃 she said grudgingly; and made it worse by raising a questioning eyebrow to Egwene; who considered for a moment; then shrugged。
       〃Do you see anything else?〃 Moiraine asked。
       〃I see White Tower spies;〃 he told her dryly。 〃They know I hold the city。〃 For at least two or three days after the battle; the Shaido would have stopped anything but a pigeon going north。 Even a rider who knew where to change horses; no sure thing between Cairhien and Tar Valon; could not have reached the Tower in time for these letters to e back today。
       Moiraine smiled。 〃You learn quickly。 You will do well。〃 For a moment she almost looked fond。 〃What will you do about it?〃
       〃Nothing; except make sure that Elaida's 'escort' doesn't get within a mile of me。〃 Thirteen of the weakest Aes Sedai could overwhelm him linked; and he did not think Elaida would send her weakest。 〃That; and be aware that the Tower knows what I do the day after I do it。 Nothing more until I know more。 Could Alviarin be one of your mysterious friends; Egwene?〃
       She hesitated; and he suddenly wondered whether she had told Moiraine any more than she had him。 Was it Aes Sedai secrets she kept; or Wise Ones'? At last she said simply; 〃I do not know。〃
       A rap came at the door; and Somara put her flaxen head into the room。 〃Matrim Cauthon has e; Car'a'carn。 He says that you sent for him。〃
       Four hours ago; as soon as he had learned Mat was back in the city。 What would the excuse be this time? It was time to be done with excuses。 〃Stay;〃 he told the women。 Wise Ones made Mat almost as uneasy as Aes Sedai did; these three would put him off balance。 He did not give a second thought to using them。 He was going to use Mat; too。 〃Send him in; Somara。〃
       Mat strolled into the room grinning; as if it was a mon room。 His green coat hung open; and his shirt was half unlaced; exposing the silver foxhead dangling on his sweaty chest; but the dark silk scarf was draped around his neck to hide his hanging scar in spite of the heat。 〃Sorry if I took too long。 There were some Cairhienin who thought they knew how to play cards。 Doesn't he know anything livelier?〃 he asked; jerking his head toward Asmodean。
       〃I hear;〃 Rand said; 〃that every young man who can pick up a sword wants to join the Band of the Red Hand。 Talmanes and Nalesean are having to turn them away in droves。 And Daerid has doubled the number of his footmen。〃
       Mat paused in lowering himself into the chair Arae had used。 〃It's true。 A fine lot of young。。。 fellows wanting to be heroes。〃
       〃The Band of the Red Hand;〃 Moiraine murmured。 〃Shen an Calhar。 A legendary group of heroes indeed; though the men in it must have changed many times in a war that lasted well over three hundred years。 It is said they were the last to fall to the Trollocs; guarding Aemon himself; when Manetheren died。 Legend says a spring rose where they fell; to mark their passing; but I rather think the spring was already there。〃
       〃I wouldn't know about that。〃 Mat touched the foxhead medallion; and his voice picked up strength。 〃Some fool got the name from somewhere; and they all started using it。〃
       Moiraine glanced at the medallion dismissively。 The small blue stone hanging on the forehead seemed to catch the light and glow; though the angles were wrong。 〃You are very brave; it seems; Mat。〃 It was flatly said; and the silence that followed stiffened his face。 〃Very brave;〃 she said finally; 〃to lead Shen an Calhar across the Alguenya and south against the Andorans。 Even braver than that; for there are rumors that you went alone to scout the way; and Talmanes and Nalesean had to ride hard to catch up to you。〃 Egwene sniffed loudly in the background。 〃Hardly wise for a young lord leading his men。〃
       Mat's lip curled。 〃I'm no lord; I've more respect for myself than that。〃
       〃But very brave;〃 Moiraine said as if he had not spoken。 〃Andoran supply wagons burned; outposts destroyed。 And three battles。 Three battles; and three victories。 With small loss to your own men; though outnumbered。〃 As she fingered a rip in the shoulder of his coat he sank back as far the chair would allow。 〃Are you drawn to the thick of battles; or are they drawn to you? I am almost surprised you came back。 To hear the stories; you might have driven the Andorans back across the Erinin had you stayed。〃
       〃Do you think this is funny?〃 Mat snarled。 〃If you have something to say; say it。 You can play the cat all you want; but I'm no mouse。〃 For an instant his eyes flickered toward Egwene and Aviendha; watching with folded arms; and he fingered the silver foxhead again。 He had to be wondering。 It had stopped one woman's channeling from touching him。 Would it stop three?
       Rand only watched。 Watched his friend being softened for what he meant to do to him。 Is there anything left to me but necessity? It was a quick thought; there and gone。 He would do what he must。
       The Aes Sedai's voice gained a rime of crystal frost as she spoke; almost in an echo。 〃We all do as we must; as the Pattern decrees For some there is less freedom than for others。 It does not matter whether we choose or are chosen。 What must be; must be。〃
       Mat did not look softened at all。 Wary; yes; and certainly angry; but not softened。 He could have been a tomcat backed into a corner by three hounds。 A tomcat who meant to go down hard。 He seemed to have forgotten anyone was in the room except for himself and the three women。 〃You always have to push a man where you want him; don't you? Kick him there; if he won't go led by the nose。 Blood and bloody ashes! Don't glare at me; Egwene; I'll speak the way I want。 Burn me! All it needs is for Nynaeve to be here; yanking her braid out of her head; and Elayne staring down her nose。 Well; I'm glad she isn't; to hear the news; but even if you had Nynaeve; I'd not be shoved …〃
       〃What news?〃 Rand said sharply。 〃News Elayne shouldn't hear?〃
       Mat looked up at Moiraine。 〃You mean there's something you haven't ferreted out?〃
       〃What news; Mat?〃 Rand demanded。
       〃Morgase is dead。〃
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