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now dawning on them。 They had all tried to ignore who he was; pretend he was simply some young lord who had conquered them; who could be dealt with and manipulated。 That chair … that throne … held up in front of them who and what he really was。
       〃Are the soldiers moving on schedule; Lord Dobraine?〃 The harp faded away as soon as he opened his mouth; Asmodean apparently absorbed in preening it。
       The leathery man smiled grimly。 〃They are; my Lord Dragon。〃 No more than that。 Rand had no illusions that Dobraine liked him more than any of the others did; or that he would not try to gain advantage where he could; but Dobraine actually seemed ready to hold to the oath he had sworn。 The colorful slashes down the chest of his coat were worn from a breastplate being buckled over them。
       Maringil shifted forward on his chair; whip…slender and tall for a Cairhienin; white hair almost touching his shoulders。 His forehead was not shaved; and his coat; stripes nearly to his knees; bore no visible wear。 〃We need those men here; my Lord Dragon。〃 Hawk's eyes blinked at the gilded throne; focused on Rand again。 〃There are many bandits at large in the land yet。〃 He shifted again; so he did not have to look at the Tairens。 Meilan and the other two were smiling faintly。
       〃I have set Aiel to hunting bandits;〃 Rand said。 They did have orders to sweep up any brigands in their path。 And to not go out of their way to find them。 Even Aiel could not do that and move quickly。 〃I'm told that three days ago; Stone Dogs killed nearly two hundred near Morelle。〃 That was near the southernmost line claimed by Cairhien in recent years; halfway to the River Iralell。 No need to let this lot know that those Aiel might be as far as the river by now。 They could cover long distances faster than horses。
       Maringil persisted; frowning uneasily。 〃There is another reason。 Half of our land west of the Alguenya is in the hands of Andor。〃 He hesitated。 They all knew Rand had grown up in Andor; a dozen rumors made him a son of one Andoran House or another; even a son of Morgase herself; either cast off because he could channel or fled before he could be gentled。 The slender man went on as if tiptoeing barefoot and。 blindfolded among daggers。 〃Morgase does not seem to be reaching for more as yet; but what she has already must be taken back。 Her heralds have even proclaimed her right to the …〃 He stopped abruptly。 None of them knew who Rand meant the Sun Throne for。 Maybe it was Morgase。
       Colavaere's dark gaze had Rand on balance scales again; she had said little today。 She would not until she learned why Selande's face was so white。
       Suddenly Rand was tired; of nobles balking; of all the maneuvering in Daes Dae'mar。 〃Andoran claims to Cairhien will be taken care of when I am ready。 Those soldiers will go to Tear。 You will follow the High Lord Meilan's good example of obedience; and I'll hear no more on it。〃 He swung toward the Tairens。 〃Your example is a good one; Meilan; isn't it? And yours; Arae? If I ride out tomorrow; I won't find a thousand Defenders of the Stone camped ten miles south who were supposed to be on their way back to Tear two days ago; will I? Or two thousand armsmen from Tairen Houses?〃
       Those faint smiles faded with each word。 Meilan became very still; dark eyes glittering; and Arae's narrow face went pale; whether from anger or fear it was hard to say。 Torean dabbed at his lumpy face with a silk handkerchief pulled from his sleeve。 Rand ruled in Tear; and meant to rule; Callandor driven into the Heart of the Stone proved that。 That was why they had not protested against his sending Cairhienin soldiers to Tear。 They thought to carve new estates; perhaps kingdoms; here; far from where he ruled。
       〃You will not; my Lord Dragon;〃 Meilan said finally。 〃Tomorrow I will ride with you so you may see for yourself。〃
       Rand did not doubt it。 A rider would be dispatched south as soon as the man could arrange it; and by tomorrow those soldiers would be far on toward Tear。 It would do。 For now。 〃I am done; then。 You may leave me。〃
       A few starts of surprise; masked so quickly they might have been imagined; and they were rising; bowing and curtsying; Selande and the young lords backing away。 They had expected more。 An audience with the Dragon Reborn was always long; and tortuous as they saw it; with him firmly bending them the way he meant them to go; whether it was declaring that no Tairen could claim lands in Cairhien without marrying into a Cairhienin House; or refusing to allow the expulsion of Foregaters; or making laws apply to nobles that had never applied to any but moners before。
       His eyes followed Selande for a moment。 She was not the first in the last ten days。 Nor the tenth; or even the twentieth。 He had been tempted; at least at first。 When he rejected slender; plump promptly replaced her; as tall or dark; for Cairhienin anyway; replaced short or fair。 A constant search for the woman who would please him。 The Maidens turned back those who tried to sneak into his quarters at night; firmly but more gently than Aviendha had handled the one she caught。 Aviendha apparently took Elayne's ownership of him with little short of deadly seriousness。 Yet her Aiel sense of humor seemed to find tormenting him very satisfying; he had seen the satisfaction on her face when he groaned and hid his face as she started undressing for the night。 Thus he could have resented her deadly seriousness if he had not quickly understood what was behind that string of pretty young women。
       〃My Lady Colavaere。〃
       She stopped as soon as he spoke her name; cool…eyed and calm beneath her ornate tower of dark curls。 Selande had no choice but to remain with her; though she was plainly as reluctant to stay as the others were to go。 Meilan and Maringil bowed themselves out last; so intent on Colavaere and trying to puzzle out why she had been called to stay that they did not realize they were side by side。 Their eyes were a perfect match; dark and predatory。
       The dark…paneled door closed。 〃Selande is very pretty young woman;〃 Rand said。 〃But some prefer the pany of a more mature。。。 more knowledgeable。。。 woman。 You will sup alone with me tonight; when Second Even is rung。 I look forward to the pleasure。〃 He waved her away before she could say anything; if she could have。 Her face did not change; but her curtsy was a trifle unsteady。 Selande looked purely amazed。 And infinitely relieved。
       Once the door had closed again; behind the two women; Rand threw back his head and laughed。 A harsh; sardonic laugh。 He was tired of the Game of Houses; so he played it without thinking。 He was disgusted with himself for frightening one woman; so he frightened another。 It was reason enough to laugh。 Colavaere stood behind that line of young women who had been flinging themselves at him。 Find a bed…partner for the Lord Dragon; a young woman whose strings she pulled; and Colavaere would have a string tied firmly to Rand。 But it was some other woman she meant to bed; and perhaps even marry; the Dragon Reborn。 Now she would sweat all the hours until Second Even。 She had to know she was pretty; if short of beautiful; and
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