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ase it when he went anyway; for the simple reason that he could not leave even Seanchan bound in the snow。 If they did not freeze to death; there was always the big cat whose tracks he had seen。 Where there was one; there must be more。
       The gateway was there all right; but instead of looking into his room in Eianrod; it was a gray blank。 It seemed narrower than he remembered; too。 Worse; he could see the weave of that grayness。 It had been woven from saidin。 Furious thought slid across the Void。 He could not tell what it was meant to do; yet it could easily be a trap for whoever stepped through; woven by one of the male Forsaken。 By Asmodean; most likely; if the man could hand him over to the others; he might be able to regain his place among them。 Yet there could be no question of staying here。 If Aviendha only remembered how she had woven the gateway in the first place; she could open another; but as it was; they were going to have to use this; trap or no。
       One of the mounted women; a black raven in front of a stark tower on the gray breast of her cloak; had a severe face and dark eyes that seemed to want to drill into his skull。 Another; younger and paler and shorter; yet more regal; wore a silver stag's head on her green cloak。 The little fingers of her riding gloves were too long。 Rand knew from the shaven sides of her scalp that those long fingers covered nails grown long and no doubt lacquered; both signs of Seanchan nobility。 The soldiers were stiff…faced and stiff…backed; but the officer's blue eyes glittered behind the jaws of the insect…like helmet; and his gauntleted fingers writhed as he struggled futilely to reach his sword。
       Rand did not care very much about them; but he did not want to leave the damane behind。 At the least he could give them a chance to escape。 They might be staring at him as they would a wild animal with bared fangs; but they had not chosen to be prisoners; treated little better than domestic animals themselves。 He put a hand to the collar of the nearest; and felt a jolt that nearly numbed his arm; for an instant the Void shifted; and saidin raged through him like the snowstorm a thousand…fold。 The damane's short yellow hair flailed as she convulsed at his touch; screaming; and the sul'dam connected to her gasped; face going white。 Both would have fallen if not held by bonds of Air。
       〃You try it;〃 he told Aviendha; working his hand。 〃A woman must be able to touch the thing safely。 I don't know how it unfastens。〃 It looked of a piece; linked somehow; just like bracelet and leash。 〃But it went on; so it must be able to e off。〃 A few moments could not make any difference to whatever had happened to the gateway。 Was it Asmodean?
       Aviendha shook her head; but began fumbling at the other woman's collar。 〃Hold still;〃 she growled as the damane; a pale…faced girl of sixteen or seventeen; tried to flinch back。 If the leashed women had looked on Rand as a wild beast; they stared at Aviendha like a nightmare made flesh。
       〃She is marath'damane;〃 the pale girl wailed。 〃Save Seri; mistress! Please; mistress! Save Seri!〃 The other damane; older; almost motherly; began weeping uncontrollably。 Aviendha glared at Rand as hard as she did the girl for some reason; muttering angrily under her breath as she worked at the collar。
       〃It is he; Lady Morsa;〃 the other damane's sul'dam said suddenly in a soft drawl that Rand could barely understand。 〃I have borne the bracelet long; and I could tell if the marath'damane had done more than block Jini。〃
       Morsa did not look surprised。 In fact; there seemed to be a light of horrified recognition in her blue eyes as she gazed at Rand。 There was only one way that could be。
       〃You were at Falme;〃 he said。 If he went through first; it meant leaving Aviendha behind; although only for a moment。
       〃I was。〃 The noblewoman looked faint; but her slow; slurring voice was coolly imperious。 〃I saw you; and what you did。〃
       〃Take a care I don't do the same here。 Give me no trouble; and I will leave you in peace。〃 He could not send Aviendha first; into the Light knew what。 If emotion had not been so distant; he would have grimaced the way she was grimacing over that collar。 They had to go through together; and be ready to face anything。
       〃Much has been kept secret about what happened in the lands of the great Hawkwing; Lady Morsa;〃 the severe…faced woman said。 Her dark eyes were as hard on Morsa as they had been on him。 〃Rumors fly that the Ever Victorious Army has tasted defeat。〃
       〃Do you now seek truth in rumor; Jalindin?〃 Morsa asked in a cutting tone。 〃A Seeker above all should know when to keep silent。 The Empress herself has forbidden speech of the Corenne until she calls it again。 If you … or I … speak so much as the name of the city where that expedition landed; our tongues will be removed。 Perhaps you would enjoy being tongueless in the Tower of Ravens? Not even the Listeners would hear you scream for mercy; or pay heed。〃
       Rand understood no more than two words in three; and it was not the odd accents。 He wished he had time to listen。 Corenne。 The Return。 That was what the Seanchan in Falme had called their attempt to seize the lands beyond the Aryth Ocean … the lands where he lived … that they considered their birthright。 The rest … Seeker; Listeners; the Tower of Ravens … were a mystery。 But apparently the Return had been called off; for the time being at least。 That was worth knowing。
       The gateway was narrower。 Maybe as much as a finger width narrower than moments before。 Only his block held it open; it had tried to close as soon as Aviendha released her weave; and it was still trying to。
       〃Hurry;〃 he told Aviendha; and she gave him a look so patient it could as well have been a stone between his eyes。
       〃I am trying; Rand al'Thor;〃 she said; still working at the collar。 Tears trickled down Seri's cheeks; a continuous low moan came from her throat; as if the Aiel woman intended to slit it。 〃You nearly killed the other two; and maybe yourself。 I could feel the Power rushing into both of them wildly when you touched the other collar。 So leave me to it; and if I can do it; I will。〃 Muttering a curse; she tried at the side。
       Rand thought about making the sul'dam remove the collars … if anyone knew how the things came off; they would … but from the set frowns on their faces; he knew he would have to force them to it。 If he could not kill a woman; he could not very well torture one。
       With a sigh he glanced at the gray blankness filling the gateway again。 The flows appeared to be woven into his; he could not slice one without the other。 Passing through might trigger the trap; but cutting away the grayness; even if that act did not trip it; would allow the gateway to snap shut before they had a chance to leap through。 It would have to be a blind jump into the Light knew what。
       Morsa had listened carefully to every word he and Aviendha said; and now she was gazing thoughtfully at the two sul'dam; but Jalindin had never taken her eyes from the noblewoman's face。 〃Much has been kept secret that should not be held from the Seekers; Lady Morsa;〃 the stern woman 
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