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n the floor; measured it and traced the sole treads onto a sheet of transparent paper。
  Next it was fingerprints。
  I dusted every touch; grab and press surface in the room; I dusted the few smooth spines and glossy pages in the books on the floor。 The books yielded only streaks; the other surfaces brought up smudges; glove marks and two separate and distinct sets of latents。 Finishing; I took a pen and circled the smaller digits on the door; doorjamb and wall molding by the mattress headboard。 Then I got out my magnifying glass and Betty Short's print blow…up and made parisons。
  One identical point;
  Three…enough for a courtroom。
  Four; five; six; my hands shaking because this was unimpeachably where the Black Dahlia was butchered; shaking so hard I couldn't transfer the other set of latents to plates。 I hacked a four…digit spread off the door with my knife and wrapped it in tissue…forensic amateur night。 I packed up my kit; tremble…walked outside; saw the running water and knew that was where the killer drained the body。 Then a strange flash of color by some rocks next to the stream caught my eye。
  A baseball bat…the business end stained dark maroon。
  I walked to the car thinking of Betty alive; happy; in love with some guy who'd never cheat on her。 Passing through the park; I looked up at Mount Lee。 The sign now read just Hollywood; the band was playing; 〃There's No Business Like Show Business。〃
  *  *  *
  I drove downtown。 The LA city personnel office and the office of the Immigration and Naturalization Service were closed for the day。 I called R&I and got goose egg on Scotland…born George Tildens…and I knew I'd go crazy if I waited overnight to make the print confirmation。 It came down to calling in a superior officer; breaking and entering or bribery。
  Remembering a janitor cleaning up outside the personnel office; I tried number three。 The old man heard my phony story out; accepted my double…sawbuck; unlocked the door and led me to a bank of filing cabinets。 I opened a drawer marked CITY PROPERTY CUSTODIAL…PART…TIME; got out my magnifying glass and powder…dusted piece of wood…and held my breath。
  Tilden; George Redmond; born Aberdeen; Scotland; 3/4/1896。 5 foot 11; 185 pounds; brown hair; green eyes。 No address; listed as 〃Transient…contact for work thru E。 Sprague; WE4391。〃 California Driver's license # LA 68224; vehicle: 1939 Ford pickup; license 6B119A; rubbish…hauling territory Manchester to Jefferson; La Brea to Hoover…39th and Norton right in the middle of it。 Left… and right…hand fingerprints at the bottom of the page; one; two; three; four; five; six; seven; eight; nine matching parison points…three for a conviction; six more for a one…way to the gas chamber。 Hello; Elizabeth。
  I closed the drawer; gave the janitor an extra ten…spot to keep him quiet; packed up the evidence kit and walked outside。 I pinpointed the moment: 8:10 P。M。; Wednesday; June 29; 1949; the night a flunky harness bull cracked the most famous unsolved homicide in California history。 I touched the grass to see if it felt different; waved at office workers passing by; pictured myself breaking the news to the padre and Thad Green and Chief Horrall。 I saw myself back at the Bureau; a lieutenant inside of a year; Mr。 Ice exceeding the wildest Fire and Ice expectations。 I saw my name in the headlines; Kay ing back to me。 I saw the Spragues squeezed dry; disgraced by their plicity in the killing; all their money useless。 And that was what kiboshed my reverie: there was no way for me to make the arrest without admitting I suppressed evidence on Madeleine and Linda Martin back in '47。 It was either anonymous glory or public disaster。
  Or back…door justice。
  I drove to Hancock Park。 Ramona's Cadillac and Martha's Lincoln were gone from the circular driveway; Emmett's Chrysler and Madeleine's Packard remained。 I parked my lackluster Chevy crossways next to them; the rear tires sunk into the gardener's rose bush border。 The front door looked impregnable; but a side window was open。 I hoisted myself up and into the living room。
  Balto the stuffed dog was there by the fireplace; guarding a score of packing crates lined up on the floor。 I checked them out; they were filled to the top with clothes; silverware and ritzy bone china。 A cardbox box at the end of the row was overflowing with cheap cocktail dresses…a weird anomaly。 A sketch pad; the top sheet covered with drawings of women's faces; was wedged into one corner。 I thought of merical artist Martha; then heard voices upstairs。
  I went to them; my 。45 out; the silencer screwed on tight。 They were ing from the master bedroom: Emmett's burr; Madeleine's pout。 I pressed myself to the hallway wall; eased down to the doorway and listened。
  〃。 。 。 besides; one of my foremen said the goddamn pipes are spewing gas。 There'll be hell to pay; lassie。 Health and safety code violations at the very least。 It's time for me to show the three of you Scotland; and let our Jew friend Mickey C。 utilize his talent for public relations。 He'll put the onus on old Mack or the pinkos or some convenient stiff; trust me he will。 And when things are kosher again; we'll e home。〃
  〃But I don't want to go to Europe; Daddy。 Oh God; Scotland。 You've never been able to talk about it without saying how dreadful and provincial it is。〃
  〃Is it your toothy chum you think you'll be missing? Ahh; I suspect it is。 Well; let me put your heart to rest。 Aberdeen's got strapping plowboys who'll put that piss…poor excuse for a man to shame。 Less inquisitive; lads who know their place。 You'll not lack for sturdy cocksmen; let me assure you。 Bleichert served his purpose to us a long time ago; and it's just the danger…loving part of you that took him back in。 An injudicious part; I might add。〃
  〃Oh Daddy; I don't…〃
  I wheeled and stepped into the bedroom。 Emmett and Madeleine were lying on the big canopied bed; clothed; her head on his lap; his rough carpenter's hands massaging her shoulders。 The father…lover noticed me first; Madeleine pouted when Daddy's caresses stopped。 My shadow hit the bed; she screamed。
  Emmett silenced her; a whip…fast hand glinting with gemstones over her mouth。 He said; 〃This isn't a cuckold; lad。 It's just affection; and we've a dispensation for it。〃
  The man's reflexes and dinner table tone were pure style。 I aped his calm: 〃Georgie Tilden killed Elizabeth Short。 She called here on January twelfth; and one of you fixed her up with Georgie。 She took the Wilshire bus out here to meet him。 Now you fill the rest of it in。〃
  Madeleine; eyes wide; trembled under her father's hand。 Emmett looked at the none too steady gun aimed at him。 〃I don't dispute that statement and I don't dispute your somewhat belated desire to see justice done。 Shall I tell you where George can be found?〃
  〃No。 First you tell me about you two; then you tell me about your dispensation。〃
  〃It's not germane; lad。 I'll congratulate you on your detective work and tell you where Georgie can be found; and we'll leave it at that。 Neither of us wants to see Maddy hurt; and discussing dour old family matters would affect her adversely。〃
  As i
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