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 Moiraine must be in her blankets by now。〃 This time her; odd look was satisfying; for a change he had said something that she did not understand。
       As he swung his feet down; he heard the ring of horses' hooves walking down the stone…paved street toward the bridge。 Every Maiden was upright in an instant; face veiled; half nocked arrows。 His hand went to his waist by instinct; but the sword was not there。 The Aiel felt strange enough about him riding a horse and carrying the thing at his saddle; he had not seen any need to offend their customs more by wearing it。 Besides; there were not many horses; and they were ing at a walk。
       When they appeared; surrounded by an escort of fifty Aiel; the riders numbered fewer than twenty; slumping in their saddles dejectedly。 Most wore rimmed helmets and Tairen coats with puffy; striped sleeves beneath their breastplates。 The pair in the lead had ornately gilded cuirasses; and large white plumes attached to the front of their helmets; and the stripes on their sleeves had the glisten of satin in the moonlight。 Half…a…dozen men at the rear; though; shorter and slighter than the Tairens; two with small banners called con on short staffs harnessed to their backs; wore dark coats and helmets shaped like bells cut away to expose their faces。 Cairhienin used the banners to pick out officers in battle; and also to mark a lord's personal retainers。
       The Tairens with plumes stared when they saw him; exchanged startled glances; then scrambled down to e kneel before him; helmets under their arms。 They were young; little older than he; both with dark beards trimmed to neat points in the fashion of Tairen nobility。 Dents marred their breastplates; and the gilding was chipped; they had been crossing swords somewhere。 Neither as much as glanced at the Aiel surrounding them; as if when ignored they would disappear。 The Maidens unveiled; though they looked no less ready to put spear or arrow through the kneeling men。
       Rhuarc followed the Tairens; with a gray…eyed Aiel younger and slightly taller than he; and stood behind。 Mangin was of the Jindo Taardad; and one of those who had gone to the Stone of Tear。 Jindo had brought in the riders。
       〃My Lord Dragon;〃 the plump; pink…cheeked lordling said; 〃burn my soul; but have they taken you prisoner?〃 His panion; jug ears and potato nose making him look a farmer despite his beard; kept sweeping lanky hair from his forehead nervously。 〃They said they were taking us to some Dawn fellow。 The Car'a'carn。 Means something about chiefs; if I remember what my tutor said。 Forgive me; my Lord Dragon。 I am Edorion of House Selorna; and this is Estean of House Andiama。〃
       〃I am He Who es With the Dawn;〃 Rand told them quietly。 〃And the Car'a'carn。〃 He had them placed now: young lords who had spent their time drinking; gambling and chasing women when he was in the Stone。 Estean's eyes nearly popped out of his face; Edorion looked as surprised for a moment; then nodded slowly; as if he suddenly saw how it made sense。 〃Stand。 Who are your Cairhienin panions?〃 It would be interesting to meet Cairhienin who were not running for their lives from the Shaido; and any other Aiel they saw。 For that matter; if they were with Edorion and Estean; they might be the first supporters he had met in this land。 If the two Tairens' fathers had followed his orders。 〃Bring them forward。〃
       Estean blinked in surprise as he rose; but Edorion barely paused in turning to shout; 〃Meresin! Daricain! e here!〃 Much like calling dogs。 The Cairhienins' banners bobbed as they dismounted slowly。
       〃My Lord Dragon。〃 Estean hesitated; licking his lips as though thirsty。 〃Did you。。。 Did you send the Aiel against Cairhien?〃
       〃They've attacked the city; then?〃
       Rhuarc nodded; and Mangin said; 〃If these are to be believed; Cairhien still holds。 Or did three days ago。〃 There was little doubt that he did not think it still did; and less that he cared about a city of treekillers。
       〃I did not send them; Estean;〃 Rand said as they were joined by the two Cairhienin; who knelt; doffing their helmets to reveal men of an age with Edorion and Estean; their hair shaved back in line with their ears and their dark eyes wary。 〃Those who attack the city are my enemies; the Shaido。 I mean to save Cairhien if it can be saved。〃
       He had to go through the business of telling the Cairhienin to rise; his time with the Aiel had almost made him forget the habit this side of the Spine of the World; bowing and kneeling right and left。 He had to ask for introductions; too; and the Cairhienin gave them themselves。 Lieutenant Lord Meresin of House Daganred … his con was all wavy vertical lines of red and white … and Lieutenant Lord Daricain of House Annallin; his con covered with small squares of red and black。 It was a surprise that they were lords。 Though lords manded and led soldiers in Cairhien; they did not shave their heads and bee soldiers。 Or had not; much had changed; apparently。
       〃My Lord Dragon。〃 Meresin stumbled a bit saying that。 He and Daricain were both pale; slender men; with narrow faces and long noses; but he was a bit the heavier。 Neither looked as if he had had much to eat lately。 Meresin rushed on as if afraid of being interrupted。 〃My Lord Dragon; Cairhien can hold。 For days yet; perhaps as many as ten or twelve; but you must e quickly if you are to save it。〃
       〃That is why we came out;〃 Estean said; shooting Meresin a dark look。 Both Cairhienin returned it; but their defiance was tinged with resignation。 Estean raked stringy hair from his forehead。 〃To find help。 Parties have been sent in every direction; my Lord Dragon。〃 He shivered despite the sweat on his brow; and his voice turned distant and hollow。 〃There were more of us when we started。 I saw Baran go down; screaming with a spear through his guts。 He'll never turn a card at chop again。 I could use a mug of strong brandy。〃
       Edorion turned his helmet in gauntleted hands; frowning。 〃My Lord Dragon; the city can hold a while longer; but even if these Aiel will fight those; the question is; can you bring them there in time? I think ten or twelve days is a more than generous estimate; myself。 In truth; I only came because I thought dying with a spear through me would be better than being taken alive when they made it over the walls。 The city is packed with refugees who fled ahead of the Aiel; there isn't a dog or a pigeon left in the city; and I doubt there will be a rat left soon。 The one good thing is that no one seems to be worrying very much about who will take the Sun Throne; not with this Couladin outside。〃
       〃He called on us to surrender to He Who es With the Dawn; on the second day;〃 Daricain put in; earning a sharp look from Edorion for the interruption。
       〃Couladin has some sport with prisoners;〃 Estean said。 〃Out of bowshot; but where anyone on the walls can see。 You can hear them screaming; too。 The Light burn my soul; I don't know whether he is trying to break our will or simply likes it。 Sometimes they let peasants make a run for the city; then shoot them full of arrows when they're almost safe。 However safe Cairhien is。 Only peasants; but。。。〃 He trail
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