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y talked it like it was true; my Lord。 Some of them claimed they was in Tar Valon when it all happened。〃
       Logain was no great news; even if he had started a war in Ghealdan by claiming to be the Dragon Reborn。 There had been several false Dragons the last few years。 He could channel; though; that was a fact。 Until the Aes Sedai gentled him。 Well; he was not the first man to be caught and gentled; cut off from the Power so he could never channel again。 They said men like that; whether false Dragons or just poor fools the Red Ajah took against; never lived long。 It was said they gave up wanting to live。
       Siuan Sanche; though; that was news。 He had met her once; nearly three years ago。 A woman who demanded obedience and gave no reasons。 Tough as an old boot; with a tongue like a file and a temper like that of a bear with a sore tooth。 He would have expected her to tear any upstart claimant limb from limb with her bare hands。 Stilling was the same as gentling for a man; but more rare by far。 Especially for an Amyrlin Seat。 Only two Amyrlins in three thousand years had suffered that fate; so far as the Tower admitted; though it was possible they could have hidden two dozen more; the Tower was very good at hiding what they wanted hidden。 But an execution on top of stilling seemed unnecessary。 It was said women survived stilling no better than men did gentling。
       It all stank of trouble。 Everyone knew the Tower had secret alliances; strings tied to thrones and powerful lords and ladies。 With a new Amyrlin raised in this fashion; some would surely try to test whether the Aes Sedai still watched as closely。 And once this fellow in Tear quelled any opposition … not that there was likely to be much if he really did have the Stone … he would move; against Illian or Cairhien。 The question was; how quickly could he move? Would forces be gathered against him; or for him? He had to be the true Dragon Reborn; but the Houses would go both ways; and the people; too。 And if petty squabbles broke out because the Tower …
       〃Old fool;〃 he muttered。 Seeing Barim give a start; he added; 〃Not you。 Another old fool。〃 None of this was his affair any longer。 Except to decide which way House Bryne went; when the time came。 Not that anyone would care; except to know whether or not to attack him。 Bryne had never been a powerful House; or large。
       〃Uh; my Lord?〃 Barim glanced at the men waiting with their horses。 〃Do you think you might need me; my Lord?〃
       Without even asking where or why。 He was not the only one bored with country life。 〃Catch up to us when you have your gear together。 We'll be heading south on the Four Kings Road to start。〃 Barim saluted and dashed away; dragging his horse behind him。
       Climbing into his saddle; Bryne swung his arm forward without a word; and the men fell into a column of twos behind him as they headed down the oak lane。 He meant to have answers。 If he had to take this Mara by the scruff of the neck and shake her; he would have answers。

       The High Lady Alteima relaxed as the gates of the Royal Palace of Andor swung open and her carriage rolled in。 She had not been certain they would open。 It had surely taken long enough to get a note taken in; and longer still to have a reply。 Her maid; a thin girl acquired here in Caemlyn; goggled and all but bounced on the seat across from her at the excitement of actually entering the palace。
       Snapping open her lace fan; Alteima tried to cool herself。 It was still well short of midday; the heat would grow worse yet。 To think she had always thought of Andor as cool。 Hastily she reviewed what she meant to say one last time。 She was a pretty woman … she knew exactly how pretty … with large brown eyes that made some mistakenly think her innocent; even harmless。 She knew she was neither; but it suited her very well to have others believe her so。 Especially here; today。 This carriage had taken almost the last of the gold she had managed to carry away when she fled Tear。 If she was to reestablish herself; she needed powerful friends; and there was none more powerful in Andor than the woman she had e to see。
       The carriage halted near a fountain in a column…ringed courtyard; and a servant in red…and…white livery rushed to open the door。 Alteima barely glanced at the courtyard or the serving man; her mind was all on the meeting ahead。 Black hair spilled to the middle of her back from beneath a close…fitting cap of seed pearls; and more pearls lined the tiny pleats of her high…necked gown of watery green silk。 She had met Morgase once; briefly; five years ago during a state visit; a woman who radiated power; as reserved and stately as one should expect of a queen; and also proper; in the Andoran way。 Which meant prim。 The rumors in the city that she had a lover … a man not much liked; it seemed … did not fit that very well; of course。 But from what Alteima remembered; the formality of the gown and the high neck should please Morgase。
       As soon as Alteima's slippers were firmly on the paving stones; the maid; Cara; leaped down and began fussing over the fall of the pleats。 Until Alteima snapped her fan shut and slapped the girl's wrist with it; a courtyard was no place for that。 Cara … such a foolish name … flinched back; clutching her wrist with a wounded look and the beginnings of tears。
       Alteima pressed her lips in irritation。 The girl did not even know how to take mild reproof。 She had been fooling herself: the girl would not do; she was too obviously untrained。 But a lady had to have a maid; especially if she was to differentiate herself from the mass of refugees in Andor。 She had seen men and women laboring in the sun; even begging in the streets; while wearing the remnants of Cairhienin nobles' garb。 She thought she had recognized one or two。 Perhaps she should take one of them in service; who could know the duties of a lady's maid better than a lady? And if they were reduced to working with their hands; they should leap at the chance。 It might be amusing to have a former 〃friend〃 for a maid。 Too late for today; though。 And an untrained maid; a local girl; said a little too clearly that Alteima was at the edge of her resources; only one step removed from those beggars herself。
       She put on a look of concerned gentleness。 〃Did I hurt you; Cara?〃 she said sweetly。 〃Remain here in the carriage and soothe your wrist。 I am certain someone will bring you cool water to drink。〃 The mindless gratitude on the girl's face was stupefying。
       The liveried men; well trained; stood looking at nothing at all。 Still; word of Alteima's kindness would spread; if she knew anything about servants。
       A tall young man appeared before her in the white…collared red coat and burnished breastplate of the Queen's Guard; bowing with a hand to his sword hilt。 〃I am Guardsman…Lieutenant Tallanvor; High Lady。 If you will e with me; I will escort you to Queen Morgase。〃 He offered an arm; which she took; but otherwise she was scarcely aware of him。 She had no interest in soldiers unless generals and lords。
       As he attended her down broad corridors seemingly full of scurrying men and women in livery … they took care not to imp
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