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tried to ignore her rasping gurgles; the frantic scraping of her feet on the floor。 Her fingers clawed at his hands; but he stared straight ahead。 Even keeping his eyes open; he saw Teodora; he always did; when he killed a woman。 He had loved his sister; but she had discovered what he was; and she would not have kept silent。 Isendre's heels drummed violently; but after what seemed an eternity they slowed; went still; and she became a dead weight dragging at his hands。 He held the cord tight for a count of sixty before unwinding it and letting her fall。 She would have been confessing; next。 Confessing to being a Darkfriend。 Pointing a finger at him。
       Rummaging in the cabinets by touch; he pulled out butchering knife。 Disposing of a whole corpse would be difficult; but luckily the dead did not bleed much; the robe would absorb what little there was。 Maybe he could find the woman who had left the note under his door。 If she was not pretty enough; she must have friends who were also Darkfriends。 Natael would not care if it was an Aiel woman who visited him … Kadere would rather have bedded a viper himself; Aiel were dangerous … and maybe an Aiel would have a better chance than Isendre against Aviendha。 Kneeling; he hummed quietly to himself as he worked; a lullaby that Teodora had taught him。

Chapter 30
A Wager

       A soft night breeze stirred across the small town of Eianrod; then faded。 Sitting on the stone rail of the wide flat bridge in the heart of the town; Rand supposed the breeze was hot; yet it hardly felt so after the Waste。 Warm for nighttime perhaps; but not enough to make him unbutton his red coat。 The river below him had never been large; and was half its normal width now; yet he still enjoyed watching the water flow north; moonshadows cast by scudding clouds playing across the darkly glittering surface。 That was why he was out here in the night; really; to look at running water for a time。 His wards were set; surrounding the Aiel encampment that itself surrounded the town。 The Aiel themselves kept a watch a sparrow could not pierce unseen。 He could waste an hour being soothed by the flow of a river。
       It was surely better than another night where he had to order Moiraine to leave so he could study with Asmodean。 She had even taken to bringing his meals to him and talking while he ate; as if she meant to cram everything she knew into his head before they reached the city of Cairhien。 He could not face her begging to remain … actually begging! … as she had the previous night。 For a woman like Moiraine; that behavior was so unnatural that he had wanted to agree simply to stop it。 Which was very likely why she had done it。 Much better an hour listening to the quiet liquid ripplings of the river。 With luck; she would have given up on him for tonight。
       The eight or ten paces of clay between water and weeds on both sides below him was dried and cracked。 He peered up at the clouds crossing the moon。 He could try to make those clouds give rain。 The town's two fountains were both dry; and dust lay in a third of the wells not fouled beyond cleaning。 Try was the word; though。 He had made it rain once; remembering how was the trick。 If he managed that; then he could try not to make it a drowning deluge and a tree…snapping windstorm this time。
       Asmodean would be no help; he did not know much about weather; it seemed。 For every thing the man taught him; there were two more that made Asmodean either throw up his hands or give a lick and a promise。 Once he had thought that the Forsaken knew everything; that they were all but omnipotent。 But if the others were like Asmodean; they had ignorances as well as weaknesses。 It might actually be that he already knew more of some things than they。 Than some of them; at least。 The problem would be finding out who。 Semirhage was almost as poor at handling weather as Asmodean。
       He shivered as if this were night in the Three…fold Land。 Asmodean had never told him that。 Better to listen to the water and not think; if he meant to sleep at all tonight。
       Sulin approached him; the shoufa around her shoulders so it uncovered her short white hair; and leaned on the railing。 The wiry Maiden was armed for battle; bow and arrows; spears and knife and buckler。 She had taken mand of his bodyguard tonight。 Two dozen more Far Dareis Mai squatted easily on the bridge ten paces away。 〃An odd night;〃 she said。 〃We were gambling; but suddenly everyone was throwing nothing but sixes。〃
       〃I am sorry;〃 he told her without thinking; and she gave him a peculiar look。 She did not know; of course; he had not spread it about。 The ripples he gave off as ta'veren spread out in odd; random ways。 Even the Aiel would not want to be within ten miles of him; if they knew。
       The ground had given way beneath three Stone Dogs today; dropping them into a viper pit; but none of the dozens of bites had found anything but cloth。 He knew that had been him; bending chance。 Tal Nethin; the saddlemaker; had survived Taien to trip on a stone this very noon and break his neck falling on flat; grassy ground。 Rand was afraid that had been him; too。 On the other hand; Bael and Jheran had mended the blood feud between Shaarad and Goshien while he was with them; eating a midday meal of dried meat on the move。 They still did not like each other; and hardly seemed to understand what they had done; but it was done; with pledges and water oaths given; each man holding the cup for the other to drink。 To Aiel; water oaths were stronger than any other; it might be generations before Shaarad and Goshien so much as raided each other for sheep or goats or cattle。
       He had wondered if those random effects would ever work in his favor; maybe this was as close as it came。 What else had happened today that might be laid at his feet; he did not know; he never asked; and would as soon not hear。 The Baels and Jherans could only partly make up for the Tal Nethins。
       〃I've not seen Enaila or Adelin for days;〃 he said。 It was as good a change of subject as any。 That pair in particular had seemed to be jealous of their places guarding him。 〃Are they ill?〃
       If anything; the look Sulin gave him was even more peculiar。 〃They will return when they learn to stop playing with dolls; Rand al'Thor。〃
       He opened his mouth; then closed it again。 Aiel were strange … Aviendha's lessons often made them more so; not less … but this was ridiculous。 〃Well; tell them they are grown women and they ought to act it。〃
       Even by moonlight he could tell that her smile was pleased。 〃It shall be as the Car'a'carn wishes。〃 What did that mean? She eyed him a moment; lips pursed thoughtfully。 〃You have not eaten yet tonight。 There is still enough food for everyone; and you will not fill one belly by going hungry yourself。 If you do not eat; people will worry that you are ill。 You will bee ill。〃
       He laughed softly; a hoarse wheeze。 The Car'a'carn one minute; and the next。。。 If he did not fetch something to eat; Sulin would probably go get it for him。 And try to feed him to boot。 〃I will eat。 Moiraine must be in her blankets by now。〃 This time her; odd look was satisfying; for a change he h
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