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including rearing lions in white and golden lilies; her own sigil。 A thin golden diadem rested in her red…gold curls; a single rearing lion set in moonstones above her brows。 She did not yet have the best control over such things。 Then again; maybe she wore exactly what she intended this time。 〃I do thank you for your concern;〃 she said regally。 〃Yet it is true that I am not your pupil; Bair of the Haido Shaarad。 I am grateful for your instruction; but I must go my own way; on the tasks given me by the Amyrlin Seat。〃
       〃A dead woman;〃 Bair said coldly。 〃You claim obedience to a dead woman。〃 Egwene could all but feel Bair's hackles standing erect in anger; if she did not do something; Bair might decide to teach Elayne a painful lesson。 The last thing they needed was that sort of squabble。
       〃What。。。 why are you here instead of Nynaeve?〃 She had been going to ask what Elayne was doing there; but that would have given Bair an opening; and maybe sounded as if she were on the Wise One's side。 What she wanted to ask was what Elayne had been doing talking to Birgitte。 I did not imagine it。 Maybe it had been someone dreaming she was Birgitte。 But only those who entered Tel'aran'rhiod knowingly remained for more than minutes; and Elayne surely would not have been speaking with one of them。 Where did Birgitte and the others wait?
       〃Nynaeve is nursing a sore head。〃 The diadem vanished; and Elayne's gown became simpler; with only a few golden scrolls around the bodice。
       〃Is she ill?〃 Egwene asked anxiously。
       〃Only with a headache; and a bruise or two。〃 Elayne giggled and winced at the same time。 〃Oh; Egwene; you would not have believed it。 All four of the Chavanas had e to have supper with us。 To flirt with Nynaeve; really。 They tried flirting with me the first few days; but Thom had a talk with them; and they stopped。 He did not have any right to do that。 Not that I wanted them to flirt; you understand。 Anyway; there they were; flirting with Nynaeve … or trying to; because she paid them no more mind than buzzing flies … when Latelle stalked up and began hitting Nynaeve with a stick; calling her all sorts of terrible names。〃
       〃Was she hurt?〃 Egwene was not sure which of them she meant。 If Nynaeve's temper was roused。。。
       〃Not her。。。 The Chavanas tried to pull her off Latelle; and Taeric will likely limp for days; not to mention Burgh's swollen lip。 Petra had to carry Latelle to her wagon; and I doubt she'll put her nose out for some time。〃 Elayne shook her head。 〃Luca did not know who to blame … one of his acrobats lamed and his bear trainer weeping on her bed … so he blamed everybody; and I thought Nynaeve was going to box his ears as well。 At least she did not channel; I thought she was going to once or twice; until she had Latelle down on the ground。〃
       Amys and Bair exchanged unreadable glances; this certainly was not how they expected Aes Sedai to behave。
       Egwene felt a little confused herself; but it was mainly over keeping up with all these people she had only heard of briefly before。 Odd people; traveling with lions; dogs and bears。 And an Illuminator。 She did not believe this Petra could possibly be as strong as Elayne claimed。 But then; Thom was eating fire as well as juggling; and what Elayne and Juilin were doing sounded as strange; even if she was using the Power。
       If Nynaeve had e close to channeling。。。 Elayne must have seen the glow of her embracing saidar。 Whether they had a real reason to be hiding or not; they would not remain hidden long if one of them channeled and let people see it。 The Tower's eyes…and…ears would certainly hear; that sort of news traveled quickly; especially if they were not out of Amadicia yet。
       〃You tell Nynaeve from me that she had best hold her temper; or I'll have some words to say to her that she will not like。〃 Elayne looked startled … Nynaeve had certainly not told her what had passed between them … and Egwene added; 〃If she channels; you can be sure Elaida will hear of it as soon as a pigeon can fly to Tar Valon。〃 She could not say more; as it was; it brought another exchange of glances between Amys and Bair。 What they really thought of a Tower divided; and an Amyrlin who as far as they knew had given orders for Aes Sedai to be drugged; they had never let on。 They could make Moiraine look like the village gossip when they wished。 〃In fact; I wish I had both of you alone。 If we were in the Tower; in our old rooms; I'd say a few words to the pair of you。〃
       Elayne stiffened; as queenly and cool as she had been with Bair。 〃You may say them to me whenever you wish。〃
       Had she understood? Alone; away from the Wise Ones。 In the Tower。 Egwene could only hope。 Best to change the subject and hope the Wise Ones were not picking over her words as carefully as she hoped that Elayne was。 〃Will this fight with Latelle cause problems?〃 What had Nynaeve been thinking of? Back home; she would have had any woman her age who did the same up before the Women's Circle so fast that her eyes would pop。 〃You must be almost to Ghealdan by now。〃
       〃Three more days; Luca says; if we are lucky。 The menagerie does not move very fast。〃
       〃Perhaps you should leave them; now。〃
       〃Perhaps;〃 Elayne said slowly。 〃I really would like to highwalk just once in front of。。。〃 With a shake of her head; she glanced at Callandor; the neckline of her gown dipped precipitously; then; rose again。 〃I do not know; Egwene。 We could not travel much faster alone than we are traveling; and we don't know where to go exactly; yet。〃 That meant Nynaeve had not remembered where the Blues were gathering。 If Elaida's report had been right。 〃Not to mention that Nynaeve might burst if we had to abandon the wagon and buy saddle horses; or another coach。 Besides; we are both learning a great deal about the Seanchan。 Cerandin served as a s'redit handler at the Court of the Nine Moons; where the Seanchan Empress sits。 Yesterday she showed us things that she took when she fled Falme。 Egwene; she had an a'dam。〃
       Egwene stepped forward; her skirts brushing Callandor。 Rand's traps were not physical; whatever Nynaeve seemed to think。 〃Can you be sure she was not a sul'dam?〃 Her voice trembled with anger。
       〃I am certain;〃 Elayne said soothingly。 〃I put the a'dam on her myself; and it had no effect。〃
       That was a little secret that the Seanchan themselves did not know; or hid well if they did。 Their damane were women born with the spark; women who would channel eventually even if untaught。 But the sul'dam; who controlled the damane … they were the women who needed to be taught。 The Seanchan thought that women who could channel were dangerous animals who had to be controlled; and yet unknowingly gave many of them honored positions。
       〃I do not understand this interest in the Seanchan。〃 Amys said the name awkwardly; she had never heard it until Elayne spoke it at their last meeting。 〃What they do is terrible; but they are gone。 Rand al'Thor defeated them; and they fled。〃
       Egwene turned her back and stared at the huge polished columns running off into shadow。 〃Gone is not to say they will never e back。〃 She did not want them to see her 
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