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 the whole island in an eye…blink and racing out to sea。 I glared at them; then went on my way。 Once they made me jump; another couple of them; a couple of years ago。 They came in illegally low after bombing practice on the range just down the firth; blasting over the island so suddenly that I jumped while in the delicate manoeuvre of teasing a wasp into a jar from the old tree stump near the ruined sheep…pen at the north end of the island。 The wasp stung me。
  I went into town that day; bought an extra plastic model of a Jaguar; made the kit up that afternoon and ceremonially blew it to pieces on the roof of the Bunker with a small pipe…bomb。 Two weeks later a Jaguar crashed into the sea off Nairn; though the pilot ejected in time。 I'd like to think the Power was working then; but I suspect it was coincidence; high…performance jets crash so often it was no real surprise my symbolic and their real destruction came within a fortnight of each other。
  I sat on the earth banking that looks out over the Muddy Creek and ate an apple。 I leaned back on the young tree that as a sapling had been the Killer。 It was grown now; and a good bit taller than me; but when I was young and we were the same size it had been my static catapult defending the southerly approaches to the island。 Then; as now; it looked out over the broad creek and the gunmetal…coloured mud with the eaten…looking wreck of an old fishing boat sticking out of it。
  After the Tale of Old Saul I put the catapult to another use; and it became the Killer; scourge of hamsters; mice and gerbils。
  I remember that it could whack a fist…sized stone well over the creek and twenty metres or more into the undulating ground on the mainland; and once I got keyed into its natural rhythm I could send off a shot every two seconds。 I could place them anywhere within a sixty…degree angle by varying the direction in which I pulled the sapling over and down。 I didn't use a little animal every two seconds; they were expended at a few a week。 For six months I was the best customer the Porteneil Pet Shop had; going in every Saturday to get a couple of beasts; and about every month buying a tube of badminton shuttlecocks from the toyshop as well。 I doubt anybody ever put the two together; apart from me。
  It was all for a purpose; of course; little that I do is not; one way or another。 I was looking for Old Saul's skull。
  I threw the core of the apple over the creek; it plopped into the mud on the far bank with a satisfying slurp。 I decided it was time to look into the Bunker properly; and set off along the bank at a jog; swinging round the southernmost dune towards the old pillbox。 I stopped to look at the shore。 There didn't seem to be anything interesting there; but I remembered the lesson of the day before; when I had stopped to sniff the air and everything had seemed fine; then ten minutes later I was wrestling with a kamikaze rabbit; so I trotted down off the side of the dune and down to the line of debris thrown up by the sea。
  There was one bottle。 A very minor enemy; and empty。 I went down to the water…line and threw the bottle out。 It bobbed; head up; ten metres out。 The tide hadn't covered the pebbles yet; so I took up a handful and lobbed them at the bottle。 It was close enough to use the under…arm style; and the pebbles I'd selected were all of roughly the same size; so my fire was very accurate: four shots within splashing distance and a fifth which smashed the neck off the bottle。 A small victory really; because the decisive defeat of the bottles had e about long ago; shortly after I learned to throw; when I first realised the sea was an enemy。 It still tried me out now and again; though; and I was in no mood to allow even the slightest encroachment on my territory。
  The bottle sunk; I returned to the dunes; went to the top of the one the Bunker lay half…buried in; and had a look round with my binoculars。 The coast was clear; even if the weather wasn't。 I went down to the Bunker。
  I repaired the steel door years ago; loosening the rusted hinges and straightening the guides for the bolt。 I took out the key to the padlock and opened the door。 Inside there was the familiar waxy; burned smell。 I closed the door and propped a piece of wood against it; then stood for a while; letting my eyes adjust to the gloom and my mind to the feel of the place。
  After a while I could see dimly by the light filtering through the sacking hung over the two narrow slits which are the Bunker's only windows。 I took off my shoulder bag and binoculars and hung them on nails hammered into the slightly crumbling concrete。 I took up the tin with the matches in it and lit the candles; they burned yellowly and I knelt; clenching my fists and thinking。 I'd found the candle…making kit in the cupboard under the stairs five or six years ago; and experimented with the colours and consistencies for months before hitting on the idea of using the wax as a wasp…prison。 I looked up then and saw the head of a wasp poking up from the top of a candle on the altar。 The newly lit candle; blood red and as thick as my wrist; contained the still flame and the tiny head within its caldera of wax like pieces of an alien game。 As I watched; the flame; a centimetre behind the wasp's wax…gummed head; freed the antennae from the grease and they came upright for a while before they frazzled。 The head started to smoke as the wax dribbled off it; then the fumes caught light; and the wasp body; a second flame within the crater; flickered and crackled as the fire incinerated the insect from its head down。
  I lit the candle inside the skull of Old Saul。 That orb of bone; holed and yellowing; was what killed all those little creatures who met their death in the mud on the far side of the creek。 I watched the smoky flame waver inside the place where the dog's brains used to be and I closed my eyes。 I saw the Rabbit Grounds again; and the flaming bodies as they jumped and sped。 I saw again the one that escaped the Grounds and died just before it made it to the stream。 I saw the Black Destroyer; and remembered its demise。 I thought of Eric; and wondered what the Factory's warning was about。
  I saw myself; Frank L。 Cauldhame; and I saw myself as I might have been: a tall slim man; strong and determined and making his way in the world; assured and purposeful。 I opened my eyes and gulped; breathing deeply。 A fetid light blazed from Old Saul's sockets。 The candles on either side of the altar flickered with the skull…flame in a draught。
  I looked round the Bunker。 The severed heads of gulls; rabbits; crows; mice; owls; moles and small lizards looked down on me。 They hung drying on short loops of black thread suspended from lengths of string stretched across the walls from corner to corner; and dim shadows turned slowly on the walls behind them。 Around the foot of the walls; on plinths of wood or stone; or on bottles and cans the sea had surrendered; my collection of skulls watched me。 The yellow brain…bones of horses; dogs; birds; fish and horned sheep faced in towards Old Saul; some with beaks and jaws open; some shut; the teeth
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