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uck。 If Galad doesn't find us a boat; Masema will。 It turns out he is the Prophet。 You remember Masema; Elayne。 That sour…faced Shienaran we saw …〃 Realizing that Elayne had stopped; Nynaeve paused for her to catch up again。
       〃Galad?〃 the younger woman said disbelievingly; forgetting to hold her cloak closed。 〃You saw … you spoke to Galad? And the Prophet? You must have; or how would they be trying to find a vessel? Did you have tea with them; or did you just meet them in a mon room? Where the bald…headed man carried you; no doubt。 Maybe the King of Ghealdan was there; too? Would you please convince me I am dreaming so I can wake up?〃
       〃Get a grip on yourself;〃 Nynaeve said firmly。 〃It is a queen; now; not a king; and yes; she was。 And he wasn't bald; he had a topknot。 The Shienaran; I mean。 Not the Prophet。 He's as bald as …〃 She glared at Birgitte until the woman stopped snickering。 The glower slipped a little when Nynaeve remembered who she was glowering at and what she had done to her; but if the woman had not smoothed her features; they might have found out whether she could bring herself to slap Birgitte cross…eyed。 They began walking again; and she said as levelly as she could manage; 〃This is what happened。 I saw Uno; one of the Shienarans who was at Falme; watching you highwalk; Elayne。 He doesn't think any better of the Daughter…Heir of Andor showing her legs than I do; by the way。 In any case; Moiraine sent them here after Falme; but。。。〃
       She related everything quickly as they made their way through the crowd; riding roughshod over Elayne's increasingly incredulous exclamations; answering their questions in as few words as possible。 Despite a quick interest in the shifts of the Ghealdanin throne; Elayne concentrated on exactly what Galad had said and why Nynaeve had been fool enough to approach the Prophet; whoever he was。 That word … fool … popped up often enough to make Nynaeve keep a tight leash on her; temper。 She might doubt whether she could slap Birgitte; but Elayne had no such protection; Daughter…Heir or not。 A few more repetitions; and the girl woud discover it。 Birgitte was more interested in Masema's intentions on the one hand and the Shienarans on the other。 It seemed she had encountered Borderlanders in previous lives; though their nations had had different names; and thought well of them by and large。 She said little; really; but she appeared to approve of holding on to the Shienarans。
       Nynaeve expected the news about Salidar to startle them; or excite them; or anything but what it did。 Birgitte took it as matter…of…factly as if she had said they would eat supper with Thom and Juilin that night。 Plainly she meant to go where Elayne did; and all else mattered little。 Elayne looked doubtful。 Doubtful!
       〃Are you certain? You have tried so hard to remember; and。。。 Well; it seems awfully fortuitous that Galad should just happen to mention it to you。〃
       Nynaeve glowered。 〃Of course I am certain。 Coincidences do happen。 The Wheel weaves as the Wheel wills; as you may have heard。 I remember now that he mentioned it in Sienda; too; but I was so concerned over you being concerned about him that I didn't …〃 She cut off short。
       They had arrived at a long narrow area near the north wall; marked off by ropes。 At one end stood something like a segment of wooden fence; two paces wide and two tall。 People lined the ropes four deep; with children crouching down in front or holding a father's leg or a mother's skirts。 A buzz rose as the three women appeared。 Nynaeve would have stopped dead; but Birgitte had her by the arm; and it was walk or be dragged。
       〃I thought we were going to the wagon;〃 she said faintly。 Busy with talking; she had paid too little attention to where they were going。
       〃Not unless you want to see me shoot in the dark;〃 Birgitte replied。 She sounded all too willing to give it a try。
       Nynaeve wished she could have made some other ment than a squeak。 The bit of fence filled her vision as they progressed down the open space; to the exclusion of the onlookers。 Even their increasing murmurs sounded distant。 The fence looked a mile from where Birgitte would stand。
       〃Are you sure that he said he swore by。。。 our mother?〃 Elayne demanded sourly。 Acknowledging Galad as her brother even that far was unpleasant for her。
       〃What? Yes。 I said so; didn't I? Listen。 If Luca is in the city; he would not know whether we did this or not until it was too late to。。。〃 Nynaeve knew she was babbling; but she could not seem to stop her tongue。 Somehow she had never realized how far a hundred paces really was。 In the Two Rivers; grown men always shot targets at twice that。 But then; none of those targets had ever been her。 〃I mean; it already is very late。 The shadows。。。 The glare。。。 We really should do this in the morning。 When the light is …〃
       〃If he swore by her;〃 Elayne broke in as if she had not been listening; 〃then he will hold to it no matter what。 He would sooner break an oath on his hope of salvation and rebirth than that。 I think。。。 no; I know we can trust him。〃 She did not sound as if she particularly liked it; though。
       〃The light is just fine;〃 Birgitte said; a hint of amusement in her calm voice。 〃I might try it blindfolded。 This lot will want it to look difficult; I think。〃
       Nynaeve opened her mouth; but nothing came out。 This time she would have settled for a squeak。 Birgitte was only making a bad joke。 She had to be joking。
       They positioned her with her back against the rough wooden fence; and Elayne began tugging at the knot in the shawl as Birgitte turned back the way they had e; drawing an arrow from her quiver。
       〃You really did something foolish this time;〃 Elayne muttered。 〃We can trust Galad's oath; I'm sure; but you could not know what he might do beforehand。 And to approach the Prophet!〃 She jerked the shawl from Nynaeve's shoulders roughly。 〃You could have had no idea whatsoever what he might do。 You worried everybody and risked everything!〃
       〃I know;〃 Nynaeve managed to get out。 The sun was in her eyes; she could no longer see Birgitte at all。 But Birgitte could see her。 Of course she could。 That was the important thing。
       Elayne looked at her suspiciously。 〃You know?〃
       〃I know I risked everything。 I should have talked with you; asked you。 I know I've been a fool。 I should not be allowed outside without a keeper。〃 It all came in a breathless rush。 Birgitte must be able to see her。
       Suspicion became concern。 〃Are you all right? If you really do not want to do this。。。〃
       The woman thought she was afraid。 Nynaeve could not; would not; allow that。 She forced a smile; hoped her eyes were not too wide。 Her face felt tight。 〃Of course I want to。 I'm looking forward to it; actually。〃
       Elayne gave her a dubious frown; but nodded at last。 〃You are sure about Salidar?〃
       She did not wait for an answer; but hurried off to one side; folding the shawl。 For some reason; Nynaeve could not work up a proper indignation over the question; or Elayne not waiting。 Her breath was ing so fast that she was dimly aware that she might e right out of the dress's low neck
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