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d。 Siuan thought she might sweat down to nothing if she could not find another way。 She still had enough control of herself to ignore the heat; usually; but not while trying to drag these women along without letting them notice her fist in their hair。 〃I do not think the Aiel would try to harm an Aes Sedai。〃 Not if she was quick enough to show that she was Aes Sedai。 Siuan did not think they would。 It had to be risked。 〃And if he is in the Waste; the Aiel will know of it。 Remember those Aiel at the Stone。〃
       〃Perhaps;〃 Beonin said slowly。 〃The Waste is large。 How many would we need to send?〃
       〃If the Dragon Reborn is in the Waste;〃 Anaiya said; 〃the first Aiel met will know of it。 Events follow this Rand al'Thor; by all accounts。 He could not slip into the ocean without making a splash heard in every corner of the world。〃
       Myrelle smiled。 〃She should be Green。 None of the rest of you will bond more than one Warder; and two or three Gaidin might be very useful in the Waste until the Aiel know her for Aes Sedai。 I have always wanted to see an Aiel。〃 She had been a novice during the Aiel War; and not allowed out of the Tower。 Not that any Aes Sedai had taken part beyond Healing; of course。 The Three Oaths had bound them unless Tar Valon; or maybe even the Tower itself; were attacked; and that war had never crossed the rivers。
       〃Not you;〃 Sheriam told her; 〃or any other member of this council。 You agreed to see this through; Myrelle; when you agreed to sit with us; and that does not include gallivanting off because you are bored。 I fear there will be more excitement than any of us could wish; before we finish。〃 She would have made an excellent Amyrlin in other circumstances; in these; she was simply too strong and sure of herself。 〃But Greens。。。 Yes; I think so。 Two?〃 Her green eyes swept along the others。 〃To be certain?〃
       〃Kiruna Nachiman?〃 Anaiya; offered; and Beonin added; 〃Bera Harkin?〃 The others nodded; except for Myrelle; who shifted her shoulders irritably。 Aes Sedai did not pout; but she came close。
       Siuan took her second relieved breath。 She was certain her reasoning was correct。 He had vanished to somewhere; and if he was anywhere between the Spine of the World and the Aryth Ocean; rumors would have been flying。 And wherever he was; Moiraine would be there with a hand on his collar。 Kiruna and Bera would surely be willing to carry a letter to Moiraine; and they had seven Warders between them to keep the Aiel from killing them。
       〃We do not want to tire you and Leane;〃 Sheriam went oh。 〃I will ask one of the Yellow sisters to look at both of you。 Perhaps she can do something to help; to ease you in some way。 I will have rooms found for you; where you can rest。〃
       〃If you are to be our mistress of eyes…and…ears;〃 Myrelle added solicitously; 〃you must maintain your strength。〃
       〃I am not so frail as you seem to think;〃 Siuan protested。 〃If I were; could I have followed you nearly two thousand miles? Whatever weakness I had after being stilled is gone; believe me。〃 The truth was that she had found a center of power again; and she did not want to leave it; but she could hardly say that。 All those concerned eyes on her; and Leane。 Well; not Carlinya's particularly; but the rest。 Light! They're going to have a novice tuck us into bed for a nap!
       A knock at the door was followed immediately by Arinvar; Sheriam's Warder。 Cairhienin; he was not tall; and slender besides; but in spite of gray at his temples he was hard of face; and he moved like a stalking leopard。 〃There are twenty…odd riders to the east;〃 he said without preamble。
       〃Not Whitecloaks;〃 Carlinya said; 〃or I presume you would have reported as much。〃
       Sheriam gave her a look。 Many sisters could be prickly when it came to another stepping between them and their Gaidin。 〃We cannot allow them to get away; and perhaps carry word of our presence。 Can they be captured; Arinvar? I would prefer that to killing them。〃
       〃Either may be difficult;〃 he replied。 〃Machan says they are armed and have the look of veterans。 Worth ten times their number of younger men。〃
       Morvrin made a vexed sound。 〃We must do one or the other。 Forgive me; Sheriam。 Arinvar; can the Gaidin sneak some of the more agile sisters close enough to weave Air around them?〃
       He shook his head fractionally。 〃Machan says they may have seen some of the Warders keeping watch。 They would certainly see if we tried to bring more than one or two of you near。 They are still ing; though。〃
       Siuan and Leane were not the only ones to exchange startled glances。 Few men saw a Warder who did not want to be seen; even without the Gaidin cloak。
       〃Then you must do as you think best;〃 Sheriam said。 〃Capture them; if possible。 But none must escape to betray us。〃
       Before Arinvar could plete his bow; hand to sword hilt; another man was beside him; a dark bear of a man; tall and wide; with hair to his shoulders and a short beard that left his upper lip bare。 That flowing Warder movement seemed odd on him。 He winked at Myrelle; his Aes Sedai; even as he said in a thick Illianer accent; 〃Most of the riders do be stopped; but one does e on by himself。 If my aged mother did say different; I would still name him Gareth Bryne from the glimpse I did get。〃
       Siuan stared at him; her hands and feet suddenly felt cold。 Strong rumor said that Myrelle had actually married this Nuhel and her other two Warders; in defiance of convention and law in every land Siuan had ever heard of。 It was the sort of incongruous thought that drifted through a stunned mind; and right then she felt as if a mast had fallen on her head。 Bryne; here? It's impossible! It is mad! Surely the man could not have followed them all this way for。。。 Oh yes; he could and would。 That one would。 As they journeyed; she had told herself that it was only sensible caution to leave no trace behind; that Elaida knew they were not dead; whatever the rumors said; and she would not stop hunting until they were found or she was pulled down。 Siuan had been irritated at having to ask directions finally; yet the thought that had snapped at her like a shark had not been that Elaida might somehow find a blacksmith in one small Altaran village; but that the blacksmith would be like a painted sign for Bryne。 Told yourself it was foolish; didn't you? And now here he is。
       She well remembered her confrontation with him; when she had had to bend him to her will on that matter of Murandy。 It had been like bending a thick iron bar; or some huge spring that would leap back if she let up for an instant。 She had had to bring all of her force to bear; had had to humiliate him publicly; in order to make certain he would remain bent for as long as she needed。 He could hardly go against what he had agreed to on his knees; begging her pardon; with fifty nobles watching。 Morgase had been difficult enough herself; and Siuan had not been willing to risk Bryne giving Morgase an excuse to go against her instructions。 Strange to think that she and Elaida had worked together then; bringing Morgase to heel。
       She had to take hold of herself。 She was in a daze; thinking of everything e
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