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       Asmodean nodded。 〃But before that; two of them did speak to me; once they were certain I was not a Tairen spy。 Lord Dobraine; and Lady Colavaere。 They clouded everything in so many hints and innuendoes that I cannot be certain; but I would not be surprised if they mean to offer you the Sun Throne。 They could bandy words with。。。 some people I used to be acquainted with。〃
       Rand barked a laugh。 〃Maybe they will。 If they can manage the same terms as Meilan。〃 He had not needed Moiraine to tell him that Cairhienin played the Game of Houses in their sleep; nor Asmodean to tell him they would try it with the Forsaken。 The High Lords to the left and the Cairhienin to the right。 One battle done; and another; of a different sort if no less dangerous; beginning。 〃In any case; I mean the Sun Throne for someone who has a right to it。〃 He ignored the speculation on Asmodean's face; perhaps the man had tried to help him the night before and perhaps he had not; but he did not trust the fellow enough to let him know half of his plans。 However much Asmodean's future might be tied to his; his loyalty was all necessity; and he was still the same man who had chosen to give his soul to the Shadow。 〃Meilan wants to give me a grand entry when I am ready; does he? So much the better that I see what's what before he expects me。〃 It came to him why Aviendha had bee so agreeable; even helping the talk along。 As long as he sat here talking; he was doing exactly what she wanted。 〃Are you going to get my horse; Natael; or must I?〃
       Asmodean's bow was deep; formal; and on the surface; at least; sincere。 〃I serve the Lord Dragon。〃

Chapter 46 
(Full Aes Sedai Symbol) 
Other Battles; Other Weapons 
       Frowning after Asmodean and wondering how far he trusted the man; Rand was startled when Aviendha threw down her cup; splashing wine onto the rugs。 Aiel did not waste anything that could be drunk; not only water。
       Staring at the wet spot; she appeared just as surprised; but only for a moment。 The next instant she had planted fists on hips where she sat and was glaring at him。 〃So the Car'a'carn will enter the city when he can barely sit up。 I said the Car'a'carn must be more than other men; but I did not know he was more than mortal。〃
       〃Where are my clothes; Aviendha?〃
       〃You are only flesh!〃
       〃My clothes?〃
       〃Remember your toh; Rand al'Thor。 If I can remember ji'e'toh; so can you。〃 That seemed a strange thing to say; the sun would rise at midnight before she forgot the smallest scrap of ji'e'toh。
       〃If you keep on like this;〃 he said with a smile; 〃I will begin thinking you care for me。〃
       He meant it for a jest … there were only two ways to deal with her; joke or simply override her; arguing was fatal … and a mild one considering they had spent a night in each other's arms; but her eyes went wide in outrage; and she jerked at the ivory bracelet as if to pull it off and throw it at him。 〃The Car'a'carn is so far above other men that he does not need clothes;〃 she spat。 〃If he wishes to go; let him go in his skin! Must I bring Sorilea and Bair? Or perhaps Enaila; and Somara; and Lamelle?〃
       He stiffened。 Of all the Maidens who treated him as a long…lost son of ten; she had chosen the three worst。 Lamelle even brought him soup … the woman could not cook a lick; but she insisted on making him soup! 〃You bring whoever you wish;〃 he told her in a tight; flat voice; 〃but I am the Car'a'carn; and I am going into the city。〃 With luck; he could find his clothes before she returned。 Somara was nearly as tall as he; and; at the moment; probably stronger。 The One Power certainly would do him no good; he could not have embraced saidin if Sammael appeared in front of him; much less held onto it。
       For a long moment she met his stare; then abruptly picked up the leopard…worked cup and refilled it from a hammered…silver pitcher。 〃If you can find your clothes and dress yourself without falling down;〃 she said calmly; 〃you may go。 But I will acpany you; and if I think you are too weak to continue; you will return here if Somara must carry you in her arms。〃
       He stared as she stretched out on one elbow; carefully arranged her skirts; and began sipping at her wine。 If he mentioned marriage again; no doubt she would snap his head off again; but in some ways she behaved as if they were married。 The worst parts of it; at least。 The parts that did not seem a pennyworth different from Enaila or Lamelle at their worst。
       Muttering to himself; he gathered the blanket around him and shuffled past her and the firepit to his boots。 Clean woolen stockings were folded up inside; but nothing else。 He could summon gai'shain。 And have the entire matter spread through the camp。 Not to mention the possibility that the Maidens would get into it after all; then the question would be whether he was the Car'a'carn; who must be obeyed; or just Rand al'Thor; another man entirely in their eyes。 A rolled rug at the back of the tent caught his eye; rugs were always spread out。 His sword was inside; the belt with the Dragon buckle wrapped around the scabbard。
       Humming to herself; eyes lidded; Aviendha looked half asleep as she watched him search。 〃You no longer need。。。 that。〃 She invested the word with so much disgust that no one would have believed she had given him the sword。
       〃What do you mean?〃 There were only a few small chests in the tent; inlaid with mother…of…pearl or worked in brass; or in one case; gold leaf。 The Aiel preferred putting things in bundles。 None held his clothes。 The gold…covered chest; all unfamiliar birds and animals; held tightly tied leather sacks and gave off a smell of spices when he raised the lid。
       〃Couladin is dead; Rand al'Thor。〃
       Startled; he stopped and stared at her。 〃What are you talking about?〃 Would Lan have told her? No one else knew。 But why?
       〃No one told me; if that is what you are thinking。 I know you now; Rand al'Thor。 I learn you more every day。〃
       〃I wasn't thinking any such thing;〃 he growled。 〃There isn't anything anybody could tell。〃 Irritably; he snatched up the scabbarded sword and carried it awkwardly under his arm as he went on searching。 Aviendha continued sipping wine; he thought she might be hiding a smile。
       A fine thing。 The High Lords of Tear sweated when Rand al'Thor looked at them; and the Cairhienin might offer him their throne。 The greatest Aiel army the world had ever seen had crossed the Dragonwall on the orders of the Car'a'carn; the chief of chiefs。 Nations trembled at mention of the Dragon Reborn。 Nations! And if he did not find his clothes; he would sit waiting on permission to go outside from a lot of women who thought they knew better about everything than he did。
       He finally found them when he noticed the gold…embroidered cuff of a red coatsleeve sticking out from under Aviendha。 She had been sitting on them all along。 She grunted sourly when he asked her to move; but she did it。 Finally。
       As usual; she watched him shave and dress; channeling the water hot for him without ment … and without being asked … after the third time he nicked himself and muttered about cold water。 I
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