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  'And how are things in the town; Mrs Clamp?' I asked。
  'Very well; as far as I know;' Mrs Clamp informed her soup。 I nodded。 My father was blowing at his spoon。 'The Mackies' dog has gone missing; or so I was told;' Mrs Clamp added。 I raised my brows slightly and smiled in a concerned way。 My father stopped and stared; and the noise of his soup dribbling off his spoon…the end of which had started to drop slightly just after Mrs Clamp's sentence…echoed round the room like piss going into a toilet bowl。
  'Really?' I said; keeping on flapping。 'What a shame。 Just as well my brother's not around or he'd be getting the blame of it。' I smiled; glanced at my father; then back at Mrs Clamp; who was watching me with narrowed eyes through the rising steam from her soup。 Dough fatigue set into the piece of bread I was using to fan the soup; and it fell apart。 I caught the falling end smartly with my free hand and returned it to my side plate; raising my spoon and taking a tentative sip from the surface of the broth。
  'H'm;' Mrs Clamp said。
  'Mrs Clamp couldn't get your beefburgers today;' my father said; clearing his throat on the first syllable of 'couldn't'; 'so she got you mince instead。'
  'Unions!' Mrs Clamp muttered darkly; spitting into her soup。 I put one elbow on the table; rested my cheek on a fist and looked puzzledly at her。 To no avail。 She didn't look up; and eventually I shrugged to myself and carried on sipping。 My father had put his spoon down; wiping his brow with one sleeve and using a fingernail in an attempt to remove a piece of what I assumed to be wood shaving from between two upper teeth。
  'There was a wee fire down by the new house yesterday; Mrs Clamp; I put it out; you know。 I was down there and I saw it and I put it out;' I said。
  'Don't boast; boy;' my father said。 Mrs Clamp held her tongue。
  'Well; I did;' I smiled。
  'I'm sure Mrs Clamp isn't interested。'
  'Oh; I wouldn't say that;' Mrs Clamp said; nodding her head in slightly confusing emphasis。
  'There; you see?' I said; humming as I looked at my father and nodded towards Mrs Clamp; who slurped noisily。
  I kept quiet through the main course; which was a stew; and only noted during the rhubarb and custard that it had a novel addition to the medley of flavours; when in fact the milk it had been made from had obviously been most profoundly off。 I smiled; my father growled and Mrs Clamp slurped her custard and spat her stumps of rhubarb out on to her napkin。 To be fair; it was a little undercooked。
  Dinner cheered me up immensely and; although the afternoon was hotter than the morning; I felt more energetic。 There were no slits of distant brightness out over the sea; and there was a thickness about the light ing through the clouds that went with the charge in the air and the slack wind。 I went out; going once round the island at a brisk jog; I watched Mrs Clamp depart for the town; then I walked out in the same direction to sit on top of a tall dune a few hundred metres into the mainland and sweep the sweltering land with my binoculars。
  Sweat rolled off me as soon as I stopped moving; and I could feel a slight ache start in my head。 I had taken a little water with me; so I drank it; then refilled the can from the nearest stream。 My father was doubtless right that sheep shat in the streams; but I was sure I had long since grown immune to anything I could catch from the local burns; having drunk from them for years while I had been damming them。 I drank more water than I really felt like and returned to the top of the dune。 In the distance the sheep were still; lying on the grass。 Even the gulls were absent; and only the flies were still active。 The smoke from the dump still drifted; and another line of hazy blue rose from the plantations in the hills; ing up from the edge of a clearing where they were harvesting the trees for the pulp mill farther up the shore of the firth。 I strained to hear the sound of the saws; but couldn't。
  I was scanning the binoculars over that view to the south when I saw my father。 I went over him; then jerked back。 He disappeared; then reappeared。 He was on the path; heading for the town。 I was looking over to where the Jump was; and saw him climb the side of the dune I liked to power the bike down; I had first caught sight of him as he had crested the Jump itself。 As I watched; he seemed to stumble on the path just before the summit of the hill; but recovered and kept going。 His cap vanished over the far side of the dune。 I thought he looked unsteady; as though he was drunk。
  I put the glasses down and rubbed my slightly scratchy chin。 This was unusual; too。 He hadn't said anything about going into the town。 I wondered what he was up to。
  I ran down the dune; leaped the stream and went back to the house at a fast cruise。 I could smell whisky when I went through the back door。 I thought back to how long ago we had eaten and Mrs Clamp had left。 About an hour; an hour and a half。 I went into the kitchen; where the smell of whisky was stronger; and there on the table lay an empty half…bottle of malt; one glass on its side nearby。 I looked in the sink for another glass; but there were only dirty dishes lying in it。 I frowned。
  It was unlike my father to leave things unwashed。 I picked up the whisky…bottle and looked for a black biro mark on the label; but there was nothing。 That might mean it had been a fresh bottle。 I shook my head to myself; wiped my forehead with a dishcloth。 I took off my pocketed waistcoat and laid it over a chair。
  I went out into the hall。 As soon as I looked upstairs I saw that the phone was off the hook; lying by the side of the set。 I went up to it quickly; picked it up。 It was making an odd noise。 I replaced it on the cradle; waited a few seconds; picked it up again and got the usual dialling tone。 I threw it down and sprinted upstairs to the study; twisting the handle and throwing my weight against it。 It was solid。
  'Shit!' I said。 I could guess what had happened and I had hoped my father might have left the study unlocked。 Eric must have called。 Dad gets the call; is shocked; gets drunk。 Probably heading for the town to get more drink。 Gone to the off…licence; or… I glanced at my watch…was this the weekend the Rob Roy's all…day licence started ? I shook my head; it didn't matter。 Eric must have called。 My father was drunk。 He was probably going to town to get more drunk; or to see Diggs。 Or maybe Eric had arranged a rendezvous。 No; that wasn't likely; surely he would contact me first。
  I ran upstairs; went up into the close heat of the loft; opened the land…side skylight again and surveyed the approaches through the glasses。 I came back down; locked the house and went back out; jogging to the bridge and up the path; making detours for all the tall dunes once more。 Everything looked normal。 I stopped at the place I had last seen my father; just on the crest of the hill leading down to the Jump。 I scratched my crotch in exasperation; wondering what was the best thing to do。 I didn't feel right abo
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