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might well e later。 Women seemed to enjoy jabbing the needle in just when you thought the danger was past。
       The sky began to lighten into gray; and as the log tower came into sight above the trees; he broke the quiet himself。 〃I didn't expect you to be part of this; Aviendha。 I thought you said Wise Ones take no part in battles。〃 He was sure she had。 A Wise One could walk through the middle of a battle untouched; or into any hold or stand of a clan that had blood feud with hers; but she took no part in fighting; certainly not with channeling。 Until he came to the Waste; even most Aiel had not really known that some Wise Ones could channel; though there were rumors of strange abilities; and sometimes something the Aiel thought might be close to channeling。
       〃I am not a Wise One yet;〃 she replied pleasantly; shifting her shawl。 〃If an Aes Sedai like Egwene can do this; so can I。 I arranged it this morning; while you still slept; but I have thought of it since you first asked Egwene。〃
       There was enough light now for him to see Egwene flush。 When she saw him glancing at her; she tripped over nothing; and he had to catch her arm to keep her from falling。 Avoiding his eyes; she jerked free。 Maybe he would not have to worry about any needles from her。 They started uphill through the sparse woods toward the tower。
       〃They didn't try to stop you? Amys; I mean; or Bair; or Melaine?〃 He knew they had not。 If they had; she would not be there。
       Aviendha shook her head; then frowned thoughtfully。 〃They talked for a long time with Sorilea; then told me to do as I thought I must。 Usually they tell me to do as they think I must。〃 Glancing at him sideways; she added; 〃I heard Melaine say that you bring change to everything。〃
       〃I do that;〃 he said; setting his foot on the bottom rung of the first ladder。 〃The Light help me; that I do。〃
       The view from the platform was magnificent even to the naked eye; the land spreading out in wooded hills。 The trees were thick enough to hide the Aiel moving toward Cairhien … most would already be in position … but dawn cast the city itself in golden light。 A quick scan through one of the looking glasses showed the barren hills along the river placid and seemingly empty of life。 That would change soon enough。 The Shaido were there; if concealed for now。 They would not remain concealed when he began to direct。。。 What? Not balefire。 Whatever he did; it had to unnerve the Shaido as much as possible before his Aiel attacked。
       Egwene and Aviendha had been taking turns looking through the other long tube; with pauses for quiet discussion; but now they were simply talking softly。 Exchanging nods finally; they moved closer to the railing and stood with their hands on the rough…hewn timber; staring toward Cairhien。 Goose bumps suddenly dotted his skin。 One of them was channeling; maybe both。
       It was the wind that he noticed first; blowing toward the city。 Not a breeze; the first real wind he had felt in this country。 And clouds were beginning to form above Cairhien; heaviest to the south; growing thicker and blacker as he watched; roiling。 Only there; over Cairhien and the Shaido。 Everywhere else as far as he could see; the sky was a clear blue; with only a few high thin white wisps。 Yet thunder rolled; long and solid。 Suddenly lightning stabbed down; a jagged silver streak that rent a hilltop below the city。 Before the crack of the first bolt reached the tower; two more crackled earthward。 Wild forks danced across the sky; but those single lances of brilliant white struck with the regularity of a heartbeat。 Abruptly; ground exploded where no lightning had fallen; fountaining fifty feet; then again somewhere else; and again。
       Rand had no idea which woman was doing what; but they certainly looked set to harrow the Shaido out。 Time to do his bit; or stand watching。 Reaching out; he seized saidin。 Icy fire scoured the outside of the Void that surrounded what was Rand al'Thor。 Coldly; he ignored the oily filth seeping into him from the taint; juggled wild torrents of the Power that threatened to engulf him。
       At this distance; there were limits to what he could do。 In fact; it was about as far as he could do anything; really; without angreal or sa'angreal。 Very likely that was why the women were channeling one lightning bolt at a time; one explosion; if he was at his boundary; they must be stretching theirs。
       A memory slid across the emptiness。 Not his; Lews Therin's。 For once he did not care。 In an instant he channeled; and a ball of fire enveloped the top of a hill nearly five miles away; a churning mass of pale yellow flame。 When it faded; he could see without the looking glass that the hill was lower now; and black at the crest; seemingly melted。 Between the three of them; there might be no need for the clans to fight Couladin at all。
       Ilyena; my love; forgive me!
       The Void trembled; for an instant Rand teetered on the brink of destruction。 Waves of the One Power crashed through him in a froth of fear; the taint seemed to solidify around his heart; a reeking stone。
       Clutching the rail until his knuckles ached; he forced himself back to calmness; forced the emptiness to hold。 Thereafter he refused to listen to the thoughts in his head。 Instead he concentrated everything on channeling; on methodically searing one hill after another。
       Standing well back into what treeline there was on the crest; Mat held Pips' nose under his arm so the gelding would not whicker as he watched a thousand or so Aiel slanting toward him across the hills from the south。 The sun was just peeking over the horizon; stretching long rippling shadows to one side of the trotting mass。 The night's warmth was already beginning to give way to the heat of day。 The air would swelter once the sun reached any height。 He was already beginning to sweat。
       The Aiel had not seen him yet; but he had few doubts that they would if he waited there much longer。 It hardly mattered that they very nearly had to be Rand's men … if Couladin had men to the south; the day was going to get very interesting for those stupid enough to be in the middle of the fighting … hardly mattered because he was not going to run the risk of letting them see him。 He had already e too close to an arrow this morning for that kind of carelessness。 Absently he fingered the neat slice across the shoulder of his coat。 Good shooting; at a moving target only half…seen through trees。 He could have admired it more had he not been the target。
       Without taking his eyes from the approaching Aiel; he carefully backed Pips deeper into the sparse thicket; if they saw him and picked up their pace; he wanted to know。 People said Aiel could run down a man on horseback; and he meant to have a good lead if they tried。
       Not until the trees hid them from him did he quicken his own step; leading Pips onto the reverse slope before mounting and turning west。 A man could not be too careful if he wanted to stay alive on this day and this ground。 He muttered to himself as he rode; hat pulled low to shade his face and black…hafted spear across his pommel。 West。 Again。
       The day had begun s
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