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       As he attended her down broad corridors seemingly full of scurrying men and women in livery … they took care not to impede her way; of course … she subtly examined the fine wall hangings; the ivory…inlaid chests and highchests; the bowls and vases of chased gold or silver; or thin Sea Folk porcelain。 The Royal Palace did not display as much wealth as the Stone of Tear; but Andor was still a wealthy land; perhaps even as wealthy as Tear。 An older lord would do nicely; malleable for a woman still young; perhaps a touch feeble and infirm。 With vast estates。 That would be a beginning; while she found out exactly where the strings of power lay in Andor。 A few words exchanged with Morgase some years ago were not much of an introduction; but she had that which a powerful queen must want and need。 Information。
       Finally Tallanvor ushered her into a large sitting room with a high ceiling painted in birds and clouds and open sky; where ornately carved and gilded chairs stood before a polished white marble fireplace。 A part of Alteima's mind noted with amusement that the wide red…and…gold carpet was Tairen work。 The young man went to one knee。 〃My Queen;〃 he said in a suddenly rough voice; 〃as you have manded; I bring you the High Lady Alteima; of Tear。〃
       Morgase waved him away。 〃You are wele; Alteima。 It is good to see you again。 Sit; and we will talk。〃
       Alteima managed a curtsy and murmured thanks before taking a chair。 Envy curdled inside her。 She had remembered Morgase as a beautiful woman; but the golden…haired reality told her how pale that memory had grown。 Morgase was a rose in full bloom; ready to overshadow every other flower。 Alteima did not blame the young soldier for stumbling on his way out。 She was just glad he was gone; so she would not have to be aware of him looking at the two of them; paring。
       Yet; there were changes; too。 Vast changes。 Morgase; by the Grace of the Light; Queen of Andor; Defender of the Realm; Protector of the People; High Seat of House Trakand; so very reserved and stately and proper; wore a gown of shimmering white silk that showed enough bosom to shock a tavern maid in the Maule。 It clung to hip and thigh close enough to suit a Taraboner jade。 The rumors were clearly true。 Morgase had a lover。 And for her to have altered so much; it was equally clear that she tried to please this Gaebril; not make him please her。 Morgase still radiated power and a presence that filled the room; but that dress transformed both to something less。
       Alteima was doubly glad she had worn a high neck。 A woman that deep in a man's thrall could lash out in a jealous rage on the smallest provocation or none at all。 If she met Gaebril; she would present him as near indifference as civility would allow。 Even being suspected of thinking of poaching Morgase's lover could get her a hangman's noose instead of a rich husband on his last legs。 She herself would have done the same。
       A woman in red…and…white livery brought wine; an excellent Murandian; and poured it into crystal goblets deeply engraved with the rearing Lion of Andor。 As Morgase took a goblet; Alteima noticed her ring; a golden serpent eating its own tail。 The Great Serpent ring was worn by some women who had trained in the White Tower; as Morgase had; without being Aes Sedai; as well as by Aes Sedai themselves。 It was a thousand…year tradition for the Queens of Andor to be Tower trained。 But rumors were on every lip of a break between Morgase and Tar Valon; and the anti…Aes Sedai sentiment in the streets could have been quashed quickly had Morgase wanted to。 Why was she still wearing the ring? Alteima would be careful of her words until she knew the answer。
       The liveried woman withdrew to the far end of the room; out of earshot but close enough to see when the wine needed replenishing。
       Taking a sip; Morgase said; 〃It is long since we met。 Is your husband well? Is he in Caemlyn with you?〃
       Hastily Alteima shuffled her plans。 She had not thought Morgase knew she had a husband; but she had always been able to think on the run。 〃Tedosian was well when I last saw him。〃 The Light send he died soon。 As well to get on with it。 〃He was of some question about serving this Rand al'Thor; and that is a dangerous chasm to straddle。 Why; lords have been hung as if they were mon criminals。〃
       〃Rand al'Thor;〃 Morgase mused softly。 〃I met him once。 He did not look like one who would name himself the Dragon Reborn。 A frightened shepherd boy; trying not to show it。 Yet thinking back; he seemed to be looking for some … escape。〃 Her blue eyes looked inward。 〃Elaida warned me of him。〃 She seemed unaware of having spoken those last words。
       〃Elaida was your advisor then?〃 Alteima said cautiously。 She knew it was so; and it made the rumors of a break all the more difficult to believe。 She had to know if it was true。 〃You have replaced her; now that she is Amyrlin?〃
       Morgase's eyes snapped back into focus。 〃I have not!〃 The next instant her voice softened again。 〃My daughter; Elayne; is training in the Tower。 She has already been raised to the Accepted。〃
       Alteima fluttered her fan; hoping sweat was not breaking out on her forehead。 If Morgase did not know her own feelings toward the Tower; there was no way to speak safely。 Her plans teetered on the edge of a precipice。
       Then Morgase rescued them; and her。 〃You say your husband was of two minds about Rand al'Thor。 And you?〃
       She nearly sighed with relief。 Morgase might be behaving like an untutored farmgirl over this Gaebril; but she still had her sense when it came to power and possible dangers to her realm。 〃I observed him closely; of course; in the Stone。〃 That should plant the seed; if it needed planting。 〃He can channel; and a man who can channel is always to be feared。 Yet he is the Dragon Reborn。 There is no doubt。 The Stone fell; and Callandor was in his hand when it did。 The Prophecies。。。 I fear I must leave decisions of what to do about the Dragon Reborn to those who are wiser than I。 I only know that I am afraid to remain where he rules。 Even a High Lady of Tear cannot match the courage of the Queen of Andor。〃
       The golden…haired woman gave her a shrewd look that made her afraid she had overdone the flattery。 Some did not like it too open。 But Morgase merely leaned back in her chair and sipped her wine。 〃Tell me about him; this man who is supposed to save us; and destroy us doing it。〃
       Success。 Or at least; the beginnings of it。 〃He is a dangerous man beyond any question of the Power。 A lion seems lazy; half…asleep; until suddenly he charges; then he is all speed and power。 Rand al'Thor seems innocent; not lazy; and naive; not asleep; but when he charges。。。 He has no proper respect for person or position at all。 I did not exaggerate when I said he has hanged lords。 He is a breeder of anarchy。 In Tear under his new laws; even a High Lord or Lady can be called before a magistrate; to be fined or worse; on the charges of the meanest peasant or fisherman。 He。。。〃
       She kept strictly to the truth as she saw it; she could tell the truth as quickly as a lie when it was necessary。 Morgase sipped her wine and listened; Al
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