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to shade his face and black…hafted spear across his pommel。 West。 Again。
       The day had begun so well; a good two hours before first light; when Melindhra had gone off to some meeting of the Maidens。 Thinking him asleep; she had not glanced at him as she stalked out muttering half under her breath about Rand al'Thor and honor and 〃Far Dareis Mai; above all。〃 She sounded as if she were arguing with herself; but frankly; he did not care whether she wanted to pickle Rand or stew him。 Before she was a minute out of the tent; he was stuffing his saddlebags。 No one had so much as looked at him twice while he saddled Pips and ghosted away to the south。 A good beginning。 Only he had not counted on columns of Taardad and Tomanelle and every other bloody clan sweeping around to the south。 No consolation that it was very close to what he had babbled to Lan。 He wanted to go south; and those Aiel had forced him toward the Alguenya。 Toward where the fighting would be。
       A mile or two on; he cautiously turned Pips upslope; pausing deep in the scattered trees on the crest。 It was a higher hill than most; and he had a good view。 This time there were no Aiel in sight; but the column winding along the bottom of the twisting hill valley was almost as bad。 Mounted Tairens had the lead behind a knot of colorful lords' banners; with a gap back to a thick; bristling snake of pikemen in the Tairens' dust; and then another to the Cairhienin horse; with their multitude of banners and pennants and con。 The Cairhienin maintained no order at all; milling about as lords shifted back and forth for conversation; but at least they had flankers out to either side。 In any case; as soon as they were past; he had a clear route south。 And I'll not stop until I'm halfway to the bloody Erinin!
       A flicker of movement caught his eye; well ahead of the column below。 He would not have seen it except for being so high。 None of the riders could have; certainly。 Digging his small looking glass from his saddlebags … Kin Tovere liked the dice … he peered toward what he had seen; and whistled softly through his teeth。 Aiel; at least as many as the men in the valley; and if they were not Couladin's; they meant to give a nameday surprise; for they were lying low among the dying bushes and dead leaves。
       For a moment he drummed fingers on his thigh。 Shortly there were going to be some corpses down there。 And not many of them Aiel。 None of my affair。 I am out of this; out of here; and heading south。 He would wait a bit; then head off while they were all too busy to notice。
       This fellow Weiramon … he had heard the gray…beard's name yesterday … was a stone fool。 No foreguard out; and no scouts; or he'd know what was bloody in store for him。 For that matter; the way the hills lay; the way the valley twisted; the Aiel could not see the column; either; only its thin dust rising skyward。 They certainly had had scouts to get themselves in place; they could not just be waiting there on the off chance。
       Idly whistling 〃Dance with Jak o' the Shadows;〃 he put the looking glass back to his eye and studied the hilltops。 Yes。 The Aiel mander had left a few men where they could signal a warning just before the column entered the killing ground。 But even they could not possibly see anything yet。 In a few minutes the first Tairens would e in sight; but until then。。。
       It came as a shock when he heeled Pips to a gallop downslope。 What under the Light am I doing? Well; he could not just stand by and let them all go their deaths like geese to the knife。 He would warn them。 That was all。 Tell what lay in wait ahead; then he was gone。
       The Cairhienin outriders saw him ing before he reached the bottom of the slope; of course; heard Pips' dead…flat charge。 Two or three lowered their lances。 Mat did not precisely enjoy having a foot and a half of steel pointed at him; and still less three times over; but obviously one man was no threat; even riding like a madman。 They let him pass; and he swung in near the lead Cairhienin lords long enough to shout; 〃Halt here! Now! By order of the Lord Dragon! Else he'll channel your head into your belly and feed you your own feet for breakfast!〃
       His heels dug in; and Pips sprang ahead。 He only glanced back to be sure they were doing what he said … they were; if showing some confusion over it; the hills hid them from the Aiel still; and once their dust settled; the Aiel would have no way of knowing they were there … and then he was lying low on the gelding's neck; whipping Pips with his hat and galloping up alongside the infantry。
       If I wait to let Weiramon pass the orders; it'll be too late。 That's all。 He would give his warning and go。
       The foot marched in blocks of two hundred or so pikemen; with one mounted officer in the front of each and maybe fifty archers; or crossbowmen at the rear。 Most looked at him curiously as he dashed by; Pips' heels kicking up spurts of dust; but none broke stride。 Some of the officers' mounts frisked as if the riders wanted to e see what had him in such a hurry; but none of them left their places either。 Good discipline。 They would need it。
       Defenders of the Stone brought up the tail end of the Tairens; in their breastplates and puffy black…and…gold striped coatsleeves; plumes of various colors on the rimmed helmets marking officers and underofficers。 The rest were armored the same; but bore the colors of various lords on their sleeves。 The silk…coated lords themselves rode at the very front in ornate breastplates and large white plumes; their banners rippling behind them in a rising breeze toward the city。
       Reining around in front of them so quickly that Pips danced; Mat shouted; 〃Halt; in the name of the Lord Dragon!〃
       It seemed the fastest way to stop them; but for a moment he thought they meant to ride right over him。 Almost at the last moment; a young lord he remembered from outside Rand's tent flung up a hand; and then they were all drawing rein in a flurry of shouted orders that ran back along the column。 Weiramon was not there; not a lord was as much as ten years older than Mat。
       〃What is the meaning of this?〃 demanded the fellow who had signaled。 Dark eyes glared arrogantly down a sharp nose; chin lifted so his pointed beard looked ready to stab。 Sweat trickling down his face spoiled it only a little。 〃The Lord Dragon himself gave me this mand。 Who are you to …?〃
       He cut off as another man Mat knew caught his sleeve; whispering urgently。 Potato…faced Estean looked haggard beneath his helmet as we'll as hot … the Aiel had wrung him out concerning conditions in the city; so Mat had heard … but he had gambled at cards with Mat in Tear。 He knew exactly who Mat was。 Estean's breastplate alone had chips in the ornate gilding; none of the others had done more than ride around looking pretty。 Yet。
       Sharp…nose's chin came down as he listened; and when Estean left off; he spoke in a more moderate tone。 〃No offense intended。。。 ah。。。 Lord Mat。 I am Melanril; of House Asegora。 How may I serve the Lord Dragon?〃 Moderation slipped into actual hesitation at that last; and Estean broke in anxiously。
       〃Why should we 'halt'? I know
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