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  Agnes。 I only had his word for anything that had happened。 I had no idea at all how much Mrs Clamp could be trusted; no idea what sort of hold either of them might have over the other。 But it couldn't be! It was just so monstrous; so appalling! I stood up quickly; letting the chair fall back and whack on the wood of the uncovered boards。 I grabbed the box of tampons and the hormones; took the keys; unlocked the door and charged out; upstairs; stuffing the keys into one pocket and drawing my knife from its sheath。 'Frank'll get you;' I hissed to myself。
  I stormed into my father's room and swtiched on the light。 He was lying on the bed with his clothes on。 One shoe was off; it lay on the floor under his foot; which dangled over the side of the bed。 He was on his back; snoring。 He stirred and flung one arm over his face; turning away from the light。 I went over to him; took the arm away and slapped his face twice; hard。 His head shook; and he cried out。 One eye; then the other ; opened。 I put the knife up to his eyes; watching them focus on it with drunken imprecision。 The smell of drink off him was foul。
  'Frang?' he said weakly。 I jabbed the knife at him; just stopping short of the bridge of his nose。
  'You bastard;' I spat at him。 'What the hell are these?' I brandished the tampons and the hormones box in front of him with my other hand。 He groaned and closed his eyes。 'Tell me!' I screamed; and slapped him again; using the back of the hand holding the knife。 He tried to roll away from me; across the bed under the open window; but I pulled him back from the hot; still night。
  'No; Frang; no;' he said; shaking his head and trying to push my hands away。 I let the boxes go and got hold of him by one arm; tightly。 I drew him near to me; pointed the knife at his throat。
  'You're going to tell me; or by God。。。。' I let the words hang。 I let go of his arm and moved my hand down to his trousers。 I slipped his belt out of the little guides round the waist。 He tried to stop me in a fumbling way; but I slapped his hands back and prodded him in the throat with the knife。 I undid the belt and pulled the zip down; watching him all the time; trying not to imagine what I might find; what I might not find。 I undid the button at the top of the zip。 I pulled his trousers open; pulled his shirt up and out。 He looked at me; lying on the bed with his eyes red and gleaming; and he shook his head。
  'Wha' you goin' t'do; Frangie? Am sorry; am really really sorry。 Was an experimen; sall。 Juss an experimen。。。。 Don' do anything' t'me; please; Frangie。。。。 Please。。。。'
  'You bitch; you bitch!' I said; feeling my eyes start to blur and my voice shake。 I pulled his/her underpants down with a vicious tug。
  Something screamed outside; in the night beyond the window。 I stood staring at my father's dark…haired; large; rather greasy…looking cock and balls; and something animal; out there on the landscape of the island; screamed。 My father's legs were quivering。 Then came a light; orange and wavering; where no light should be; out there; over the dunes; and more screams; bleatings and baas and screams; everywhere screams。
  'Jesus Christ; what's that?' my father breathed; turning a shaking head towards the window。 I stood back; then went past the bottom of the bed; looking out of the window。 The awful noises and the light on the far side of the dunes seemed to be ing closer。 The light was in a halo over the big dune behind the house; where the Skull Grounds were; it was flickering yellow with smoke…trails in it。 The noise was like that the burning dog had made; but magnified; repeated and repeated; and with another edge to it。 The light grew stronger; and something came running over the top of the big dune; something burning and screaming and running down over the sea…face of the Skull Grounds dune。 It was a sheep; and it was followed by more。 First another two; then half a dozen animals came charging over the grass and the sand。 In seconds the hillside was covered with burning sheep; their wool in flames; bleating wildly and running down the hill; lighting up the sandy grass and weeds and leaving them burning in their fiery wake。
  And then I saw Eric。 My father came shakily up by my side; but I ignored him and watched the skinny; dancing; leaping figure on the very top of the dune。 Eric was waving a huge burning torch in one hand and an axe in the other。 He was screaming; too。
  'Oh; my God; no;' my father said。 I turned to him。 He was pulling his trousers up。 I pushed past him and ran to the door。
  'e on;' I shouted at him。 I went out; ran downstairs; not waiting to see if he was following。 I could see flames through every window; hear the wails of the tortured sheep all around the house。 I got to the kitchen; considered getting some water as I ran through; but decided it was pointless。 I ran out through the porch and into the garden。 A sheep; burning only above its back legs; nearly collided with me; running through the already blazing garden and swerving at the last second from the door with a terrified baaing; then jumping over the low fence into the front garden。 I ran round the back of the house; looking for Eric。
  Sheep were everywhere; fire was all about。 The grass over the Skull Grounds was ablaze; flames leaped from the shed and the bushes and the plants and flowers in the garden; and dead; burning sheep lay in pools of livid fire while others ran and jumped about; moaning and howling in their guttural; broken voices。 Eric was down the steps leading to the cellar。 I saw the torch he had been holding; flickering flame against the wall of the house beneath the window to the downstairs toilet。 He was attacking the door to the cellar with the axe。
  'Eric! No!' I screamed。 I started forward; then turned; grabbed the edge of the house and stuck my head round the corner to look at the open door of the porch。 'Dad! Get out of the house! Dad! ' I could hear the sound of splintering wood behind me。 I turned and ran for Eric。 I jumped over the smouldering carcass of a sheep just before the cellar steps。 Eric turned round and swung the axe at me。 I ducked and rolled。 I landed and jumped up; ready to spring away; but he was back smashing the axe into the door again; screaming with each massive blow as though he was the door。 The axe head disappeared through the wood; became stuck; he wriggled it mightily and got it out; glanced back at me and then heaved the axe at the door again。 The flames from the torch threw his shadow at me; the torch lay propped against the side of the door and I could see the new paint had started burning already。 I got my catapult out。 Eric had the door almost down。 My father still hadn't shown。 Eric glanced back at me again then smashed the axe into the door。 A sheep cried out behind us as I fumbled for a steelie。 I could hear the crackling of fires on all sides and smell roasted meat。 The metal sphere fitted into the leather and I pulled。
  'Eric! ' I yelled; as the door gave way。 He held the axe with one hand; picked up the torch with the other; he kicked the door and it fell。 I tensed the
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