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s spears。〃
       〃I don't mean to seek him out; but who can say what will happen?〃 Rand shrugged unfortably。 Not to hunt for him。 But if ever his twisting of chance was to favor him; let it be to bring him face…to…face with Couladin。 〃Besides; I'd not put it past him to seek me。 The threats I've heard from him have been personal; Lan。〃 Raising one fist; he thrust his arm out of a crimson coatsleeve enough to make the golden…maned Dragon's fore end plainly visible。 〃Couladin won't rest while I live; not so long as we both wear these。〃
       And truth to tell; he would not rest himself until only one living man bore the Dragons。 By rights he should lump Asmodean in with Couladin。 Asmodean had marked the Shaido。 But Couladin's unrestrained ambition had made it possible; his ambition and refusal to abide by Aiel law and custom had led inevitably to this place; this day。 Beyond the bleakness and war between Aiel; there was Taien to be laid at Couladin's feet; and Selean; and dozens of ruined towns and villages since; countless hundreds of burned farms。 Unburied men and women and children had fed the vultures。 If he was the Dragon Reborn; if he had any right to demand that any nation follow him; much less Cairhien; then he owed them justice。
       〃Then have him beheaded when he's taken;〃 Lan said harshly。 〃Set a hundred men; or a thousand; with no purpose but to find and take him。 But do not be fool enough to fight him! You are good with a blade now … very good … but Aielmen are all but born with spear and buckler in hand。 A spear through your heart; and all has been for naught。〃
       〃So I should avoid the fighting? Would you; if Moiraine had no claims on you? Will Rhuarc; or Bael; or any of them?〃
       〃I am not the Dragon Reborn。 The; fate of the world does not rest on me。〃 But the momentary heat had gone from his voice。 Without Moiraine; he would have been wherever the fighting was hottest。 If anything; he looked to be regretting those claims at the moment。
       〃I'll not take needless risks; Lan; but I can't run from them all。〃 The Seanchan spear would remain in the tent today; it would only get in his way if he did find Couladin。 〃e。 The Aiel will finish it without us if we stand here much longer。〃
       When he ducked outside; only a few stars remained; and a thin brightness outlined the eastern horizon sharply。 That was not why he stopped; though; and Lan with him。 Maidens made a ring around the tent; shoulder to shoulder; facing inward。 A thick ring that spread down the dark shrouded slopes; cadin'sor…clad women jammed so a mouse could not have slipped through。 Jeade'en was nowhere in sight; though a gai'shain had been ordered to have him saddled and waiting。
       Not Maidens alone。 Two women in the front rank wore bulky skirts and pale blouses; their hair bound back with folded scarves。 It was too black yet to discern faces with any certainty; but there was something in the shape of those two; in their folded…arm stance; that named Egwene and Aviendha。
       Sulin stepped forward before he could open his mouth to ask what they were up to。 〃We have e to escort the Car'a'carn to the tower with Egwene Sedai and Aviendha。〃
       〃Who put you up to this?〃 Rand demanded。 One glance at Lan showed it had not been him。 Even in the darkness the Warder looked startled。 For a moment anyway; his head jerking up; nothing surprised Lan for long。 〃Egwene is supposed to be on her way to the tower now; and the Maidens are supposed to be there to guard her。 What she will do today is very important。 She must be protected while she does it。〃
       〃We will protect her。〃 Sulin's voice was as flat as a planed board。 〃And the Car'a'carn; who gave his honor to Far Dareis Mai to carry。〃 A murmur of approval rippled through the Maidens。
       〃It only makes sense; Rand;〃 Egwene said from where she stood。 〃If one using the Power as a weapon will make the battle shorter; three will shorten it even more。 And you are stronger than Aviendha and me together。〃 She did not sound as if she liked saying that last。 Aviendha said nothing; but the way she stood was eloquent。
       〃This is ridiculous;〃 Rand scowled。 〃Let me through; and go to your assigned place。〃
       Sulin did not budge。 〃Far Dareis Mai carries the honor of the Car'a'carn;〃 she said calmly; and others took it up。 No louder; but from so many women's voices it made a high rumble。 〃Far Dareis Mai carries the honor of the Car'a'carn。 Far Dareis Mai carries the honor of the Car'a'carn。〃
       〃I said let me through;〃 he demanded the instant the sound died。
       As if he had told them to begin again; they did。 〃Far Dareis Mai carries the honor of the Car'a'carn。 Far Dareis Mai carries the honor of the Car'a'carn。〃 Sulin just stood there looking at him。
       After a moment Lan leaned close to murmur dryly; 〃A woman is no less a woman because she carries a spear。 Did you ever meet one who could be diverted from anything she really wanted? Give over; or we will stand here all day while you argue and they chant at you。〃 The Warder hesitated; then added; 〃Besides which; it does make sense。〃
       Egwene opened her mouth as the litany fell off once more; but Aviendha put a hand on her arm and whispered a few words; and Egwene said nothing。 He knew what she had intended to say; though。 She had been about to tell him he was a stubborn foolish wool…head or some such。
       The trouble was that he was beginning to feel like one。 It did make sense for him to go to the tower。 He had nothing to do elsewhere … the battle was in the hands of the chiefs and fate; now … and he would be of more use channeling than riding around hoping to meet with Couladin。 If being an infantryman could pull Couladin to him; it could draw him to the tower as easily as anywhere else。 Not that he would have much chance of seeing the man; not after ordering every last Maiden to defend the tower。
       But how to back down and retain a scrap of dignity after blustering left; right and center? 〃I've decided I can do the most good from the tower;〃 he said; his face going hot。
       〃As the Car'a'carn mands;〃 Sulin replied without a hint of mockery; just as if it had been his idea from the first。 Lan nodded; then slipped away; the Maidens making narrow room for him。
       The gap closed up right behind Lan; though; and when they began to move; Rand had no choice except to go with them。 He could have channeled; of course; flung Fire about or knocked them down with Air; but that was hardly the way to behave with people on his side; let alone women。 Besides; he was not sure he could have made them leave him short of killing; and maybe not then。 And anyway; he had decided he was of most use at the tower; after all。
       Egwene and Aviendha were as silent as Sulin as they walked; for which he was grateful。 Of course; at least part of their silence had to do with picking their way uphill and down in the dark without breaking their necks。 Aviendha did raise a mutter now and then that he barely caught; something angry about skirts。 But neither made fun of him for backing down so visibly。 Though that might well e later。 Women seemed to enjoy jabbing the needle in just when you thought the danger was
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