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 my feet plain; and knew that I shouldn't have sat down。 They'd be sore when I started walking again。 I knew damn well that I was just delaying getting to the town; just as I had delayed leaving the house after my father had telephoned。 I looked back at the birds; strung like notes along the same wires which had brought the news。 They were avoiding one section; I noticed。
  I frowned; looked closer; frowned again。 I felt for my binoculars; but I touched my own chest; I had left them back at the house。 I got up and started walking across the rough ground; away from the path; then I jogged; then I ran; finally sprinting across the weeds and rushes; vaulting a fence on to the pasture where the sheep rose and scattered; cackling plaintively。
  I was breathless by the time I got to the telephone line。
  And it was down。 The freshly cut wire hung against the wood of the land…side pole。 I looked up; made sure I wasn't seeing things。 A few of the birds nearby had flown off; and they circled; calling in their dark voices through the almost still air over the parched grass。 I ran down to the island…side pole on the other side of the break。 An ear; covered in short white and black fur; and still bleeding; was nailed to the wood。
  I touched it and I smiled。 I looked round wildly; then calmed myself again。 I set my face to the town where the steeple pointed like a finger; accusatory。
  'You lying bastard; ; I breathed; then took off for the island again; gathering pace as I went; hitting the path and letting rip; pounding down its beaten surface; careering down to the Jump and sailing over it。 I shouted and whooped; then I shut up; and kept my precious breath for running。
  I got back to the house; yet again; and raced up lathered in sweat to the loft; stopping briefly at the telephone to check it。
  Sure enough; it was quite dead。 I ran on upstairs; back to the loft and the skylight; took a quick look round with the glasses; then got myself together; arming and checking。 I settled back into the chair; switched the radio back on; and kept looking。
  He was out there somewhere。 Thank God for the birds。 My stomach thrilled; sending a wave of gut…joy through me; making me shiver despite the heat。 That lying old shit; trying to lure me away from the house just because he was too frightened to face Eric。 My God; I had been stupid not to hear the sheer mendacity in his sodden voice。 And he had the nerve to shout at me for drinking。 At least I did it when I knew I could afford to; not when I knew I'd need all my faculties at their peak to deal with a crisis。 The shit。 Call himself a man!
  I had a few more drinks from the still cool jug of orange; ate an apple and some bread and cheese; went on scanning。 The evening darkened quickly as the sun dipped and the cloud closed up。 The thermals which had opened the holes over the land were dying; and the blanket hanging over the hills and the plain reasserted itself; grey and featureless。 After a while I heard thunder again; and something in the air turned sharp and threatening。 I was keyed up; and couldn't help waiting for the phone to ring; though I knew that it wouldn't。 How long would it take for my father to realise I was late? Had he expected me to e by bike? Had he fallen down in a gutter somewhere; or was he already staggering at the head of some posse of townies heading for the island with burning torches to apprehend the Dog Killer ?
  No matter。 I would see anybody ing; even in this light; and could go out to wele my brother or escape the house to hide out on the island if the vigilantes appeared。 I turned the radio off so I could hear any shouts from the mainland; and strained my eyes to search through the fading light。 After a while I raced down to the kitchen and got a small packed meal together and stuffed it into a canvas bag in the loft。 It was just in case I did have to leave the house and did meet Eric。 He might be hungry。 I settled into the seat; scanning the shadows over the darkening land。 In the far distance; at the base of the hills; lights moved on the road; glittering in the dusk; flashing like irregular lighthouses through the trees; round corners; over hills。 I rubbed my eyes and stretched; trying to get the weariness out of my system。
  I thought ahead; added some painkillers to the bag I would take out of the house if I had to。 This sort of weather might bring on Eric's migraine; and he might need some relief。 I hoped he didn't have one。
  I yawned; widened my eyes; ate another apple。 The vague shadows under the clouds turned darker。
  I woke up。
  It was dark; I was still in the chair; arms crossed under my head; resting on the metal surround of the skylight。 And something; a noise inside the house; had woken me。 I sat for a second; feeling my heart race; feeling my back plain about the position it had been in for so long。 Blood made its painful way into the parts of my arms the weight of my head had restricted the supply to。 I spun round in the chair; quickly and quietly。 The loft was black; but I didn't sense anything。 I touched a button on my watch; discovered it was after eleven。 I had slept for hours。 Idiot! Then I heard somebody moving about downstairs; indistinct footsteps; a door closing; other noises。 Glass smashed。 I felt the hair on the back of my neck go up; the second time in one week。 I clenched my jaw; told myself to stop taking fright and do something: It might be Eric or it might be my father。 I would go down and find out。 To be safe; I would take my knife。
  I got off the seat; went carefully to where the door was; feeling my way round the roughness of the chimney bricks。 I stopped there; took the tail of my shirt out and let it hang over my cords; concealing the knife where it hung from my belt。 I eased myself silently down into the dark landing。 A light was on in the hall; right at the bottom; and it cast strange sets of shadows; yellow and dim; up over the landing walls。 I went along to the banisters; looked over the rail。 I couldn't see anything。 The noises had stopped。 I sniffed the air。
  I could smell the smoky; pubby smell of drink。 It must be my father。 I felt relieved。 Just then I heard him e out of the lounge。 A noise washed out behind him like an ocean roaring。 I came away from the rail and stood listening。 He was staggering; bumping off the walls and tripping on the stairs。 I heard him breathing heavily and muttering something。 I listened; let the smell and sound e up。 I stood and gradually I calmed myself。 I heard my father get to the first landing; where the phone was。 Then unsteady footsteps。
  'Frang!' he shouted。 I kept still; said nothing。 Just instinct; I suppose; or habit born of all the times I've pretended not to be where I really am; and listened to people when they have thought they were alone。 I breathed slowly。
  'Frang!' he yelled。 I got ready to go back up to the loft; shifting back; on tip…toe; avoiding the places where I knew the floor creaked。 My father hammered on the door of the first…floor toilet; then cursed when he discovered it was open。 I heard him start up the
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