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 〃That's right; Tom。〃
 〃And how e you applied for it? Because of your great love of Japanese culture?〃
 〃Well; at the time; I was working in the press office… 〃
 〃No; no; cut the shit。 You applied for it;〃 Graham said; 〃because there was an extra stipend; isn't that right? Two; three thousand a year。 An educational stipend。 It es into the department from the Japan…America Amity Foundation。 And the department allows it as an educational stipend; paid to members of the force so that they can further their education in Japanese language and culture。 So。 How're those studies going; Petey…san?〃
 〃I'm studying。〃
 〃How often?〃
 〃One night a week。〃
 〃One night a week。 And if you miss classes; do you lose your stipend?〃
 〃Fucking right you don't。 In fact; it doesn't make any difference if you go to classes at all。 The fact is; buddy; you got yourself a bribe。 You got three thousand dollars in your pocket and it es right from the land of the rising sun。 Of course; it's not that much。 Nobody can buy you for three grand; right? Of course not。〃
 〃Hey; Tom… 〃
 〃But the thing is; they aren't buying you。 They're just influencing you。 They just want you to think twice。 To tend to look favorably upon them。 And why not? It's human nature。 They've made your life a little better。 They contribute to your well…being。 Your family。 Your little girl。 They scratch your back; so why shouldn't you scratch theirs? Isn't that about it; Petey…san?〃
 〃No; it isn't;〃 I said。 I was getting angry。
 〃Yes; it is;〃 Graham said。 〃Because that's how influence works。 It's deniable。 You say it isn't there。 You tell yourself it isn't there … but it is。 The only way you can be clean is to be clean; man。 If you got no stake in it; if you got no ine from it; then you can talk。 Otherwise; man; they pay you and I say; they own you。〃
 〃Just a fucking minute… 〃
 〃So don't you talk to me about hating; man。 This country is in a war and some people understand it; and some other people are siding with the enemy。 Just like in World War II; some people were paid by Germany to promote Nazi propaganda。 New York newspapers published editorials right out of the mouth of Adolf Hitler。 Sometimes the people didn't even know it。 But they did it。 That's how it is in a war; man。 And you are a fucking collaborator。〃
 I was grateful when; at that moment; Connor came back to where we were standing。 Graham and I were about to square off when Connor said calmly; 〃Now; just so I understand; Tom。 According to your scenario; after the girl was murdered; what happened to the tapes?〃
 〃Oh; hell; those tapes are gone;〃 Graham said。 〃You're never going to see those tapes again。〃
 〃Well; it's interesting。 Because that call was the division headquarters。 It seems Mr。 Ishiguro is there。 And he's brought a box of videotapes with him; for me to look at。〃
 Connor and I drove over。 Graham took his own car。 I said; 〃Why did you say the Japanese would never touch Graham?〃
 〃Graham's uncle;〃 Connor said。 〃He was a prisoner of war during World War II。 He was taken to Tokyo; where he disappeared。 Graham's father went over after the war to find out what happened to him。 There were unpleasant questions about what happened。 You probably know that some American servicemen were killed in terminal medical experiments in Japan。 There were stories about the Japanese feeding their livers to subordinates as a joke; things like that。〃
 〃No; I didn't know;〃 I said。
 〃I think everybody would prefer to forget that time;〃 Connor said; 〃and move on。 And probably correctly。 It's a different country now。 What was Graham going on about?〃
 〃My stipend as a liaison officer。〃
 Connor said; 〃You told me it was fifty a week。〃
 〃It's a little more than that。〃
 〃How much more?〃
 〃About a hundred dollars a week。 Fifty…five hundred a year。 But that's to cover classes; and books; and muting expenses; baby…sitters; everything。〃
 〃So you get five grand;〃 Connor said。 〃So what?〃
 〃Graham was saying I was influenced by it。 That the Japanese had bought me。〃
 Connor said; 〃Well; they certainly try to do that。 And they're extremely subtle。〃
 〃They tried it with you?〃
 〃Oh; sure。〃 He paused。 〃And often I accepted。 Giving gifts to ensure that you will be seen favorably is something the Japanese do by instinct。 And it's not so different from what we do; when we invite the boss over for dinner。 Goodwill is goodwill。 But we don't invite the boss over for dinner when we're up for a promotion。 The proper thing to do is to invite the boss early in the relationship; when nothing is at stake。 Then it's just goodwill。 The same with the Japanese。 They believe you should give the gift early; because then it is not a bribe。 It is a gift。 A way of making a relationship with you before there is any pressure on the relationship。〃
 〃And you think that's okay?〃
 〃I think it's the way the world works。〃
 〃Do you think it's corrupting?〃
 Connor looked at me and said; 〃Do you?〃
 I took a long time to answer。 〃Yes。 I think maybe so。〃
 He started to laugh。 〃Well; that's a relief;〃 he said。 〃Because otherwise; the Japanese would have wasted all their money on you。〃
 〃What's so funny?〃
 〃Your confusion; kōhai。〃
 〃Graham thinks it's a war。〃
 Connor said; 〃Well; that's true。 We are definitely at war with Japan。 But let's see what surprises Mr。 Ishiguro has for us in the latest skirmish。〃
 As usual; the fifth…floor anteroom of the downtown detective division was busy; even at two o'clock in the morning。 Detectives moved among the beat…up prostitutes and twitching druggies brought in for questioning; in the corner a man in a checked sport coat was shouting; 〃I said; shut the fuck up!〃 over and over to a female officer with a clipboard。
 In all the swirl and noise; Masao Ishiguro looked distinctly out of place。 Wearing his blue pinstripe suit; he sat in the corner with his head bowed and his knees pressed together。 He had a cardboard box balanced on his knees。
 When he saw us; he jumped to his feet。 He bowed deeply; placing his hands flat on his thighs; a sign of additional respect。 He held the bow for several seconds。 Then he immediately bowed again; and this time he waited; bent over; staring at the floor; until Connor spoke to him in Japanese。 Ishiguro's reply; also in Japanese; was quiet and deferential。 He kept looking at the floor。
 Tom Graham pulled me over by the water cooler。 〃Holy Christ;〃 he said。 〃It looks like we got a fucking confession happening here。〃
 〃Yeah; maybe;〃 I said。 I wasn't convinced。 I'd seen Ishiguro change his demeanor before。
 I watched Connor as he talked to Ishiguro。 The Japanese man remained hangdog。 He kept looking at the floor。
 〃I never would have figured him;〃 Graham said。 〃Not in a million years。 Never him。〃
 〃How is that?〃
 〃Are you kidding? To kill the girl; and then to stay in the room; and order us around。 What fucking nerves of steel。 But look at him now: Christ; he's almost crying。〃
 It was true: tears seemed to be welling up in Ishiguro's eyes。 Connor took the box and turned away; crossing the room to us。 He gave me the box。 〃Deal with this。 I'm going to take a statement from Ishiguro。〃
 〃So;〃 Graham said。 〃Did he co
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