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aunch with every pouncing leap; it was almost on me; and I was sat there staring。
  There was no time to reload。 By the time I started to react there was no time to do anything except at the instinctive level。 My hands left the gun hanging in mid…air above my knees and went for the catapult; which as always was hanging on my belt; the arm…rest stuck down between that and my cords。 Even my quick…reaction steelies were beyond reach in time; though; the rabbit was on me in a half…second; heading straight for my throat。
  I caught it with the catapult; the thick black tubing of the rubber twisting once in the air as I scissored my hands and fell back; letting the buck go over my head and then kicking with my legs and turning myself so that I was level with it where it lay; kicking and struggling with the power of a wolverine; spreadeagled on the sand slope with its neck caught in the black rubber。 Its head twisted this way and that as it tried to reach my fingers with its chopping teeth。 I hissed through my own teeth at it and tugged the rubber tighter; then tighter still。 The buck thrashed and spat and made a high keening noise I didn't think rabbits were capable of and beat its legs on the ground。 I was so rattled I glanced round to make sure this wasn't a signal for an army of bunnies like this Dobermann of a beast to e up from behind and tear me to shreds。
  The damn thing wouldn't die! The rubber was stretching and stretching and not tightening enough; and I couldn't move my hands for fear of it tearing the flesh off a finger or biting my nose off。 The same consideration stopped me from butting the animal; I wasn't going to put my face near those teeth。 I couldn't get a knee up to break its back; either; because I was almost slipping down the slope as it was; and I couldn't possibly get any purchase on that surface with only one leg。 It was crazy! This wasn't Africa! It was a rabbit; not a lion! What the hell was happening here?
  It finally bit me; twisting its neck more than I would have thought possible and catching my right index finger right on the knuckle。
  That was it。 I screamed and pulled with all my might; shaking my hands and my head and throwing myself backwards and over as I did so; banging one knee off the gun where it lay; fallen in the sand。
  I ended up lying in the scrubby grass at the bottom of the hill; my knuckles white as I throttled the rabbit; swinging it in front of my face with its neck held on the thin black line of rubber tubing; now tied like a knot on a black string。 I was still shaking; so I couldn't tell if the vibrations the body made were its or mine。 Then the tubing gave way。 The rabbit slammed into my left hand while the other end of the rubber whipped my right wrist; my arms flew out in opposite directions; crashing into the ground。
  I lay on my back; my head on the sandy ground; staring out to the side where the body of the buck lay at the end of a little curved line of black; and tangled in the arm…rest and grip of the catapult。 The animal was still。
  I looked up at the sky and made a fist with the other hand; beating it into the ground。 I looked back at the rabbit; then got up and knelt over it。 It was dead; the head rolled slack; neck broken; when I lifted it。 The left haunch was matted red with blood where my pellet had hit it。 It was big; size of a tomcat; the biggest rabbit I'd ever seen。 Obviously I'd left the rabbits alone for too long; or I'd have known about the existence of such a brute。
  I sucked at the little trickle of blood from my finger。 My catapult; my pride and joy; the Black Destroyer; itself destroyed by a rabbit! Oh; I suppose I could have written off and got a new length of rubber; or got old Cameron in the ironmonger's shop to find me something; but it would never feel right again。 Every time I lifted it to aim it at a target living or not…this moment would be at the back of my mind。 The Black Destroyer was finished。
  I sat back in the sand and looked quickly round the area。 Still no other rabbits。 Hardly surprising。 There was no time to waste。 There's only one way to react after something like this。
  I got up; retrieved the rifle; lying half…buried in the sand on the slope; went to the top of the hill; looked round; then decided to risk leaving everything as it was。 I cradled the gun in my arms and set off at Emergency Speed; hurtling down the path back to the island at maximum; trusting to luck and adrenalin that I wouldn't put a foot wrong and end up lying gasping in the grass with a multiple fracture of the femur。 I used the gun to balance myself with on the tighter corners; the grass and the ground were both dry; so it wasn't as risky as it might have been。 I cut off the path proper and charged up over a dune and down its other side to where the service pipe carrying the water and electricity to the house appears out of the sand and crosses the creek。 I jumped the iron spikes and landed with both feet on the concrete; then ran over the narrow top of the pipe and jumped down on to the island。
  Back at the house I went straight to my shed。 I left the rifle; checked the War Bag and put its strap over my head; tying the waist…string quickly。 I locked the shed again and jogged as far as the bridge while I got my breath back。 Once through the narrow gate in the middle of the bridge I sprinted。
  At the Rabbit Grounds; everything was as I'd left it…the buck lying strangled in the broken catapult; the sand kicked up and messed where I'd gone crashing。 The wind still moved the grass and flowers; and there were no animals around; even the gulls hadn't spotted the carrion yet。 I got straight to work。
  First I took a twenty…centimetre electric…piping bomb out of the War Bag。 I slit the buck in the anus。 I checked that the bomb was all right; especially that the white crystals of the explosive mixture were dry; then added a plastic…straw fuse and a charge of the explosive around the hole bored in the black pipe and taped everything up。 I shoved the lot inside the still warm rabbit and left it sort of sitting; squatting looking towards the holes in the bank。 Then I took some smaller bombs and planted them inside some of the rabbit holes; stamping down the roofs of the tunnel entrances so that they caved in and left only the straw fuses sticking out。 I filled the plastic detergent…bottle and primed the lighter; left it lying on the top of the bank most of the rabbit holes were in; then went back to the first of the blocked…up holes and lit the fuse with my disposable cigarette…lighter。 The smell of burning plastic stayed in my nose and the bright glare of the burning mixture danced in my eyes as I hurried to the next hole; glancing at my watch as I did so。 I'd placed six smaller bombs; and had them all lit in forty seconds。
  I was sitting on the top of the bank; above the holes; the lighter of the Flame…thrower burning weakly in the sunlight; when; just over the minute; the first tunnel blew。 I felt it through the seat of my pants; and grinned。 The rest went off quickly; the puff of smoke from the charge around the mouth of each bomb bur
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