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ing dented pewter cups and tarred leather mugs; all bellowing the tune at the top of their lungs。

〃There're some delight in ale and wine;
and some in girls with ankles fine;
but my delight; yes; always mine;
is to dance with Jak o' the Shadows。〃

       Mat wished he had never taught any of them the song。 The teaching had just kept his mind occupied while Daerid stopped him from bleeding to death; that ointment stung as bad as the gashes themselves had; and Daerid would never make a seamstress jealous with his delicate handling of needle and thread。 Only; the song had spread from that first dozen like fire in dry grass。 Tairens and Cairhienin; horse and foot; had all been singing it when they returned at dawn。
       Returned。 Right back to the hill valley where they had started; below the ruin of the log tower; and no chance for him to get away。 He had offered to ride ahead; and Talmanes and Nalesean nearly came to blows over who was to provide his escort。 Not everyone had bee the best of friends。 All he needed now was for Moiraine to e asking questions about where he had been and why; flattering at him about ta'veren and duty; about the Pattern and Tarmon Gai'don; until his head spun。 Doubtless she was with Rand now; but she would get around to him eventually。
       He glanced up at the hilltop and the tangle of shattered logs among broken trees。 That Cairhienin fellow who had made the looking glasses for Rand was up there with his apprentices; poking about。 The Aiel had been full of what happened there。 It was definitely past time for him to be gone。 The foxhead medallion protected him from women channeling; but he had heard enough from Rand to know a man's channeling was different。 He had no interest in finding out whether the thing would shield him from Sammael and his ilk。
       Grimacing at darts of pain; he used the black…hafted spear to lever himself to his feet。 Around him the celebration went on。 If he drifted down to the picket lines now。。。 He was not looking forward to saddling Pips。
       〃The hero should not sit without drinking。〃
       Startled; he jerked around; grunting at the stab of his wounds; to stare at Melindhra。 She had a large clay pitcher in one hand; not spears; and her face was not veiled; but her eyes seemed to be weighing him。 〃Now listen; Melindhra; I can explain everything。〃
       〃What must be explained?〃 she asked; flinging her free arm around his shoulders。 Even with the sudden jolt; he tried to stand straighter; be still was not used to having to look up at a woman。 〃I knew you would seek your own honor。 The Car'a'carn casts a great shadow; but no man wishes to spend his life in the shade。〃
       Closing his mouth hurriedly; he managed a faint; 〃Of course。〃 She was not going to try to kill him。 〃That's it exactly。〃 In his relief; he took the pitcher from her; but his gulp turned into a splutter。 It was the rawest double…distilled brandy he had ever tasted。
       She retrieved the pitcher long enough to take a draw; then sighed gratefully and pushed it back at him。 〃He was a man of much honor; Mat Cauthon。 Better that you had captured him; but even by killing him; you have gained much ji。 It was well that you sought him out。〃
       Despite himself; Mat looked at what he had been avoiding; and shivered。 A leather cord tied in short flame…red hair held Couladin's head atop the ten…foot pole near where the Aielmen were dancing。 The thing seemed to be grinning。 At him。
       Sought Couladin out? He had done his best to keep the pikes between him and any of the Shaido。 But that arrow had clipped the side of his head; and he was on the ground before he knew it; struggling to get to his feet with the fight raging all around him; laying about him with the raven…marked spear; trying to make it back to Pips。 Couladin had appeared as if springing out of air; veiled for killing; but there had been no mistaking those bare arms; entwined with Dragons glittering gold…and…red。 The man had been cutting a swath into the pikemen with his spears; shouting for Rand to show himself; shouting that he was the true Car'a'carn。 Maybe he really believed it by then。 Mat still did not know whether Couladin had recognized him; but it had made no difference; not when the fellow decided to carve a hole through him to find Rand。 He did not know who had cut off Couladin's head afterward; either。
       I was too busy trying to stay alive to watch; he thought sourly。 And hoping he would not bleed to death。 Back in the Two Rivers he had been as fine a hand with a quarterstaff as anyone; and a quarterstaff was not so different from a spear; but Couladin must have been born with the things in his hands。 Of course; that skill had not availed the man much in the end。 Maybe I still have a little bit of luck。 Please; Light; let it show itself now!
       He was thinking of how to get rid Of Melindhra so he could saddle Pips when Talmanes presented himself with a formal bow; hand to heart in the Cairhienin fashion。 〃Grace favor you; Mat。〃
       〃And you;〃 Mat said absently。 She was not going to go because he asked。 Asking would certainly put a fox in the henyard。 Maybe if he told her he wanted to take a ride。 They said Aiel could run down horses。
       〃A delegation came from the city during the night。 There will be a triumphal procession for the Lord Dragon; in gratitude from Cairhien。〃
       〃Will there?〃 She had to have duties of some sort。 The Maidens were always flocking around Rand; maybe she would be called off for that。 Glancing at her though; he did not think he had better count on it。 Her wide smile was。。。 proprietary。
       〃The delegation was from the High Lord Meilan;〃 Nalesean said; joining them。 His bow was just as correct; both hands sweeping wide; but hasty。 〃It is he who offers the procession to the Lord Dragon。〃
       〃Lord Dobraine; Lord Maringil and Lady Colavaere; among others; also came to the Lord Dragon。〃
       Mat pulled his mind back to the moment。 Each of the pair was trying to pretend the other of them did not exist … both looking right at him; with never the flicker of an eye toward each other … but their faces were as tight as their voices from the strain; their hands white knuckled on sword hilts。 It would be a cap to everything if they came to blows; and him likely still trying to hobble out of reach when one of them ran him through by accident。 〃What does it matter who sent a delegation; as long as Rand gets his procession?〃
       〃It matters that you should ask him for our rightful place at the head;〃 Talmanes said quickly。 〃You slew Couladin; and earned us that place。〃 Nalesean closed his mouth and scowled; plainly he had been about to say the same thing。
       〃You two ask him;〃 Mat said。 〃It's none of my affair。〃 Melindhra's hand tightened on the back of his neck; but he did not care。 Moiraine would surely not be far from Rand。 He was not about to put his neck in a second noose while still trying to think his way out of the first。
       Talmanes and Nalesean gaped at him as if he were demented。 〃You are our battle leader;〃 Nalesean protested。 〃Our general。〃
       〃My body…servant will polish your boots;〃 Talmanes put in with a small smile that he caref
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