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Men in their shirtsleeves were up laying new thatch atop three large stone cubes that had to have been inns … one actually had the remains of a faded; weathered sign dangling above the door … yet no old thatch lay anywhere that she could see。 There were far too many women out and about for the number of men in sight; and far too few children playing for the number of women。 The smells of midday cooking in the air were the only normal things about the place。
       If the first glimpse startled Min; when she really saw what lay in front of her she nearly fell out of her saddle。 The younger women; shaking blankets from a window or hurrying on some errand; wore plain woolen dresses; but no village of any size had ever contained so many women in riding dresses of silk or fine wool; in every color and cut。 Around those women; and around most of the men; auras and images floated before her eyes; changing and flickering; most people rarely had anything for her viewing; but Aes Sedai and Warders seldom lacked an aura for as much as an hour。 The children must have belonged to Tower servants。 Aes Sedai who married were few and far between; but knowing them; they would have made every effort to bring their servants; with their families; out of any place they felt that they must flee themselves。 Siuan had found her gathering。
       There was an eerie stillness as they rode into the village。 No one spoke。 Aes Sedai stood without moving; watching them; and so did younger women and girls who must be Accepted or even novices。 Men who a moment before had been moving with wolfish grace were frozen; one hand hidden in thatch; or reaching into a doorway; doubtless where weapons were hidden。 The children vanished; hurriedly herded away by the adults who had to be servants。 Under all those unwinking stares; the hair on the back of Min's neck tried to stand up。
       Leane appeared uneasy; casting sidelong glances at the people they rode past; but Siuan stayed smooth…faced and calm as she led the way straight to the largest inn; the one with the unreadable sign; and scrambled down to tie Bela to the iron ring of one of the stone hitching posts that appeared to have been only recently set upright。 Helping Leane help Logain to the ground … Siuan never offered a hand in getting him up or down … Min found her eyes darting around。 Everyone staring; no one moving。 〃I never expected to be greeted like a long…lost daughter;〃 she murmured to the other woman; 〃but why isn't anyone at least saying hello?〃
       Before Leane could answer … if she meant to … Siuan said; 〃Well; don't stop pulling oar with the shore in reach。 Bring him on in。〃 She disappeared inside while Min and Leane were still guiding Logain to the door。 He went easily; but when they ceased to urge him he took only one step before stopping。
       The mon room looked like none Min had ever seen before。 The wide fireplaces were cold; of course; and had gaps where stones had fallen out; the plaster ceiling looked rotten; with holes in it as big as her head where the lathing showed。 Mismatched tables of every size and shape stood about on an age…roughened floor that several girls were sweeping。 Women with ageless faces sat examining parchments; giving orders to Warders; a few of whom wore their color…shifting cloaks; or to other women; some of whom had to be Accepted or novices。 Others were too old for that; perhaps half of them graying and clearly showing their years; and there were men who were not Warders; too; most either darting off as though carrying messages or else fetching parchments or cups of wine to the Aes Sedai。 The bustle had a satisfying air of something being done。 Auras and images danced around the room; wreathing heads; so many that she had to try to ignore them before they overwhelmed her。 It was not easy; but it was a trick she had had to learn when around more than a handful of Aes Sedai at once。
       Four Aes Sedai glided forward to meet the newers; all grace and cool serenity in their divided skirts。 For Min; seeing their familiar features was like reaching home after being lost。
       Sheriam's tilted green eyes fixed immediately on Min's face。 Rays of silver and blue flashed about her fiery hair; and a soft golden light; Min could not say what it meant。 Slightly plump in her dark blue silk; at the moment she was sternness itself。 〃I would be happier to see you; child; if I knew how you discovered our presence here; and if I had some inkling of why you conceived the crack…brained idea of bringing him。〃 Half a dozen Warders had drifted near; hands resting on swords; eyes sharp on Logain; he did not seem to see them at all。
       Min gaped。 Why were they asking her? 〃My crackbr…?〃 She had no chance to say more。
       〃It would be far better;〃 pale…cheeked Carlinya cut in icily; 〃if he had died as the rumors say。〃 It was not the ice of anger; but of cold reason。 She was White Ajah。 Her ivory…colored dress looked as if it had had hard wear。 For an instant Min saw an image of a raven floating beside her dark hair; more a drawing of the bird than the bird itself。 She thought it was a tattoo; but she did not know its meaning。 She concentrated on faces; tried not to see anything else。 〃He looks nearly dead in any event;〃 Carlinya continued; hardly taking breath。 〃Whatever you thought; you have wasted your effort。 But I; too; would like to know how you came to Salidar。〃
       Siuan and Leane stood there exchanging smugly amused glances; while the onslaught went on。 No one even looked at them。
       Myrelle; darkly beautiful in green silk embroidered on the bodice with slanting lines of gold; her face a perfect oval; usually wore a knowing smile that at times could rival Leane's new tricks。 She was not smiling now as she jumped in right behind the White sister。 〃Speak up; Min。 Don't stand there gaping like a dolt。〃 She was noted for her fiery temper; even among the Greens。
       〃You must tell us;〃 Anaiya added in a more kindly voice。 Exasperation tinged it; though。 A blunt…featured woman; and motherly despite Aes Sedai smoothness to her face; at the moment stroking her pale gray skirts; she looked like a mother who was trying not to reach for a switch。 〃We will find a place for you and these other two girls; but you must tell us how you came here。〃
       Min shook herself; and closed her mouth。 Of course。 These other two girls。 She had grown so used to them as they were that she no longer thought of how much they had changed。 She doubted whether any of these women had seen either since they were hauled off to the dungeons beneath the White Tower。 Leane looked ready to laugh; and Siuan all but shook her head in disgust at the Aes Sedai。
       〃I am not the one you want to talk to;〃 Min told Sheriam。 Let 〃these other two girls〃 have those stares on them for a change。 〃Ask Siuan; or Leane。〃 They stared at her as if she were mad; until she nodded to her two panions。
       Four sets of Aes Sedai eyes shifted to the others; but there was no instant recognition。 They studied and frowned and passed glances between them。 None of the Warders took their eyes from Logain or their hands from their swords。
       〃Stilling might produce this effect;〃 Myrelle murmured fi
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