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t were; and escalating into what I finally conceived as my cousin's nemesis。 I grinned then; I recall; and brought the stunter down fast and acute across the weeds and the water; the sand and the surf; scudding it in across the wind to jerk and zoom just before it hit the girl herself where she sat on the dune top holding and spasmodically jerking the string she held in her hand; connected to the sky。 She turned; smiled and shrieked then; squinting in the summer light。 I laughed; too; controlling the thing in the skies above and the thing in the brain beneath; equally well。
  I built a big kite。
  It was so big it didn't even fit inside the shed。 I made it from old aluminium tent…poles; some of which I had found in the attic a long time previously and some I had got from the town dump。 The fabric; at first; was black plastic bags; but later became tent fabric; also from the attic。
  I used heavy orange nylon fishing…line for the string; wound round a specially made drum for the winch; which I had strengthed and fitted with a chest…brace。 The kite had a tail of twisted magazine…pages…Guns and Ammo; which I got regularly at the time。 I painted the head of a dog on the canvas in red paint because I had yet to learn I was not a Canis。 My father had told me years before that I was born under the starsign of the Dog because Sirius was overhead at the time。 Anyway; that was just a symbol。
  I went out very early one morning; just after the sun came up and long before anybody else woke。 I went to the shed; got the kite; walked a way along the dunes and assembled it; battered a tent…peg into the ground; tied the nylon to it; then flew the kite on a short string for a while。 I sweated and strained with it; even in quite a light wind; and my hands grew warm despite the heavy…duty welding…gloves I had on。 I decided the kite would do; and brought it in。
  That afternoon; while the same wind; now freshened; still blew across the island and off into the North Sea; Esmerelda and I went out as usual; and stopped off at the shed to pick up the dismantled kite。 She helped me carry it far along the dunes; dutifully clutching the lines and winch to her flat little chest and clicking the ratchet on the drum; until we reached a point well out of sight from the house。 It was a tall dune head stuck nodding towards distant N orway or Denmark; grass like hair swept over the brow and pointing。
  Esmerelda searched for flowers while I constructed the kite with an appropriately solemn slowness。 She talked to the flowers; I recall; as though trying to persuade them to show themselves and be collected; broken and bunched。 The wind blew her blonde hair in front of her face as she walked; squatted; crawled and talked; and I assembled。
  Finally the kite was finished; fully made up and lying like a collapsed tent on the grass; green on green。 The wind coursed over it and flapped it…little whip noises that stirred it and made it seem alive; the dog…face scowling。 I sorted the orange nylon lines out and did some tying; untangling line from line; knot from knot。
  I called Esmerelda over。 She had a fistful of tiny flowers; and made me wait patiently while she described them all; making up her own names when she forgot or had never learned the real ones。 I accepted the daisy she gave me graciously and put it in the buttonhole of my jacket's left breast pocket。 I told her that I had finished constructing the new kite; and that she could help me test it in the wind。 She was excited; wanting to hold the strings。 I told her she might get a chance; though of course I would have the ultimate control。 She wanted to hold the flowers as well; and I told her that might just be possible。
  Esmerlda ooh'd and ah'd over the size of the kite and the fierce doggy painted on it。 The kite lay on the wind…ruffled grass like an impatient manta; rippling。 I found the main control lines and gave them to Esmerelda; showing her how to hold them; and where。 I had made loops to go over her wrists; I told her; so that she wouldn't lose her grip。 She struck her hands through the braided nylon; holding one line tight and grasping the posy of bright flowers and the second line with her other hand。 I got my part of the control lines together and carried them in a loop round to the kite。 Esmerelda jumped up and down and told me to hurry up and make the kite fly。 I took a last look round; then only had to kick the top edge of the kite up a little for it to take the wind and lift。 I ran back behind my cousin while the slack between her and the rapidly ascending kite was taken up。
  The kite blew into the sky like something wild; hoisting its tail with a noise like tearing cardboard。 It shook itself and cracked in the air。 It sliced its tail and flexed its hollow bones。 I came up behind Esmerelda and held the lines just behind her little freckled elbows; waiting for the tug。 The lines came taut; and it came。 I had to dig my heels in to stay steady。 I bumped into Esmerelda and made her squeal。 She had let the lines go when the first brutal snap had straightened the nylon; and stood glancing back at me and staring up into the sky as I fought to control the power in the skies above us。 She still clutched the flowers; and my tuggings on the lines moved her arms like a marionette; guided by the loops。 The winch rested against my chest; a little slack between it and my hands。 Esmerelda looked round one last time at me; giggling; and I laughed back。 Then I let the lines go。
  The winch hit her in the small of the back and she yelped。 Then she was dragged off her feet as the lines pulled her and the loops tightened round her wrists。 I staggered back; partly to make it look good on the off chance there was somebody watching and partly because letting go of the winch had put me off balance。 I fell to the ground as Esmerelda left it forever。 The kite just kept snapping and flapping and flapping and snapping and it hauled the girl off the earth and into the air; winch and all。 I lay on my back and watched it for a second; then got up and ran after her as fast as I could; again just because I knew I couldn't catch her。 She was screaming and waggling her legs for all she was worth; but the cruel loops of nylon had her about the wrists; the kite was in the jaws of the wind; and she was already well out of reach even if I had wanted to catch her。
  I ran and ran; jumping off a dune and rolling down its seaward face; watching the tiny struggling figure being hoisted farther and farther into the sky as the kite swept her away。 I could just barely hear her yells and shouts; a thin wailing carried on the wind。 She sailed over the sands and the rocks and out towards the sea; me running; exhilarated; underneath; watching the stuck winch bob under her kicking feet。 Her dress billowed out around her。
  She went higher and higher and I kept running; outpaced now by the wind and the kite。 I ran through the ripple…puddles at the margins of the sea; then into it; up to my knees。 Just then something; at first seemingly solid; then separating and dissociating; fell from her。 At first I though she had pissed herself; 
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