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Q:Have you ever taken a position that didn't fit into your longterm plan?  
A:Back in the late eighties; when Wall Street was booming; I was lured away with a highpaying offer in a firm that was trading modities on the Asian market。 Even though I had success in the job; I quickly realized that the work wasn't fulfilling or challenging enough to keep me happy。 So; after two years; I jumped back into the corporate world as a controller for one of the metal plants of my corporation。 I've since moved up in the finance area; and my longterm plans include staying in this industry and assuming greater responsibility in the area of financial planning and control。                 
Q:Other than work; tell me about an activity you've remained interested in over several years。  
A:Ive been involved in Cancer Society fundraising ever since my grandmother died from the disease。 In the back of my mind I guess Im hoping that the research can lead to findings in time to save the life of someone else in my family。  
Q:What do you do in your spare time?  
A:I really enjoy getting outside—I often go camping and hiking。 I've learned a lot about different fabrics that are good for various weather conditions。 That's why I'm so interested in your textile operations。  
Q:Do you have a balanced lifestyle?  
A:I make an effort to get out of the office at a reasonable hour twice a week。 I go home and walk my dog。 Thats one of the most relaxing things I do; but it often helps me think of solutions for problems at work; even though I'm not consciously trying to solve those problems。  
Q:What outside activities plement your workinterests?  
A:Ive always enjoyed tennis。 In many ways it's a game of strategy and pacing。 When something isnt working in the first set; you have to change your strategy for the second set。 You also have to pace your energy in case you go to a third set; and constantly watch and read your opponent's reactions。 I'm a gutsy tennis player—I go for the big points sometimesbut I'm careful with timing。 Thats the way I am at work; too。  
Q:Tell me about a time you were in a recreational setting and got an idea that helped in your work。  
A:I was on vacation in Mexico and saw a woman with a homemade seesaw she was using to lift her laundry basket when she needed something out of it。 It gave me an idea for a new type of scaffolding; which I designed when I got back to work。 Now our brick masons have a rotating bench that keeps their materials at waist level; which reduces back fatigue。                 
Q:How is your personality reflected in the kinds ofactivities you enjoy?  
A:I love to cook and entertain。 Thats the salesman ing out in me。 I love sharing experiences with people; and I'm very outgoing。 I dont particularly enjoy being alone。 I always feel as if I should be doing something。  
Q:What kinds of leisure activities help you perform your work better?  
A:I enjoy sitting outside during lunch and talking with students。 It gives me a chance to get fresh air; but it also helps the students get fortable with me; so theyre more likely to seek my help when they need it。  
Q:What do you do to relax?  
A:I have a great family。 Weekends are like a vacation for me。 When Im at work; I focus on work; but when I'm home on weekends; work really is far from my mind。  
One of the smartest things I did was to move twenty miles outside of town; even the drive home is relaxing。  
Q:If you found yourself getting burned out; what would you do to revitalize your energy?  
A:I dont allow myself to get involved in a routine to the point that I get burned out。 I've always be
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