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piral; and hours to go before the battle was decided。
       Wiping sweat from his eyes; he gripped the platform's rough railing。 He was near the brink; yet he was stronger than Egwene or Aviendha; The Aiel woman was standing; peering off toward Cairhien and the storm clouds; occasionally bending to stare through the long looking glass; Egwene sat cross…legged; leaning back against an upright still covered in gray bark; her eyes closed。 They both looked as worked out as he felt。
       Before he could do anything … not that he knew what; he had no skill at Healing … Egwene's eyes opened; and she stood; exchanging a few quiet words with Aviendha that the wind snatched away; from even his saidin…enhanced hearing。 Then Aviendha sat down in Egwene's place and let her head fall back against the upright。 The black clouds around the city continued to stab lightning; but they were wild forks far more often than single lances now。
       So they were taking turns; giving each other a rest。 It would have been nice to have someone do that with him; but he did not regret telling Asmodean to stay in his tent。 He would not have trusted him to channel。 Especially not now。 Who could say what he would have done when he saw Rand weakened as he was?
       Staggering slightly; Rand pulled his looking glass around to study the hills outside the city。 Life was certainly visible there now。 And death。 Wherever he looked there was fighting; Aiel against Aiel; a thousand here; five thousand there; swarming over the treeless hills and too closely meshed for him to do anything。 He could not find the column of horse and pike。
       Three times he had seen them; once fighting twice their number of Aiel。 He was certain they were still out there。 Small hope that Melanril had decided to obey his orders at this late juncture。 Choosing the man just because he had the grace to be embarrassed by Weiramon's behavior had been a mistake; but there had been little time to make a choice; and he had had to get rid of Weiramon。 Nothing to be done about it now。 Maybe one of the Cairhienin could be put in mand。 If even his direct order would make the Tairens follow a Cairhienin。
       A milling mass right at the city's high gray wall caught his eye。 Tall iron…bound gates stood open; Aiel battling horsemen and spearmen almost in the open while folk tried to close the gates; tried and failed because of the press of bodies。 Horses with empty saddles and armored men unmoving on the ground half a mile from the gate marked where the sortie had been driven back。 Arrows rained down from the walls; and head…sized chunks of rubble … even occasional spears slashing down with enough force to spit two men; or three; though he still could not see from where exactly … but the Aiel were going over their dead; ever closer to forcing their way in。 A quick scan showed him two more columns of Aiel trotting toward the gates; perhaps three thousand all told。 He did not doubt that they were Couladin's as well。
       He was aware of grinding his teeth。 If the Shaido got inside Cairhien; he would never drive them north。 He would have to dig them out street by street; the cost in lives would dwarf the number of those already dead; and the city itself would end a ruin like Eianrod; if not Taien。 Cairhienin and Shaido were mingled like ants in a bowl; but he had to do something。
       Taking a deep breath; he channeled。 The two women had set the conditions; bringing the storm clouds; he did not need to be able to see their weavings to take advantage of them。 Stark silver…blue lightning struck into the Aiel; once; twice; again; as fast as a man could clap。
       Rand jerked his head up; blinking away the burning lines that still seemed to cross his sight; and when he looked through the long tube again; Shaido lay like cut barley all around where the bolts had fallen。 Men and horses thrashed on the ground closer to the gates; too; and some did not move at all; but the uninjured were dragging the injured and the gates were beginning to close。
       How many won't make it back inside? How many of my own did I kill? The cold truth was that it did not matter。 It had had to be done; and it was done。
       And well it was。 Distantly he felt his knees wobbling。 He would have to pace himself if he was to last the rest of the day。 No more laying about him everywhere; he had to spot where he was particularly needed; where he could make a …
       The storm clouds were massed only over the city and the hills to the south; but that did not stop lightning from slashing out of the clear; cloudless sky above the tower; flashing down into the gathered Maidens below with a deafening crack。
       Hair lifting with the tingle in the air; Rand stared。 He could feel that bolt in another way; feel the weaving of saidin that had made it。 So Asmodean was tempted even back in the tents。
       There was no time for thought; though。 Like rapid beats on a giant drum; bolt followed bolt; marching through the Maidens until the last struck the base of the tower in an explosion of splinters the size of arms and legs。
       As the tower slowly began to slant over; Rand threw himself at Egwene and Aviendha。 Somehow he managed to scoop them both into one arm; then wrap the other around an upright on what was now the upslope side of the platform。 They stared at him wide…eyed; mouths ing open; but there was no more time for speaking than for thinking。 The shattered log tower toppled; crashing through the branches of the trees。 For an instant he believed they might cushion the fall。
       With a snap; the upright he clung to broke off。 The ground came up and knocked all the breath out of him a heartbeat before the women came down on top of him。 Darkness rolled in。
       He regained consciousness slowly。 Hearing returned first。
       〃。。。 have dug us up like a boulder and sent us rolling downhill in the night。〃 It was Aviendha's voice; low; as if she spoke for her own ears。 There was something moving on his face。 〃You have taken away what we are; what we were。 You must give us something in return; something to be。 We need you。〃 The moving thing slowed; touched more softly。 〃I need you。 Not for myself; you will understand。 For Elayne。 What is between her and me now is between her and me; but I will hand you to her。 I will。 If you die; I will carry your corpse to her! If you die…!〃
       His eyes popped open; and for a moment they stared at each other almost nose to nose。 Her hair was all in disarray; her head scarf gone; and a purple lump marred her cheek。 She straightened jerkily; folding a damp cloth stained with blood; and began dabbing at his forehead with considerably more force than before。
       〃I've no intention of dying;〃 he told her; though in truth he was not sure of that at all。 The Void and saidin were gone; of course。 Just thinking of losing them as he had made him shiver; it was pure luck that saidin had not scoured his mind blank in that last instant。 Just thinking of seizing the Source again made him groan。 Without the Void for buffer; he felt every ache; every bruise and scrape; to the fullest。 He was so tired he could have dropped off to sleep at once if he had not hurt so much。 As well he
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