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sed his eyes and went to sleep。
  I'm not Francis Leslie Cauldhame。 I'm Frances Lesley Cauldhame。 That's what it boils down to。 The tampons and the hormones were for me。
  My father dressing Eric up as a girl was just; as it turned out; a rehearsal for me。 When Old Saul savaged me; my father saw it as an ideal opportunity for a little experiment; and a way of lessening…perhaps removing entirely…the influence of the female around him as I grew up。 So he started dosing me with male hormones; and has been ever since。 That's why he's always made the meals; that's why what I've always thought was the stump of a penis is really an enlarged clitoris。 Hence the beard; no periods; and all the rest。
  But he has kept tampons for the last few years; just in case my own hormones got the better of the ones he had been pumping me with。 He had the bromide to stop the added androgen making me feel randy。 He made a fake set of male genitals from the same wax kit I found under the stairs and made my candles from。 He was going to confront me with the specimen…jar if I ever started to query whether I really was castrated。 More proof; more lies。 Even the stuff about farting was a cheat; he's been friends with Duncan the barman for years and buys him drinks in return for an informative phone call after I've been drinking in the Arms。 Even now I can't be sure he's told me everything; though he did seem to be gripped by the urge to confess all; and tears were in his eyes last night。
  Thinking about it; I feel a knot of anger building in my stomach again; but I fight it。 I wanted to kill him; there and then in the kitchen after he told me and convinced me。 Part of me still wants to believe it's just his latest lie; but really I know it's the truth。 I'm a woman。 Scarred thighs; outer labia a bit chewed up; and I'll never be attractive; but according to Dad a normal female; capable of intercourse and giving birth (I shiver at the thought of either) 。
  I look out at the glittering sea while Eric's head rests on my lap and I think again of that poor horse。
  I don't know what I'm going to do。 I can't stay here; and I'm frightened of everywhere else。 But I suppose I'll have to go。 What a bummer。 Maybe I'd consider suicide; if some of my relatives hadn't produced such difficult acts to follow。
  I look down at Eric's head: quiet; dirty; asleep。 His face is calm。 He feels no pain。
  I watched the small waves fall on the beach for a while。 On the sea; on that lens of water; twice…bulged and wobbling and rolling around the earth; I am looking at a rippled desert; and I have seen it as flat as a salt lake。 Elsewhere the geography is different; the sea undulates; sways and swells; folds into rolling downs under freshening breezes; piles into foothills beneath the stiffening trades; and finally rears white…topped and blizzard…streaked in circling mountain ranges rammed by the storm…forced wind。
  And where I am; where we sit and lie and sleep and look; on this warm summer's day; the snow will fall in a half…year's time。 The ice and frost; the rime and hoar; the howling gale born in Siberia; pushed over Scandinavia and swept across the North Sea; the world's grey waters and the air's dun skies will lay their cold; determined hands on this place; make it theirs for a while。
  I want to laugh or cry or both; as I sit here; thinking about my one life; my three deaths。 Four deaths now; in a way; now that my father's truth has murdered what I was。
  But I am still me; I am the same person; with the same memories and the same deeds done; the same (small) achievements; the same (appalling) crimes to myname。
  Why? How could I have done those things?
  Perhaps it was because I thought I had had all that really mattered in the world; the whole reason…and means…for our continuance as a species; stolen from me before I even knew its value。 Perhaps I murdered for revenge in each case; jealously exacting…through the only potency at my mand…a toll from those who passed within my range; my peers who each would otherwise have grown into the one thing I could never bee: an adult。
  Lacking; as one might say; one will; I forged another; to lick my own wound; I cut them off; reciprocating in my angry innocence the emasculation I could not then fully appreciate; but somehow…through the attitudes of others perhaps sensed as an unfair; irrecoverable loss。 Having no purpose in life or procreation; I invested all my worth in that grim opposite; and so found a negative and negation of the fecundity only others could lay claim to。 I believe that I decided if I could never bee a man; I…the unmanned would out…man those around me; and so I became the killer; a small image of the ruthless soldier…hero almost all I've ever seen or read seems to pay strict homage to。 I would find or make my own weapons; and my victims would be those most recently produced by the one act I was incapable of; my equals in that; while they possessed the potential for generation; they were at that point no more able to perform the required act than I was。 Talk about penis envy。
  Now it all turns out to have been for nothing。 There was no revenge that needed taking; only a lie; a trick that should have been exposed; a disguise which even from the inside I should have seen through; but in the end did not want to。 I was proud; eunuch but unique; a fierce and noble presence in my lands; a crippled warrior; fallen prince。。。。
  Now I find I was the fool all along。
  Believing in my great hurt; my literal cutting off from society's mainland; it seems to me that I took life in a sense too seriously; and the lives of others; for the same reason; too lightly。 The murders were my own conception; my sex。 The Factory was my attempt to construct life; to replace the involvement which otherwise I did not want。
  Well; it is always easier to succeed at death。
  Inside this greater machine; things are not quite so cut and dried (or cut and pickled) as they have appeared in my experience。 Each of us; in our own personal Factory; may believe we have stumbled down one corridor; and that our fate is sealed and certain (dream or nightmare; humdrum or bizarre; good or bad); but a word; a glance; a slip…anything can change that; alter it entirely; and our marble hall bees a gutter; or our rat…maze a golden path。 Our destination is the same in the end; but our journey…part chosen; part determined… is different for us all; and changes even as we live and grow。 I thought one door had snicked shut behind me years ago; in fact I was still crawling about the face。 Now the door closes; and my journey begins。
  I look down at Eric again; and smile; nod to myself in the breeze while the waves break and the wind moves spray and grass and a few birds call。 I suppose I'll have to tell him what's happened to me。
  Poor Eric came home to see his brother; only to find (Zap! Pow! Dams burst! Bombs go off! Wasps fry: ttssss!) he's got a sister。


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