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 〃I'm surprised the station hasn't got it。〃
 〃Oh; it's not for sale here。 The most advanced Japanese video equipment isn't available in this country。 They keep us three to five years behind。 Which is their privilege。 It's their technology; they can do what they want。 But it'd sure be useful in a case like this。〃
 The party images were streaming past; a frenetic blur。
 Suddenly; she locked the image。
 〃There。 Background camera left。 Your Austin girl's talking to Eddie Sakamura。 Of course he'd know her。 Sakamura knows all the models。 Normal speed here?〃
 〃Please;〃 Connor said; staring at the screen。
 The camera made a slow pan around the room。 Cheryl Austin remained in view for most of the shot。 Laughing with Eddie Sakamura; throwing her head back; resting her hand on his arm; happy to be with him。 Eddie clowned for her; his face mobile。 He seemed to enjoy making her laugh。 But from time to time; her eyes flicked away; glancing around the room。 As if she was waiting for something to happen。 Or for someone to arrive。
 At one point; Sakamura became aware he did not have her full attention。 He grabbed her arm and pulled her roughly toward him。 She turned her face away from him。 He leaned close to her and said something angrily。 Then a bald man stepped forward; very close to the camera。 The light flared on his face; washing out his features; and his head blocked our view of Eddie and the girl。 Then the camera panned left; and we lost them。
 〃Again?〃 Jenny backed it up; and we ran it once more。
 I said; 〃Eddie's obviously not happy with her。〃
 〃I'd say。〃
 Connor frowned。 〃It's so difficult to know what we are seeing。 Do you have sound for this?〃
 Jenny said; 〃Sure; but it's probably walla。〃 She punched buttons and ran it again。 The track was continuous cocktail party din。 Only for brief moments did we hear an isolated phrase。
 At one point; Cheryl Austin looked at Eddie Sakamura and said; 〃。 。 。 can't help if it's important to you I get 。 。 。〃
 His reply to her was garbled; but later; he said clearly to her; 〃Don't understand 。 。 。 all about the Saturday meeting 。 。 。〃
 And in the last few seconds of the pan; when he pulled her to him; he snarled a phrase like 〃。 。 。 be a fool 。 。 。 no cheapie 。 。 。〃
 I said; 〃Did he say 'No cheapie'?〃
 〃Something like that;〃 Connor said。
 Jenny said; 〃Want to run it again?〃
 〃No;〃 Connor said。 〃There's nothing more to be learned here。 Go forward。〃
 〃Right;〃 Jenny said。
 The image accelerated; the party…goers being frenetic; laughing and raising glasses for quick sips。 And then I said; 〃Wait。〃
 Back to normal speed。 A blond woman in an Armani silk suit shaking hands with the bald…headed man we had seen a few moments before。
 〃What is it?〃 Jenny said; looking at me。
 〃That's his wife;〃 Connor said。
 The woman leaned forward to kiss the bald man lightly on the mouth。 Then she stepped back and made some ment about the suit he was wearing。
 〃She's a lawyer in the D。A。's office;〃 Jenny said。 〃Lauren Davis。 She's assisted on a couple of big cases。 The Sunset Strangler; the Kellerman shooting。 She's very ambitious。 Smart and well connected。 They say she has a future if she stays in the office。 It must be true; because Wyland doesn't ever let her get air time。 As you see; she makes a good appearance; but he keeps her away from the microphones。 The bald guy she's talking to is John McKenna; with Regis McKenna in San Francisco。 The pany that does the publicity for most high…tech firms;〃
 I said; 〃We can go forward。〃
 Jenny pushed the button。 〃She really your wife; or is your partner kidding?〃
 〃No; she's really my wife。 Was。〃
 〃You're divorced now?〃
 Jenny looked at me; and started to say something。 Then she decided not to; and looked back at the screen。 On the monitor; the party continued at high speed。
 I found myself thinking of Lauren。 When I knew her; she was bright and ambitious; but she really didn't understand very much。 She had grown up privileged; she had gone to Ivy League schools; and had the privileged person's deep belief that whatever she happened to think was probably true。 Certainly good enough to live by。 Nothing needed to be checked against reality。
 She was young; that was part of it。 She was still feeling the world; learning how it worked。 She was enthusiastic; and she could be impassioned in expounding her beliefs。 But of course her beliefs were always changing; depending on whom she had talked to last。 She was very impressionable。 She tried on ideas the way some women try on hats。 She was always informed on the latest trend。 I found it youthful and charming for a while; until it began to annoy me。
 Because she didn't have any core; any real substance。 She was like a television set: she just played the latest show。 Whatever it was。 She never questioned it。
 In the end; Lauren's great talent was to conform。 She was expert at watching the TV; the newspaper; the boss … whatever she saw as the source of authority … and figuring out what direction the winds were blowing。 And positioning herself so she was where she ought to be。 I wasn't surprised she was getting ahead。 Her values; like her clothes; were always smart and up…to…date…
 〃。 。 。 to you; Lieutenant; but it's getting late 。 。 。 Lieutenant?〃
 I blinked; and came back。 Jenny was talking to me。 She pointed to the screen; where a frozen image showed Cheryl Austin in her black dress; standing with two older men in suits。
 I looked over at Connor; but he had turned away; and was talking on the telephone。
 〃Lieutenant? This of interest to you?〃
 〃Yes; sure。 Who are they?〃
 Jenny started the tape。 It ran at normal speed。
 〃Senator John Morton and Senator Stephen Rowe。 They're both on the Senate Finance mittee。 The one that's been having hearings about this MicroCon sale。〃
 On the screen; Cheryl laughed and nodded。 In motion; she was remarkably beautiful; an interesting mixture of innocence and sexuality。 At moments; her face appeared knowing and almost hard。 She appeared to know both men; but not well。 She did not e close to either of them; or touch them except to shake hands。 For their part; the senators seemed acutely aware of the camera; and maintained a friendly; if somewhat formal demeanor。
 〃Our country's going to hell; and on a Thursday night; United States senators are standing around chatting with models;〃 Jenny said。 〃No wonder we're in trouble。 And these are important guys。 They're talking about Morton as a presidential candidate in the next election。〃
 I said; 〃What do you know about them personally?〃
 〃They're both married。 Well。 Rowe's semi…separated。 His wife stays home in Virginia。 He gets around。 Tends to drink too much。〃
 I looked at Rowe on the monitor。 He was the same man who had gotten on the elevator with us earlier in the evening。 And he had been drunk then; almost falling down。 But he wasn't drunk now。
 〃And Morton?〃
 〃Supposedly he's Mr。 Clean。 Ex…athlete; fitness nut。 Eats health food。 Family man。 Morton's big area is science and technology。 The environment。 American petitiveness; American values。 All that。 But he can't be that clean; I've heard he has a young girlfriend。〃
 〃Is that right?〃
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