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e laughs like a braying mule and picks at his ears。〃
       〃But from the way you talked to Sorilea; I thought you。。。 liked him。 Why didn't you tell her what you just told me?〃
       The other woman's low laugh sounded pained。 〃Egwene; if she thought I was trying to balk in this; she would make the bridal wreath herself and drag both Feran and me by the neck to be wed。 Have you ever seen anyone say 'no' to Sorilea? Could you?〃
       Egwene opened her mouth to say that of course she could; and promptly closed it again。 Making Nynaeve step back was one thing; and trying the same with Sorilea quite another。 It would be like standing in the path of a landslide and telling it to stop。
       To change the subject; she said; 〃I will speak to Amys and the others for you。〃 Not that she really thought it would do much good now。 The right time had been before it began。 At least Aviendha saw the impropriety of the situation finally。 Perhaps。。。 〃If we go to them together; I am sure they will listen。〃
       〃No; Egwene。 I must obey the Wise Ones。 Ji'e'toh requires it。〃 Just as if she had not been asking for intercession a moment earlier。 Just as if she had not all but begged the Wise Ones not to make her sleep in Rand's tent。 〃But why is my duty to the people never what I wish? Why must it be what I would rather die before doing?〃
       〃Aviendha; no one is going to make you marry; or have babies。 Not even Sorilea。〃 Egwene wished she had sounded a bit less limp on that last。
       〃You do not understand;〃 the other woman said softly; 〃and I cannot explain it to you。〃 She gathered her shawl around her and would not speak of it further。 She was willing to discuss their lessons; or whether Couladin would turn and give battle; or how marriage had affected Melaine … who seemed to have to work at being prickly now … or anything at all except what it was that she could not; or would not; explain。

Chapter 24
(Rising Sun)
A Message Sent

       The land changed as the sun began to sink。 The hills grew lower; the thickets larger。 Often the toppled stone fences of what had been fields had bee mounds sprouting wild hedges; or ran through long stands of oak and leatherleaf and hickory; pine and paperbark and trees Egwene did not know。 The few farmhouses had no roofs; and trees ten or fifteen paces high grew in them here; little woods enclosed inside the stone walls; plete with twittering birds and black…tailed squirrels。 The occasional rivulet caused as much talk among the Aiel as the small forests did; and the grass。 They had heard tales of the wetlands; read of them in books bought from merchants and peddlers like Hadnan Kadere; but few had actually seen them since the hunt for Laman。 They adapted quickly; though; the gray…brown of the tents blended well with dead leaves under the trees and with the dying grass and weeds。 The camp spread over miles; marked by thousands of small cook…fires in the golden dusk。
       Egwene was more than happy to crawl into her tent once the gai'shain had it up。 Inside the lamps were lit and a small fire burned in the firepit。 Unlacing her soft boots; she tugged them off and her woolen stockings as well; and sprawled on the bright layered rugs; wriggling her toes。 She wished she had a basin of water to soak her feet。 She could not pretend to be as hardy as the Aiel; but she was growing soft if a few hours of walking made her feet feel twice their size。 Of course; water would be no problem here。 Or it should not be … she remembered that shrunken stream … but surely she could even have a proper bath again。
       Cowinde; meek and silent in her white robes; brought her supper; some of that pale flat bread made from zemai flour and in a red…striped bowl; a thick stew that she ate mechanically; though she felt more tired than hungry。 She recognized the dried peppers and beans; but did not ask what the dark meat was。 Rabbit; she told herself firmly; and hoped that it was。 The Aiel ate things that would put more curl in her hair than Elayne had。 She was willing to bet that Rand could not even look at what he was eating。 Men were always picky eaters。
       Once done with the stew; she stretched out near an ornately worked silver lamp that had a polished silver disc to reflect and increase its light。 She had felt a little guilty once she realized that most of the Aiel had no light at night but their fires; few had brought lamps or oil except the Wise Ones and the chiefs of clans and septs。 But there was no point to sitting in the dim illumination of the firepit when she could have proper light。 That reminded her: the nights here would not be so drastic a contrast with the days as in the Waste; the tent was already beginning to feel unfortably warm。
       She channeled briefly; flows of Air to smother the fire; and dug into her saddlebags for the worn leather…bound book that she had borrowed from Aviendha。 It was a small fat volume with crowded lines of small print; hard to read except in good light; but easily portable。 The Flame; the Blade and the Heart; it was called; a collection of tales about Birgitte and Gaidal Cain; Anselan and Barashelle; Rogosh Eagle…eye and Dunsinin; and a dozen more。 Aviendha claimed that she liked it for the adventures and battles; and maybe she did; but every last story told of the love of a man and a woman; too。 Egwene was willing to admit that that was what she liked; the sometimes stormy; sometimes tender threads of undying love。 To herself she would admit it; anyway。 It was hardly the sort of enjoyment a woman with any pretensions to sense at all could confess publicly。
       In truth she did not feel like reading any more than she had felt like eating … all she really wanted to do was bathe and sleep; and she might be willing to forgo bathing … but tonight she and Amys were to meet Nynaeve in Tel'aran'rhiod。 It would not be night yet wherever Nynaeve was; on her way to Ghealdan; and that meant remaining awake。
       Elayne had made the menagerie sound quite exciting; at their last meeting; though Egwene hardly thought that Galad's presence was reason enough to go haring off like that。 Nynaeve and Elayne had simply grown to like adventure; in her opinion。 It was too bad about Siuan; they needed a firm hand to settle them down。 Odd that she should think of Nynaeve so; Nynaeve had always been the one with the firm hand。 But since that episode in the Tower of Tel'aran'rhiod; Nynaeve had bee less and less someone she had to struggle against。
       Guiltily; she realized as she turned a page that she was looking forward to seeing Nynaeve tonight。 Not because Nynaeve was a friend; but because she wanted to see if the effects had lingered。 If Nynaeve tugged at her braid; she would arch a cool eyebrow at her; and。。。 Light; I hope it's held。 If she lets out about that jaunt; Amys and Bair and Melaine will take turns skinning me; if they don't just tell me to go。
       Her eyes kept trying to drift shut as she read; fuzzily half…dreaming the stories in the book。 She could be as strong as any of these women; as strong and brave as Dunsinin or Nerein or Melisinde or even Birgitte; as strong as Aviendha。 Would Nynaeve have sense enough to hold her tongue in front of Am
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