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iration; and my crotch itched。 I checked the things I had brought with me more often than I usually did; absently weighing the small cloth bag of steelies; touching the Bowie knife and catapult on my belt; making sure I still had my lighter; wallet; b; mirror; pen and paper。 I drank from the small flask of water that I had; though it was warm and tasted stale already。
  I could see some interesting…looking pieces of flotsam and jetsam when I looked over the sands and the lapping sea; but I stayed on the dunes; taking the higher ones when I had to; going far north; over streams and through small marshes; past the Bomb Circle and the place I had never really named; where Esmerelda took off。
  I only thought of them after I had passed them。
  After an hour or so I turned inland; then south; along the last of the mainland dunes; looking out over the scrubby pasture where the sheep moved slow; like maggots; over the land; eating。 Once I stood a while and watched a great bird; high up against the unbroken blue; wheeling and spiralling on the thermals; turning this way and that。 Below it a few gulls shifted; their wings outstretched and their white necks pointing about as they searched for something。 I found a dead frog high on a dune; dried and bloody on its back and stuck with sand; and wondered how it had got up there。 Probably dropped by a bird 。
  I put on my little green cap eventually; shielding my eyes from the glare。 I swung down over the path; level with the island and the house。 I kept going; still stopping now and again to use the binoculars。 Cars and trucks glinted through the trees; a mile or so away on the road。 A helicopter flew over once; most likely heading for one of the rig yards or a pipeline。
  I reached the dump just after noon; ing through some small trees to it。 I sat down in the shade of one tree and inspected the place with the glasses。 Some gulls were there; but no people。 A little smoke drifted up from a fire near its centre; and spread around it was all the debris from the town and its area: cardboard and black plastic bags and the gleaming; battered whiteness of old washing machines; cookers and fridges。 Papers picked themselves up and went round in a circle for a minute or so as a tiny whirlwind started; then dropped again。
  I picked my way through the dump; savouring its rotten; slightly sweet smell。 I kicked at some of the rubbish; turned a few interesting things over with one booted foot; but could see nothing worthwhile。 One of the things I had e to like about the dump over the years was the way that it never stayed the same; it moved like something huge and alive; spreading like an immense amoeba as it absorbed the healthy land and the collective waste。 But this day it looked tired and boring。 I felt impatient with it; almost angry。 I threw a couple of aerosol cans into the weak fire bumming in the middle; but even they provided little diversion; popping effetely inside the pale flames。 I left the dump and headed south again。
  Near a small stream about a kilometre from the dump there was a large bungalow; a holiday home looking out over the sea。 It was closed up and deserted; and there were no fresh tracks on the bumpy trail leading down to it and past it to the beach。 It was down that track that Willie; one of Jamie's other friends; had driven us in his old Mini van to race along the sands and skid about。
  I looked through the windows at the empty rooms; the old unmatching furniture sitting in the shadows looking dusty and neglected。 An old magazine lay on a table; one corner yellowed with sunlight。 In the shade of the gable end of the house I sat down and finished my water; took off my cap and wiped my forehead with my handkerchief。 In the distance I could hear muffled explosions from the range farther down the coast; and once a jet came tearing in over the calm sea; heading due west。
  Away from the house a ridge of low hills started; topped with whin and stunted trees shaped by the wind。 I trained the binoculars on them; waving flies away; my head starting to ache just a little and my tongue dry despite the warm water I had just drunk。 When I lowered the glasses and put the Polaroids back down I heard it。
  Something howled。 Some animal…my God; I hoped it wasn't a human making that noise…screamed in torment。 It was a rising; anguished wail; the note produced only by an animal in extremis; the noise you hope no living thing ever has to make。
  I sat with the sweat dripping off me; parched and aching with the baking heat; but I shivered。 I shook with a wave of cold like a dog shaking itself dry; from one end to the other。 The hair on the back of my neck unstuck itself from the sweat; stood。 I got up quickly; hands scrabbling on the warm wood of the house wall; binoculars bumping on my chest。 The scream came from the ridge。 I pushed the Polaroids back up; used the glasses again; bashing them on the bones above my eyes as I fought with the focusing…wheel。 My hands shook。
  A black shape shot out of the whins; trailing smoke。 It raced down the slope over the yellow…spangled grass; under a fence。 My hands bounced the view around as I tried to pan the binoculars to follow it。 The keen wail sounded over the air; thin and terrible。 I lost the thing behind some bushes; then saw it again; burning as it ran and jumped over grass and reed; raising spray。 My mouth dried pletely; I couldn't swallow; I was choking; but I tracked the animal as it skidded and turned; yelping high; bounding into the air; falling; seeming to leap on the spot。 Then it disappeared; a few hundred metres from me and about as much down from the ridge of the hill。
  I swept the glasses quickly back up to look at the top of the ridge again; scanned along it; back; down; back up; along again; stopped to stare intently at a bush; shook my head; scanned the length again。 Some irrelevant part of my brain thought about how in films; when people look through binoculars and you see what they are supposed to be seeing; it's always a sort of figure…of…eight on its side that you see; but whenever I look through them I see more or less a perfect circle。 I brought the glasses down; looked about quickly; saw nobody; then I sprinted out of the shadow of the house; leaped the small wire fence that marked the garden; and ran towards the ridge。
  On the ridge I stood for a moment; head down to my knees; gasping for breath; letting the perspiration drip off my hair and on to the bright grass at my feet。 My T…shirt stuck to me。 I put my hands on my knees and lifted my head; straining my eyes to look along the line of whin and trees on the ridge's top。 I looked down the far side and over the fields beyond to the next line of whin; which marked the cutting the railway line ran through。 I jogged along the ridge; head sweeping to and fro; until I found a little patch of burning grass。 I stamped it out; looked for tracks and found them。 I ran faster; despite my protesting throat and lungs; found some more burning grass and a whin bush just catching。 I beat them out; went on。
  Down in a small hollow on the land side 
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